Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Primal Scream


by InuYashasBitch 0 reviews

InuYasha wakes up with Gypsy and its his night to turn human!!

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover, Erotica, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Koga, Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-02-21 - Updated: 2007-02-21 - 1829 words

Kouga had passed out and awoke on InuYasha's floor. He rubbed his head, looking around sniffing. He smelled Gypsy from here and grinned, then frowned when he found her wrapped in InuYasha's arms, their hair mingling like a silver and gold river along the black satin sheets. Careful not to wake them, Kouga sneaked out of the room, leaving the window wide open.

The wind blew across Gypsy's nose and in response she opened her eyes feeling a bit queasy. "Damn, how much did I drink?"

InuYasha opened an eye and then sat up suddenly. "You stayed-- I thought you'd leave after Kouga did."

"I don't even know where he went," she said looking around he room.

"Pesky wolf is probably hiding in the closet videoing this for the world to see later." InuYasha muttered, leaning over to brush his lips across hers. "Gypsy, I didn't mean to be so rough with you last night."

"Rough?" She squinted slightly when he pointed to the small red smears on her thighs. "InuYasha, haven't you ever fucked a virgin before?"

His eyes registered shock, "Yeah, but I didn't think-"

"I'm not a stripper all the time, InuYasha. I only do it to get money for my family and fund the search for the sacred jewel." She explained. "last night was-- something I don't do often."

"That damned jewel again," InuYasha mumbled. "Everyone is after it."

"Yeah, but if the wrong demon gets it-"

"What sort of hanyou are you?" InuYasha's fingers tangled with hers.

"My mother was a Gypsy priestess with healing powers and my father was a wolf demon-- sort of like Kouga-- and they were killed for conceiving me," she explained, then went on to tell him how Ayame's family had raised her.

"So you have some sort of power? I felt it last night," his voice rumbled as he moved closer to her ear.

She almost giggled, "I can produce some sort of electricity with my hands and apparently I can heal or kill with it depending on my mood. " Her voice dropped then, more seductive. "I have switchblade claws."

"And the most beautiful ears." He kissed them both delicately.

Moving together as they made love, it seemed as though the two of them had always been together like this. InuYasha found his satisfaction quickly with his hanyou lover and then lay wrapped in her arms and a silken sheet as the birds chirped in nearby trees. Downstairs he heard people begin to awaken and move about making breakfast and wondered if his father had returned.

He groaned out loud, and she looked at him. "You ok, InuYasha?"

"Yeah. Um, you have to go. I don't want you to--" he babbled.

"Its ok, I understand." She smiled, kissing his lips. "You don't want your folks to know about me. Thats fine. Do you wanna come with me? I have a place of my own."

He flushed a bit then. "I can't-- I mean I wanna but-- I kinda got intosome trouble and I wasn't even supposed to be out last night--"

She smiled a bit more, trying to put a merciful end to his embarrasment, "Somethings are worth waiting for. I can wait a bit longer-- when can I see you again?"

He shrugged, "Well, my dad is an Inu-demon, he'll smell you if try to get in the house so why not tonight there in the garden?."

Gypsy nodded and kisses him, gently swiping her tongue over his fang and allowing him to taste just a drop of her blood. He deepened the kiss only until he felt the tug of his boxers as he responded. There was no time to make love to her now, people were awake and InuTashio would be home soon.

"We can't--" he pulled away gently.

"I know," she said, her voice sounding like the tinkling of a windchime in his ears.

"One thing I can promise you." InuYasha pulled away to smirk at her. "I won't be sharing you with that fucking wolf again."

InuYasha kissed her lips then possesivly then watched her slide out the window, her twenty-four karat hair shimmering like liquid gold in the newly rising sun.

He suddenly felt very very alone without her.


InuTashio sighed heavily and walked into the house. He dreaded having to have the discussion with his youngest son he had not gotten a chance to have with him the night before because he had been called away on business. He was delighted to find his whole family together, despite Sesshomaru's evident disdain at having to share a table with his half breed brother and human step-mother.

He wisely held his tongue when his father asked how the night had passed. Izayoi went on and on about how well behaved the boys had been for her, leaving InuYasha hiding a smirk under his silver bangs. If only she had known--

The older youkai took the small cup of coffee from he maid and drained it, steeling himself for what was going to surely be a tantrum that could make any two year old proud. "InuYasha, I wish a word with you."

"Now?" The younger boy looked up.

"No, I was asking if you can pencil me in next week--" InuTashio's sarcasm was thick enough to choke a horse at this point, but thinly masked his anger.

"Sure, maybe Wedesnday?" InuYasha tried the innocent look, a cold coiling in his stomach telling him he had just been busted for something-- he just couldn't recall what.

"My room-- now!" InuTashio walked away, his purely terrified son following him.

In the room that had so long been forbidden to him, InuTashio shut the door and motioned for his son to sit on the bed and for once InuYasha didn't argue. "What is it, dad? What's wrong?"

"Before I left I meant to ask you something but I had to go so fast I didn't have a chance. Now, kindly tell me what the hell was with you trying to bust down my office door and why were you prowling in my room in MY things when you know you aren't allowed in here?"

InuYasha swallowed a gulp and started to reply but his voice sounded a bit small, "How did you know?"

"Well your mother told me about the office. I know you were in here because I scented you! Silly whelp, you're the son of a DOG demon, I know where you are and what you're doing 90% of the time-- well, at least in my house." InuTashio explained. "Now I want an answer."

InuYasha sniffed thinking how dumb he'd been to think no one would notice and then mentally cursed himself for being stupid enough to even try this. "I wanted to know about your business. I wanna know what you do."

InuTashio sensed fear coming from his son, and he knew the boy was lying. "You're lying to me. I'll give you one more chance--"

"Alright!" InuYasha jumped up, making his father cock an eyebrow in amusement-- here came the tantrum. "I wated to know about that fucking jewel! I was told that you know about it--"

"First off, watch your language. Secondly, I have no idea where that jewel is, who told you this?" The older youkai didn't show the worry that was building inside his head, it couldn't be good if his son knew about the Shikon no Tama.

"Just some freinds of mine, they were saying you can rule the Feudal Era--"

"Alright!" InuTashio waved his hands for silence. "Let me set you straight before you injure yourself or someone trying to find out. I do not know where the jewel is. It was lost five hundred years ago in the feudal era, although there are rumors it has come to the surface in the hands of a demon here in this era. I suppose you know that I have been searching for the lost Bone Eaters Well--"

"The what?" InuYasha squinted.

"Oh me and my big mouth-- ok, listen to me." InuTashio moved to sit next to his son. 'The Bone Eaters well is a portal to the Feudal Era, but the location is lost now. After five hundred years there's probably nothing left of the well anyway, it's just a hole in the ground by now. Sango's parents are archaeologists being funded by my diamond sales to find this well- it is very expensive. Did that answer your question?"

InuYasha nodded, "Yeah. I'm sorry for the trouble I caused, dad."

"It's alright. But next time you need to know something, come to me and ask!" The demon allowed his voice to raise a bit, but not enough to seem unfreindly. "Assaulting my property will not get you anywhere!"

InuYasha mutterd an apology and started out the door, only to find his father's tail slammed it in his face. He whirled around, eyes wide. "What?"

"That's not all. This isn't over yet, I want to know what you were rifling through my things for?"

"I wasn't--"

"InuYasha!" He warned.

"Ok, ok, I was looking for a key to open the office door." He tried, hoping that the apology sounded sincere.

"That required taking my money?" The long arched eyebrows dissapeard into the youkai's bangs. "I know you have five dollars of mine."

"I, uh, spent it--" InuYasha regretted saying that, he had no clue how to explain to this towering man that he'd spent it on drinks at the strip club.

Inutashio growled, "You stole from me and then bought something? Then I will be removing whatever it is from your posession-- seeing as it is rightfully mine. So what did/ I/ buy?"

InuYasha exhaled a breath he had no idea he was holding. "I can't give it to you cause Kouga got it."

"Kouga?" The tone was not amused. "What was it?"

"Ummmm--" The flush went up his face so quickly he looked as if he might be ill.

"InuYasha!" The fatherly voice was like a whiplash and it made the younger demon jump a bit.

"It was a-- Mirouku got us into a club--"

The older demon rubbed his face in dismay, surppressing the urge to laugh. "I see. Well I expect payment-- from next weeks allowance and I expect it to be made right in double payment. Do you know what I am saying?"

InuYasha nodded sadly. "Yes, father. Is that all?"

Inutashio nodded gruffly, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

"You mean you're not going to punish me?" InuYasha knew there was a catch here.

"Nope, because tonight is the night of the black moon. I am turning you over to your mother. But I warn you should this happen again I
/will/." InuTashio left the room gruffly.

InuYasha growled at the black streaks that were appearing in his hair already.

"Great, now Gypsy will hate me too." He muttered into the mirror, a sniffle escaping. His emotions were coming now, and God how he hated that.

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