Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > First Impressions and Famous Last Words

A watched phone never rings

by purpleladder 1 review

Jen waits for that call...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-02-10 - Updated: 2007-02-10 - 570 words

OK so it's a filler, sorry :s
I should be doing an essay about cells but I'm doped up on caffeine and a little bit hyper :P
You know the score - R&R


Whoever thought that getting students to go to lectures at 9 on a Monday morning was a good idea needed shot. This particular student (one that needed at least 10 hours sleep to feel human and had spent an very short night interrupted by random dreams about a certain Mr. Wentz) certainly wasn't feeling that prepared to sit through two hours of an 'Introduction to Cell Biology'. But I managed; buoyed up mainly by the thought that that Pete was going to call afterward (wasn't he?).

When I got back from my scholarly ordeal I headed straight to Paula's. She had suddenly become my confidant and I had become some one that actually wanted to share my experiences with another human being, odd.

She listened as I retold the events of the night before, right down to what Pete was wearing and his awful joke about Kermit the frog. And then I got to the way it had ended; the awkwardness and that 'hug'.

"Oh I'm sure it's nothing" Paula reassured me. "Maybe he's just shy or he didn't want to go too fast and scare you. And maybe what happened the first time made him more cautious."

"I suppose." I didn't really think it was that. I was convinced it was something else; maybe he just didn't like me. I looked at the kitchen clock. Noon, he hadn't rung yet. I sighed; I knew I was right. Paula noticed me looking at the time.

"Right young lady I am not going to let you sit staring at that phone. We are going out for lunch." Paula stood up purposefully and grabbed her keys

"I know this great place. Not too busy but not dead either. So when he does call, which he will, you will sound like your having a great time, which you will be." She glared at me as if to say 'And you better had or else'.

Paula was right; I did have a good time. The pub was nice and cosy and the food was great. I chatted with Paula about things other than me and my current boyshaped dilemmas. I realised I didn't even know what subject she was doing. (Art which explained the good sense of style and the fact she was always in). I was deep in conversation, well fits of giggles, about how the guy on the floor below us looked like shrek when my phone lit up and started to vibrate across the table. I jumped and then grabbed it. It was my mum; major false alarm. I tried to keep the conversation as short as possible but she was worried about more or less every aspect of my life.

"Are you eating/sleeping properly?", "Have you been doing your work/washing up/ laundry?" and my favourite "It's awfully noisy there; is that what your flat's like?". It was excruciating.

When I did come off the phone there was another beep; a text message. More importantly it was a text off him. (I didn't think Americans understood texts...)

From: Pete
Meet me outside the venue at 2pm tomorrow.
Wear comfortable shoes.
Pete xXx

Curioser and curioser. Paula smiled at me
"You've got him hook, line and sinker." she smirked.
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