Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > First Impressions and Famous Last Words

Fun in the City

by purpleladder 1 review

Pete takes Jen out on the town

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-03-28 - Updated: 2007-03-28 - 915 words

I spent the next morning knuckling down to some serious work. Essays and lecture notes had been somewhat neglected over the past few days and I really didn't want to get bogged down and behind in the second week. I got so engrossed in the substructure of a gut epithelial cell (yes I'm that much of a geek) that the hours flew by and before I knew it it was 1.30. I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans, a yellow top and a grey shrug. I slipped on my battered black converse Allstars (the most comfy footwear I owned) and grabbed my jacket and bag before locking the door and skipping down the stairs and out onto the street.

As I walked toward the closed blue door of the club I saw Pete. He hadn't seen me yet and was standing with his hands in the front pocket of his green hoodie. I watched as he looked at his phone and then replaced it back into the pocket of his jeans. He yawned and I smiled for no particular reason. He looked at his feet and then up on the street. That's when he saw me.

"Hay!" he shouted and waved at me jumping up and down at the same time. 'What a kid' I thought to myself 'but then again I'm not exactly grown up am I?' As soon I got near enough Pete grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

"Stay right there." he ordered, sitting me down on one of the benches at the side of the room. He walked back to the door and slipped out, barely opening it. 'What is going on?' I thought, idly picking at a loose thread on my sleeve.

"JJJEEEENNNNN!!! COME OUTSIDE!!!" I was jolted out of my daydream by Pete's shouting. I stood up and walked across the room. I cautiously opened the door to be greeted by a grinning Pete. A grinning Pete who was sat half way in a black stretch limo.

"Get in" he said as I practically fell onto the black leather seats. "The record company said we could use it for the afternoon and the boys wanted to go to some like film festival or something so we have it all to ourselves and we can go like anywhere. So I thought we could go like sight seeing coz I haven't seen any of London really and Mom said I should get some photos for her and..."

"Woah, woah, stop" I said. I think he might have hyperventilated if I hadn't stepped in.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited. Isn't it cool? AND Madonna is going to use it after us!"

"Yes very" I smiled. It was really cool and I was excited too. "So where are we gonna go?" I asked.

"Well Les says he'll take us to see all the sights." He replied. I laughed.

"What?" asked Pete.

"The driver is called Les." I said through my giggles.

"So?" Pete looked confused.

"You know 'Your own personal chauffeur called Les'. That advert." I was almost crying and Pete still looked confused; Americans.

"Never mind" I reassured Pete "it's probably not that funny really." He still looked kind of put out. I suppose I do have a random sense of humour. I bit my lip, composed myself and changed the subject.

"So as a band do you not travel around in limos all the time?"

"Hell no!" Pete replied. "We have a beat up white van that we nearly died in a few months ago and the one we've got here in England is blue but that's about the only difference."

We chatted happily as Les (I still think it's funny even now) drove us around the city pointing out the sights and stopping every so often to lets us out. We did it all: Trafalgar square, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, London bridge, everything. I had to admit that it was fun getting out of the limo with everyone straining to see who it was. Their looks of disappointment when they didn't recognise the slightly scruffy looking guy with a daft haircut and the short, almost as scruffy girl he was with were also really funny.

Pete and I mucked about playing up the celeb role until some Japanese tourists actually asked for our photo. I nearly died laughing and Pete wasn't doing too well either.

"It'll be like this when your über famous you know." I told Pete. "You'd better get in the practice." He grinned that cheeky smile that I had guessed he would own.

"You know what we need to complete the rock star look? Shades!" he exclaimed.

Half an hour later Pete and I walked out of a posh boutique with matching white rimmed sunglasses. I found it really hard to find sunglasses that a) I liked and b) suited me but these were just perfect. They were made even more perfect by the fact the Pete had refused to let me pay. (Which was just as well; I was an impoverished student after all.)

Pete looked at his phone. "Aaww we have to give the limo back in like 20 minutes."

"Aaww." I stuck out my bottom lip. "Do we have to? Can't we steal it and kidnap Les?" I was having a brilliant time.

"Yes" Pete replied sternly, "anyway I have something else planned. You did wear comfortable shoes didn't you?"

"Yes I did" I said waving my feet in Pete's face.
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