Categories > Original > Drama > Skin Deep


by Skye 0 reviews

"Hayleigh! I need your help!"

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-02-08 - Updated: 2007-02-08 - 1078 words

"Mrs. Gordman, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously. Mrs. Gordman was our assistant principal, and she never let us forget it. "Well, I couldn't help but notice that you sit alone everyday. It must be very depressing." she said. "No, actually I like eating alone" I said, truthfully. "Oh, please! No one likes eating alone! That's why I invited these girls, and guy, to eat with you. That way you won't be so lonely." I looked to her left. Sitting there in row where Brittany, Jake and Stephanie, one of Brittany's friends. Her other friends had second lunch. I have to say, I think I hated Mrs. Gordman more than I hated Brittany just then. I already had to deal with them enough during the school day. Now I have to eat with them! I was ready to cry.

Brittany didn't look to happy herself. She just sat there glaring at me with a look that said "Once Mrs. Gordman leaves this room, you will die". Honestly, that look scared me. "Alright girls, and guy, have a good lunch." said Mrs Gordman, leaving the table. "NO!" I wanted to scream. But, I didn't. I just watched Mrs. Gordman walk away. "So, Johnson, don't think I haven't forgotten about my books. They're still lying there, on the cold floor. And they're going to stay there until you pick them up." Jake said, threateningly. "Well, then I guess you're going to be getting a lot of 0's in Math, Biology, and Spanish." I said, feeling brave. "What was that Johnson?" he said. "You heard me. Oh, and, by the way, I have a name. It's Hayleigh, not Johnson."

"Do I look like I care what your name is?", he asked. "No, but I just thought you should know anyways. You know, just incase by some miracle you get some manners.", I replied. I could tell he was mad now. "You're a mouthy little shit aren't you?" he said, standing up. "Jake, sit down, you're drawing attention to us. I don't want to be seen with her!", said Brittany. Jake grabbed his tray and walked away. "What has gotten into you?" asked Brittany. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You aren't scared anymore. It's like you don't even care.", she said. I have to say, this is the nicest Brittany Craig has been to anyone. "Well, I don't. I've gotten used to it. It's just something I have to do everyday. Whether I like it or not. Besides, I'm tired of running, I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of putting up with all your crap." I said. "My crap?" she said. "Yes, your crap." I said. She suddenly did something I wasn't expecting. She grabbed her cup of grape juice and poured it all down my shirt. "What the hell was that for!?" I screamed. "That'll show you crap!" she said, and walked away. I grabbed a napkin and starting mopping up the mess.

When the bell rang, I went down to the nurses office and asked for a new shirt. She gave me a green one with a little blue flower in the middle. It looked so fifth grade, but I didn't care. It was dry and warm. The nurse gave me a pass to class, and I headed to fifth hour. My fifth hour was English. It was also my worst favorite class. Mrs. Craig, Brittany's mom, was the teacher. I have a feeling that Brittany tells her lies about me. Either that or she really hates me! I mean REALLY hates me! I walked into class and handed her my slip that said that I was at the nurse and was to be excused.

"Oh, Hayleigh. How nice of you to join us." said Mrs. Craig. I handed her my slip and took my seat. "Hayleigh Johnson! I can't believe you would do something like this!" she said.. "What?" I asked. "I can't believe that you would forge a nurse slip and expect me to fall for your trick!" I couldn't believe she just said that. "I didn't forge it! You can ask the nurse!" I said. "Don't you raise your voice young lady!" she said. I sat down and looked ahead. "Well, for your punishment, you will have detention next Tuesday." She said. She had done it. She had officially crushed me. It wasn't that she gave me detention, it was that she planned it for Tuesday. I knew why she picked that day of all the others. Tuesday was my birthday. I would be turning 15. I was going to have a day of fun going to the mall, and going to the movies. Not with my friends. I don't have any remember. I would be going with my mom, but she was as much of a friend to me as I was going to get.

I held my tears all through her class. Then, I went to History class. Mrs. Gillum was a pretty nice lady. I asked her if I could go to the bathroom, and she excused me. I ran to the bathroom and got there just in time to break down. I cried and cried and cried. Then, I cried some more. When I was done crying. I returned to class. "Hayleigh, are you OK?" asked Mrs. Gillum. "You look like you've been crying" "Oh, I'm fine Mrs. Gillum. Thanks though.", a said with a small smile. "Alright dear. If you ever need anything, I'll be here." she said kindly.

After History, I went to my last class, Art. I hated that class. I was so far from being an artist, it wasn't even funny. Mr. Coldiny passed back our last projects as I walked to my seat. "Hayleigh, another poor project." he said, disappointed. "I've noticed that you have the highest grade in all of your classes, except this one and English. I suspect you think this class doesn't mean anything. Well, it does. I expect your next project to be at least a B!" "Yes, Mr. Coldiny", I said. To tell you the truth, I really didn't think this class mattered. Well, I did, but I didn't think it mattered AS much as my other ones.

Finally the end-of-the-day bell rang. I walked to my locker and pulled out my Math, French, and History books. I was headed for the doors, walking past the bathrooms when I heard some scream from the bathroom, "Hayleigh! I need your help!" .
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