Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Primal Scream


by InuYashasBitch 0 reviews

InuYasha finds another hanyou--- but what does he want with InuYasha?

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Inuyasha, Koga, Miroku, Sesshoumaru, Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-02-09 - Updated: 2007-02-10 - 772 words

When InuYasha regained his sense, he was halfway down the Sunset Strip, "Kouga, what the hell are you doing?"

The overly excited wolf looked at him, eyes gleaming. "I got tickets to see Motley fucking Crue!"

InuYasha stopped, "Where?"

"Tonight, now, at the Whiskey. Hurry!" With that, he was gone before InuYasha could reply.

The concert looked exactly like he had imagined, lovely women lining the streets wearing so little, and tough acting guys checking them out from along the wall. The place dripped with the excitement, setting off something deep in InuYasha's blood. It was a strange feeling, one he'd never encountered, it was like a feeling of belonging.

He ditched the wolf at the door with some chicks and moved through the pulsing crowd, smiling just enough to show off some fang. His ego inflated a bit more when his ears, covered in a black bandana, overheard girls confessing how hot they thought he was and just what they'd do for him.

Moving slowly across the dance floor he found the backstage door. Little did he know his life was about to change. InuYasha's eyes scanned the hallway just beyond the door, wondering how he could sweet-talk his way back there. Lost in his musings, he almost missed the stare he was getting from the most evil hanyou he'd ever seen.



InuYasha blinked, his ear involuntarily twitched as he took in the Nikki Sixx's gaze and scent-- so much like his own. With a nod, the bassist acknowledged his presence, but InuYasha felt so much more. He'd never quite felt a connection like that and it left him questioning his own manhood...

Surely, he wasn't beginning to like men?

InuYasha turned to leave, a shudder rolling down his spine like a shiatsu massage.

Kouga was too drunk to notice that InuYasha seemed strange tonight, he just figured that he was high like himself. But the silver haired demon could not remove his eyes from the evil bassist, who in turn could not keep his eyes from InuYasha. By the time the two hour show was over, InuYasha was soaked with sweat and a bundle of nerves. he'd never communicated with another hanyou mentally before, but somehow Nikki was doing just that.

When the lights finally went down, InuYasha moved around in the darkness of the alley beside the bar. As he had thought, Nikki waited for him.

"You're a hanyou," InuYasha said, never considering he might be wrong.

"You're observant, pup." Nikki laughed some. "I smelled you as soon as you walked in, and not because you're in need of a bath."

InuYasha lifted his arm and sniffed his armpit, "Eeeee, ok so I could use a shower-- but it was hot in there."

"Listen, I want to talk to you-- alone-- tomorrow." Nikki handed him a card. "I'll be in town for week and there's my adress. I think you and I could benefit each other. And don't bring your freinds-- I don't think they'd approve."

"Wow, I dunno what to say," InuYasha stared at the car in his hand.

"Just say ok and meet me around two pm."

"But why-- how--"

Nikki silenced him with a growl, "I was told of you in a dream-- you are chosen."

"The fuck--" InuYasha watched him walking away, his spine tingled.

A commotion behind him made him turn. Sesshomaru was underneath at least 4 guys who he quickly threw off him as more jumped in. Growling protectively at seeing his flesh and blood attacked, he jumped in head first. InuYasha's jumping into the fight was a lot like a rabid pit bull attacking a pack of cur dogs, his fangs had grown in anger and he ripped everything in sight.

Sesshomaru and InuYasha were left standing back to back, snarling at what once had been bad asses that were now slinking away.

"What the hell are you doing here?" InuYasha snapped.

"Looking for you-- again!"

"Good thing I was here to save you!" The hanyou mused, brushing his shoulder off.

"This Sesshomaru did not require your help."

"Good, cause next time--I ain't saving you."

"I came to tell you that father wants you to come home." Sessh said, his voice calm and cold.

"Well, you can go home and tell him to fuck himself with an iron rod." InuYasha turned to leave, muttering under his breath. "I'm not going home-- he'll kill me."

"Oh nooo! I'm not telling him that!"

InuYasha spied Mirouku making a deal with a dealer outside the club and grinned. "Sesshy, come with me-- I wanna show you something..."

"What?" Sesshomaru followed his brother naively.
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