Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From Friends To Sisters In One Night

Planning a wedding.....

by TeamWentz17 0 reviews

So, this is not a very long chapter, it's more of a planning chapter. Trish and Leah return to school, but aren't going to tell anyone about their engagements. Gerard and Mikey's mom is helping wit...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2007-01-12 - Updated: 2007-01-13 - 694 words

Weeks had past and the girls returned to school. Ecstatic as they were, they both agreed not to tell anyone of their friends about it. Who would believe them anyway? They still happily flaunted their engagement rings, but when asked who gave the rings to them, they would say that they just bought them at the store.
Leah and Trish ate their lunch outside one afternoon and were discussing the wedding and bachlerette party. Everything was to be joint, for expense purposes and the fact that Gerard and Mikey were brothers.
"I'm thinking red and white roses and pink and yellow carnations for our flowers," suggested Trish.
Leah agreed and suggested "I think we should have the reception at Mommy Way's house."
'Mommy Way' is Trish and Leah's nickname to Gerard and Mikey's mom. Mommy Way thought it was cute. She would call them her daughters.
"I totally agree and I think Mommy Way should be in the bridal party," Leah suggested.
Just then the lunch bell rang and the two girls headed back to class. As Trish was sitting in class she kept on gazing at her ring. It was a platinum band with a single diamond in the middle. Every time she looked at her ring, she thought of Gerard and how she could officially say that she was in-love.
The day progressed as usual and when it was over, Trish and Leah went over to Mommy Way's house. Mommy Way, had made a fresh batch of cookies and the three were discussing the wedding. Trish and Leah told her their ideas and she loved every one of them. They laughed and looked through pictures of Gerard and Mikey's childhood.
"Aww, look at Gerard, he's such a cutie pie," said Trish with a smile.
"He was a good baby, but didn't like eating his vegetables," Mommy Way explained.
"Mikey's glasses are SOOOO cute! They cover his whole face!" laughed Leah.
"Yea, he never liked his glasses when he was growing up, he likes his "emo" glasses now," Mommy Way laughed.
"So, let's talk, food for the wedding," announced Trish.
"Yea, I was thinking home cooking?" suggested Mommy Way.
"That'd be cool and not to mention good!" exclaimed Leah.
The three put together a list of food for the wedding. The cake was to be ordered and Mommy Way was to make the rest. Trish and Leah also decided to hire a bartender and to have the reception outside. The wedding was to be held at a church, but outside, because it was beginning to be spring and all of the flowers were blooming. Trish and Leah were to graduate in a few short months and so they wanted to get the wedding plans well underway.
"I'm having a graduation party, and I'm going to use some of the money for our savings," Trish announced.
"Yea, that would be good, but you know, Gerard is famous and has money, so it's not like you two will be in the poor house anytime soon. Same goes with you, Leah," Mommy Way assured them.
"I'm thinking that us four should go to a nice hotel for a weekend, for the bachlerette party," Leah suggested.
"Us for? Oh, Krystle, too?" asked Mommy Way.
Leah nodded. She told them about a cutesy little town that had stores and a beach and a big grand hotel. It was a perfect little get-a-way for all four of them to enjoy. A whole spa treatment and food was included, with the special girls night out package. Leah called the hotel and made reservations. Mommy Way offered to pay for the weekend. It was one of her wedding gifts to her new daughters.
Later on, Trish was at home on the computer, looking at wedding dresses. She found her dream dress. Spaghetti strapped long princess dress. It was beaded everywhere and it had a corset strapped back. Trish decided to go to the store and get fitted for it. Once she got to the store, she was immediately fitted and she paid for the dress. She was to have Leah come back with her and get fitted for another dress.
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