Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Friends For Enemies

H: 8

by Oreo-child 0 reviews

This started out on, but I'm having this weird problem so I'm typing it here.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-01-16 - Updated: 2007-01-16 - 2114 words

Bell's POV

"Okay Patty Cake," I said to Patrick as we pulled into the school parking lot, "Let's get one thing straight today: You are not to do any more dangerous stunts until your body heals. Do you have a note or something to get yourself out of gym?" He reached into his pocket and whipped out a slip. "Okay, just so I know you're so safe. Even though you're not in a wheel chair, I'd advise you to use the ramp because stairs do not suit you at the moment. If you start feeling pain, go to the nurse or my class, whichever is closer. You know my schedule, right?" Patrick nodded. " Okay, just so I know you're safe." I gave him a peck on the forehead. "Let's try not to get hurt today, alright?"
"Yes, mommy!" Patrick answered in his most childish voice. He put a big cheese on his face and it made me wanna laugh out loud. "Do I get nap time too?"
"No Pat. Now let's get into the school." I told him before opening my door. Patrick had just picked his cane off the floor when I came around and opened his door. He didn't expect it, but I could tell by the sparkle in his eyes that he appreciated it.
All the way to the big doors of the school that we attend, Lakewood Academy, people were giving Patrick all kinds of empathetic looks and gasps. There were a couple of ass heads who laughed, but not enough where Pat nor I couldn't just ignore them.
Our lockers were on 2 different floors because I was as senior; he was still a junior. So I walked up 2 flights to his locker with him before going up the last set of stairs to my hallway.
I did my combination and had just opened up the little familiar door when I heard girlish laughter and valley talk. The smell of expensive perfume and bubble gum lip gloss stung the inside of my nose. The Days of the Week Group had arrived.
There were 7 of them, of course: Chrissy, Mandy, Ashley, Brittany, Tory, Cassy, and (surprise) Nikky. They were friends since 7th grade and met because out of pure luck, they shared every single class with each other. 7 hours a day. The name of this ditzy bunch came about since the days of the week all end with y, just like their names. Although Christina, Amanda, Cassandra, and Nichole are the true names of four of the girls, they don't respond to it. Nor do they respond to stuff that isn't rich or pricey.
I think that same curse came into play when locker selection began because I ended up on the locker right next to Tory, who's is next to Mandy and across from Brittany. Even though the girls get on my last nerves, I rather be around any of them except Cassy. She hates me and I return the feelings.
About 2 years ago I went over Patrick's house because I needed help with some math problems when all of a sudden, he comes running out of the house and straight into my arms, crying his eyeballs out. The day before, Cassy asked him to go to a party with her. He happily said yes, not realizing like I did that she was just gonna play him. He was bawling because she called and told him that her once ex-boyfriend had gotten too jealous at the thought of Cassy dating around and wanted her back. I knew that she was going to do that though, because she's done the same to other guys. I gave Patrick a hug and spent the rest of my time over there comforting him.
Anyhoo, it seemed that the rest of the girls had got their stuff together and gathered around Brittany's locker, for she was the gossip queen of this town. If you did it, she knew. I usually ignored the little buzzing, but the loudest of them, Chrissy, had repeated something aloud that got my attention. "Oh My Gawd! You were at the Trohman party?"
I didn't even know she was invited! Joe is not handling the RSVP list ever again! I already had my books in my hands, but I made it look like I was busy in my locker and not eavesdropping. But I was, trying to listen to what they had to say about us. "Look Chrissy, just because you didn't get to go doesn't mean you can go shouting it across the school." Brittany told this to Chrissy and she looked down and promised to stay quiet. "Okay, here I go. There were a ton of awesome love songs-"
"Yeah," Cassy cut off Brittany, "Sounds sweet, but we wanna know the juiciest stuff you can dish out."
"Like who had on designer clothes." Tory jumped in.
"Or who ate themselves sick." Ashley added.
"No, no, no! Not that little stuff!" Cassy was absolutely furious with her friends. "I mean, what went down there that we should've known?"
Brittany sighed and "thought" before answering. "Alright, I know. First, John Hamilton hooked up with Tina Underling once he saw her enter the door." There was immediate groans of disappointment. "No, wait. I having even began yet.
"Andy Hurley was dancing with our friends Alyssa and Elise Donovan. Joe Trohman was making serious moves with Shiann Motley. Oh, have you guys seen that Stump kid?" Chrissy paused to see only two heads nod. I listened very intently. "Well, for those who didn't, he's in, like, horrible condition. He's bruised and broken everywhere on his body. That happened at the party." Somebody gasped. "Yeah. I'd feel sorry as hell for him if it wasn't from him tripping down stairs looking for beer!
Brittany paused for a second, announcing that the she was about to get dramatic. I perked my ears and wondered if she knew what I hope she didn't. I was wrong. "But I haven't even told you guys the best part yet. Get ready: Pete Wentz has a new girlfriend!" All the girls, even the gossip, were squealing. Some were obviously squeals of excitement, while the less conspicuous ones were of frustration, anger, and discontent. It even took Brittany a second to regroup herself. "Um, I'm okay. So, the story is that they were, like, getting it on in the darkest corners. They were making out and everything. Then Pete left for a second because the rumor is, he was getting an emergency condom that Joe kept in the kitchen. Once he found one, first she headed upstairs, then Pete came, just so it didn't look suspicious. They didn't come down for 10 minutes." Again the girls squealed, except they sounded more like pissed growls. "Stump, who was also upstairs, probably trying to sleep off the pain, came running downstairs and Pete and his girl were right on his tail. But Joe cussed them out for having sex in his house!"
"Did you, like, see who she was?" Nikky asked, maybe she wondered if the mystery girl was prettier than her.
"Now, if you think I knew who it was, would I'd kept calling her 'she' or 'The girl'?" Brittany said in an annoyed tone. Then once she started talking again, suspense was beginning to hang in her voice. "Even though I don't know for sure, I got a hint. Shiann said while she was dancing with Joe, Bell, his sister, came up and asked if he knew where Pete was. Joe said 'Just because your boyfriend's missing doesn't mean we all have to suffer.' Hm?" Was all she said before the whole pack turned around to face me, who was now trying to hurry away to first period. But 7-1 wasn't a fair chance to escape and in 2 seconds, I was surrounded, with Cassy right in my face.
"Uh, hi. I'd like to get to class now so would you please get out my way?" I asked in a mock innocent voice. Not even Ashley, the ditziest, was buying it.
"I know you heard us," Tory started, "because even on a busy day, you're out of you locker, like, 20 minutes before the bell, Bell!" I shrugged my shoulders.
"So, is it true?" Nikky asked me with little tears welling up in her eyes. Everybody knew she had the biggest obsession with Pete (after me, of course.) "Are you going out with, um, the man of my dreams?"
"Yeah Trohman, are you knocking boots with Wentz?" Chrissy said in her usual booming voice, causing a few (actually, I only saw a few. There may have been dozens!) heads to turn our way.
"Don't attract attention, Chrissy!" Mandy snapped at her. "We got enough of that already." Then she looked at me "But seriously, are you two an item now?"
"Does it look like I'm the type to go out with Pete Wentz?" I lied convincingly. I'd even believed myself for a second. Everyone except Tory, who was examining my clothes, and Cassy, who was giving me the royal stare-down, nodded in agreement.
"I still don't think you're telling us truth," Cassy snarled, "But as of right now, we have no proof. I guess you're safe for the moment. You can go now." As she said this, she was making a gap in their trap for me to exit thru. As I tried to make my leave, however, I felt someone grab my wrist and I was whisked around to meet Tory's face.
"You know, it's tacky sometimes to wear patriotic clothing." She told me. I didn't understand; my outfit was a white t-shirt and blue pants. I didn't see any red until she pointed to my neck. "Red-ass Hickey." Was her simple comment before the circle closed once more and they all were making an attempt to look at the spot, but I held my hand to it.
"Just because I have a red spot on my neck doesn't mean I'm dating Pete nor anyone else. It's probably that itch I had earlier." I tried to make up excuses, but they weren't working anymore. Finally both of my hands were constricted as Ashley took a look.
"Ha, it looks like a butterfly!" She giggled before Cassy pushed her out of the way.
"Butterfly-shaped hickey?" Cassy said. "Only Pete gives out hickies formed like that!" All the girls stared devilishly into my eyes, because the truth was now out. But I still made one more attempt.
"Okay, just so you all know: I'm not dating Pete Wentz. I just made out with him after the party. He was on his way to his car when I came outside to check out the stars. We both had too much to drink... Okay, I see you guys aren't buying this anymore."
Nikky just lost it and tried to attack me. "I'LL KILL YOU!! STAY THE HELL OFF OF MY MAN!!! YOU WHORE!!! DON'T FUCK HIM ANYMORE!!! YOU WANT TO LIE ABOUT BEING WITH HIM, SO DON'T!!!!! HE'S MINE!!!!" Even if they don't like me, the rest of the group wouldn't let Nikky get me.
"Excuse me, he was never yours," I said calmly. "He asked me out, not you and not the other way around. The only reason I didn't say the truth is because I didn't want this," I nodded towards Nikky, "to happen. And for your info, we haven't had sex yet!" All of a sudden, there was total silence among the group. Nikky even stopped trying to claw my eyes out.
Cassy looked curiously at me. "I'm just wondering... Are you a virgin?" She asked me. ~Am I that obvious that people can tell about my sex life just by glancing at me?~
"Not that it's your business, but yes I am." I turned my head to an excited Brittany. "Are you gonna go gossiping about that all over the school grounds?" Cassy started chuckling.
"You don't know that much about Pete, do you?" She was eyeing me oddly.
"What are you talking about? I was friends with him for years, so there's nothing I don't know about him!" I retorted.
Cassy got closer to me than I think she ever needed to be and laughed softly. "Well, there are still gullible girls in the world today." Before I got a chance to figure out what she meant, she turned my head and whispered the statement the nearly ruined my life.
Cassy walked off giggling with her followers behind her, leaving me in a state of turmoil.
"Pete only sleeps with virgins. It's because he's embarrassed he had his own virginity snatched up by my black widow sister, Catherine." ~Death, consume my now.~
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