Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Don't Know How You Do It

I Don't Want To Start Over Again

by -LoVe-CaNt-SaVe-YoU- 2 reviews

this is my favourite chapter so far.. dont know why! r+r ppl!!!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 868 words

Patrick held Bree's hand as they walked into Pete's house. The party could be heard from outside, The Smiths could be heard from the top of his street. The lights were on in every room and you couldn't turn without banging into someone. Most of these people Bree didn't even know, but she didn't really mind the people she cared about were here and that's all that mattered. Pete took a run and jump and pulled Bree into a bear hug nearly knocking her over in the process.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" he yelled right in her ear over the music.

"Thanks Pete!" she replied grinning like an eejit. She couldn't believe the guys had gone through all this trouble for her.

"Happy Birthday Bree!" Andy and Joe both said hugging her also.

Patrick and Bree walked into the kitchen to get drinks. While Bree as pouring herself a drink Patrick froze noticing the cuts on her hands.

"Bree..." he choked out.


"You haven't.." he muttered accusingly looking down at her hands.

"Huh?" she followed his gaze to her hands and silently cursed herself.
"I swear I haven't. I was angry and I punched my mirror and the glass broke that's all.."

"Bree, please if you are then tell me." Patrick cupped her face with his hands. He didn't believe her.

"I swear, I didn't ..." she couldn't believe he didn't just believe her.

"Its ok really"

"NO its not ok! If I told you I didn't do it, then I didn't!" Bree said raising her voice.

"Ok, but if you were you'd tell me.." he said still sounding unsure. He tried to calm her by hugging her but she pulled away.

"I- I cant talk to you right now.." she murmured shaking her head and walking away leaving Patrick standing alone.

He couldn't believe what just happened. Maybe she isn't cutting? he thought having doubts and feeling guilty about not trusting her enough to believe her. He opened a bottle of beer and started drinking, replaying the scene in his mind over and over wondering what he should have done differently, and he didn't stop till four beers later, it suddenly struck him that he had to go to the bathroom.

"Fuck" he muttered aloud as he realised there was a line of about five people for the bathroom. He took his place at the back of the line behind a girl with familiar blonde hair.
She turned around and Patrick felt his stomach do back flips and not in a good way.

"Patrick! Hi!" she squealed touching his arm playfully.

"Hi Alex" he slurred to be polite.

"SO how have you been?" she asked again touching his arm.

"Fine" he mumbled not sounding convincing.

"You don't sound fine!" she said faking empathy "Problems with Bree"

"No" he lied. Bear in mind Patrick was drunk and not in any state to even talk to people let alone lie to an ex-girlfriend.

"You never had any of those problems when we were together did you?" she said in a low seductive tone getting dangerously close.

"Mmmm" he mumbled not sure if that was a "yes" or "no" answer himself.

He could feel her breath on his face now. This was not good. She leaned in and whispered in his ear:

"I think we both miss that"

She leaned in and kissed him on the lips eventually slipping her tongue in hearing no complaints from him. She smirked into the kiss I knew it, he still wants me
She thought.

In reality he was thinking quite the opposite. How can I do this to Bree?! She doesn't deserve this? What am I doing? Just pull away Patrick, just pull away its that simple! No it isn't Alex just, this doesn't feel wrong but it doesn't feel right either.

He sobered up and pulled away
"Alex I cant do this I'm sorry"

She looked shocked. "Whatever" she muttered shouldering him on her way passed. Patrick's gaze followed her and he noticed a familiar red and black figure in the corner of his eye.


5 minutes Earlier

Maybe I was a little hard on Patrick Bree thought sitting on the couch with drink (non-alcholic) in hand in Pete's living room while everybody else seemed to be having a great time she was sitting there depressed at her own party. Pretty ironic! she scoffed silently. He was just concerned, its not that he doesn't trust me, I think. I should go find him. That fight was pathetic on my behalf, he was only trying to help and I went all defensive.

Bree checked the kitchen, no luck she walked into the hall and saw to people pushed up shamelessly against a wall. That hat looks familiar... So does that blonde hair she thought before she copped on. Reality hit her like a kick in the stomach. She stood there frozen for awhile before she couldn't watch anymore and turned and ran oput of Pete's house straight onto the patio and sat on the bench taking deep breaths trying in vain to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. Don't cry! Don't you dare start to cry she thought desperately but it was no use.
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