Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Don't Know How You Do It

Will I Feel The Same Tomorrow?

by -LoVe-CaNt-SaVe-YoU- 2 reviews

... soz its been so long since i last updated!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-01-28 - Updated: 2007-01-28 - 788 words

Bree stirred as she woke up to find herself on the living room couch not even remembering falling asleep there last night. She looked at her phone to check the time, it was noon. She saw a list of missed calls too. All from Patrick, but only one voice mail. She let out a sigh and placed her finger on the call button not sure if she even wanted to hear whatever Patrick had said in the message. / If I don't at least listen to it, I'll never know what he might have had to say /. Reluctantly pressed her thumb down on the call button and held the phone to her ear.

Bree? Its Patrick... Please pick up. We need to talk, Please. What I did was so wrong and terrible but you have to understand I was drunk and she kissed me and I kissed her back, I'll admit, but it didn't mean anything! Bree I love you so much and it kills me that I did this to you, cause I know the last thing you need right now is people you cant trust. I don't know what else I can say to make you forgive me. Call me back. Please. We need to talk.

Bree felt the tears well up in her eyes and tried to blink them back but couldn't. She wanted to be able to forgive him so badly but she knew if she did it would never be the same. Maybe some time in the future but not anytime soon. She couldn't bear to see him everyday either that was why she knew she should go with her dad and Melody to L.A. Then Patrick could move on and she could... well she wasn't entirely sure what she was going to do but it wasn't going to involve him or Chicago.

She heard the door slam behind her and hurriedly wiped her tear stained face with her hands before turning around to face Melody strutting into the hall suitcases in hand.

"I'm HOME!" she shrieked excitedly knowing that Bree hadn't missed her at all.
"Your dad's gone to LA for a business meeting so he wont be back till tomorrow." Melody added.

"Oh joy.." Bree mumbled getting up and attempted to walk passed her without having to talk to the whore but failed.

"Why are you all dressed up??" she asked motioning towards Bree's dress.

"Not like you care but it was my birthday yesterday.." Bree replied trying to keep her answers short as possible.

"Who would throw you a party?!" she questioned with a look of disbelief on her face.

"My boy- ... a few friends.."

"Funny, didn't think you any!" Melody laughed and Bree turned and started walking back up the stairs feeling to drained

"You should pack your stuff in some boxes or something since we're moving soon..." Melody shouted after Bree.

"How soon?"

"Next week, and please no drama. We're moving get over it your not gonna change that."


Melody looked taken a back that Bree hadn't argued.

"Hmmm... Ok, ... Ok... Well that's settled then I'll leave some boxes outside your door."

Bree finally got to her bedroom without any further interruptions. She sat down on her bed and stared blankly at her bedroom wall thinking about what a fool she was thinking things might actually work out with her and Patrick. That things might actually work out with her for once but no. She got up and changed out of her dressed down into her normal jeans and t shirt and examined her reflection and tried putting on a fake smile but even she wasn't buying it. Her phone rang from across the room and she froze. She knew it was Patrick it had to be, she checked the caller ID. Pete

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Bree, its Pete. Joe told me what happened, I'm sorry. But you have to know that he left a little while after you ran out. I called but he wont answer, Bree you have to know he loves you right?"

"Pete, too many people in my life have let me down and I just, - I cant, - I never thought Patrick would be one of them. I cant forgive him because I know if I did, there'd always be a part of me that wouldn't trust him. He can forget about me once I leave anyways."

"Wait, What!? Your leaving! To go where? For how long??"

"Ehm, I don't wanna have to tell you over the phone but, would you, Andy and Joe meet me in XO tomorrow?"

"Yeah ok... " Pete replied unsure of what was going on.

"OK so I better go cause I got stuff to do, see ya!"
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