Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Primal Scream


by InuYashasBitch 1 review

Sesshomaru stands up to his father and InuYasha gets caught with his pants down! MALESOLO WARNING!!

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Erotica - Characters: Inuyasha, Koga, Naraku, Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-02-13 - Updated: 2007-02-13 - 1420 words

Chapter 9

Sesshomaru paced the room like a caged tiger. His silver hair flowed behind him in the light breeze that seemed to follow his movements. The speed in his system had not worn off yet and he was still ill at ease. it had been all he could do to restrain himself from fidgeting and physically striking the man who was his father during the thirty minute lecture he'd had to endure.

That wasn't the worst part.

InuTashio had not only grounded him to the house for at least two weeks, he was forbidden to see Kagura ever again! He'd tried to protest, but the threat from his father to do exactly to him what he'd done to InuYasha had silenced him.

He almost wished he'd chosen the beating.

Anything would be better than pacing this mansion like a convict all alone. He was sorely tempted to tell InuTashio where his brother had went-- or where he thought he had went just so he could drag him back here so his little brother could suffer with him. A thought flashed through his mind-- Kagura.

He was in love-- or at least in heat.

The moon reflected in his golden eyes, casting a pale blue light on his pale skin and making his crescent marking glow a light blue. Sighing heavily he stared into the night. Someway he would find a way to get to Kagura. Like a poison she swam in his blood now and a piece of him belonged to her. Just who was this man who called himself his father to deny him the one thing he had learned to love?

"Sesshomaru, what are you doing up at this hour?" InuTashio stared at the boy with a bit of concern.

"Nothing, just thinking."

The older youkai smelled the arousal almost instantly, "About her?"

Sesshomaru's eyes reamined icy, perhaps if he showed more control he would impress his father. "What if I am?"

"You are wasting your time, koi." InuTashio joined him in looking out the window. "Naraku will never allow this mating."

"You act as though I care what that freak thinks," Sesshomaru snapped. "I am an inu demon from the highest order of Inuyoukai society and will have that which I seek."

"And this is Kagura?"

"Yes, yes it is." Sesshomaru stiffened a bit.

"I will not allow this, Sesshomaru. You are to take over the family business in a few years and I cannot have you consorting with the unsavory types, such as Kagura. For Kami sakes boy, she bedded you at first sight." InuTashio's voice was getting a bit raspy with anger.

"Unsavory?" Sesshomaru turned to look at him with contempt starting to flare around his aura. "Say what you are thinking, father!"

Prodded by the anger at having been commanded by his own son, InuTashio yelled. "The woman is a whore and obviously a gold digger trying to scavenge your inheritance!"

InuYasha appeared at the door then and ducked just in time to avoid being seen, but Sesshomaru had seen his brother. The younger of the inu demons stood outside and listened from the doorway, amazed that his brother would stand up to their father like this and especially over some backstreet whore like Kagura.

"I will not have you speak to me this way!" InuTashio roared, his finger shaking in the face of his unimpressed son.

"Then do something about it," Sesshomaru crossed his arms, anger coursing through his veins. "You would punish me for having an opinion and feelings?"

InuTashio stared at his son for a moment, "I suppose I cannot. Blast this whole situation, this is all InuYasha's fault."

"You will leave him out of this! He had very little to do with it. I chased after him, I am the one who agreed to stay with he and his freinds. It is entirely my own doing. Perhaps it is fate."

InuYasha raised and eyebrow, he didn't want his brother protecting him, but he was right. He'd never really meant for him to fall in love with Kagura. Waiting till he heard nothing more, he stepped into the house.

The Hollywood mansion was dark and silent, his father and brother both pouting in respective rooms. With a heavy sigh he walked up the stairs and passed Sesshomaru's room, and with a grumble he cracked open the door and once again observed Sesshomaru staring thoughtfully out the window.

"Hey, listen, I'm sorry about tonight. I didn't mean to--" InuYasha said with a smile, or the closest thing to it.

"Why are you?"

"Cause I kinda hooked you up with Kagura and if I hadn't then she wouldn't have--"

Sesshomaru growled, "You think I cannot get a date on my own? You think I am so inferior that a woman can not find me attractive?"

"No, Sesshomaru! That's not what I was saying, you dimwit," InuYasha said, frowning. "I was saying if I had not introduced you to her then you probably wouldn't have met her type of woman."

"Are you telling me that you to think she is a whore?"

"I think goldigger is a better choice of words." InuYasha scratched an ear with a wince; he needed to trim his claws.

"I will say this once. If you ever refer to her in this manner again, I will rip your head off." Sessomaru warned, his eyes beginning to turn red.

"Whatever, just use a condom, bro! That's all I'm saying," InuYasha said, leaving the room.


In his room, the lamp cast a relaxing amber glow over the room, further darkened by everything in there being black. Standing in front of his full length mirror, he tugged off the tank top and then turned around to lower his rough demin jeans, his fangs lightly biting his lip as they raked over his still tender skin.

The welts were almost gone, the youkai in him healed faster than human flesh would, but he was still lightly bruised. His claw gently brushed his skin, bringing a flash of pain that caused a coiling heat in his loins to unleash.

He moaned then chuckled as he grew a bit harder, "God damn, I'm a freak."

The hardness demanded attention, pulling his focus downward. With a muttered curse he allowed his hand to slide down his rippled stomach to grasp the growing heat, stroking a bit. InuYasha's knees went weak as he lowered himself to the bed, wincing at slight tingles of pain as he scraped himself purposely over the sheets to rest against the headboard. His hand pumped harder and harder, he had to bite down hard on his lip to stop his moans but the taste of his own hormone driven blood made his hips buck of their own will. He could no more have stopped the moans and his writhing than he could have stopped InuTashio from breathing or the wind from blowing.

His palm was heating up fast from the friction, a friction that was pulling him hard over the edge. Hot, white cream dribbled down his hand, the scent of his own pre-cum brought a lusty growl from his throat.

"Damn, I should do this more often!" He muttered, a vision of various naked girls, human and demoness, flashed before him. He screamed then into his pillow, orgasm starting to rip through him. And even though the scream was muffled, it set InuTashio's senses into overdrive.

He was furious. That whelp dared bring a bitch back into his house? Well, he'd have to show him who really was boss tonight! He'd had enough of his kids defying him today. The fact that there was no scent of a woman, only InuYasha's leaking out from under the door puzzled and alarmed him. Surely, he hadn't killed his mate?

With a growl, the older demon crashed back through the door, only to find his son half sitting on the bed, legs spread, cock in his hand, cum spilling onto the sheets, and breathing hard.

"Oh, Kami! What are you doing?" Fr the first time, the old demon blushed, a seeping red color that colored him from the neck up.

InuYasha went red as well. "Oh fuck! Can't a guy jack off in peace around here?"

InuTashio slammed the door and turned quickly to find Sesshomaru staring at him, attracted by the sound. "Don't go in there!"

"What the--" Sesshomaru heard InuYasha lock his door, his father plowed down the hallway, and he was once again left alone.

He shrugged, "Meh, this is boring."
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