Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Primal Scream


by InuYashasBitch 0 reviews

InuYasha becomes a father, a rockstar, and filthy rich all on his sweet sixteen-- can he hadnle it? Warning: Graphic birth!!

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-02-25 - Updated: 2007-02-26 - 2088 words


It was Inuyasha's first live show with Motley Crue, they were playing a packed house at the Starwood on a warm Friday night in July. The silver haired hayou had paced wildly backstage, running lyrics through his mind, he was nervous and edgy. Gypsy had stayed with him until the final ten minutes before the show, she had felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen and decided it best to walk around a bit so it could pass.

He took the stage with adrenaline pumping through his heart, and his inner demon begging to be set free. Grabbing the microphone from a roadie by the stage he allowed that pulsating beast some freedom, emmiting a very animal like scream as the lights went up and fire shot from the pyro strip along the stage.

Plug me in I'm alive tonight
Out on the streets again
Turn me on I'm hard to stop
Something you'll never forget!

He sawGypsy by the front of the stage surrounded by at least a dozen other girls who immediatley into fan girl hysteria. The words fell from his lips, somehow, he couldn't believe how natural it was coming. Excitement tinged the air, spurring him on.

Turn me loose
Set me free
I'm hot and I'm young
Runnin' free
A little bit better than I used to be
Cause I'm a live-- I'm a live wire..

Moving rather suggestively to the corner where his beloved stood he winked at her, then leaned over, silently dedicating the words to her.

Come on baby,
Gotta play with me
I'm your live wire...
Better lock your door
I'm on the prowl tonight.

He finished with a blaze of glory as pyro went off on all four corners of the stage. Tossing his hair back, he saw Nikki's expression and it was one of admiration. Tommy nodded too, liking this much better than Vince Neil's version. The ex-lead singer always got on his nerves. Grabbing a water bottle, Inuyasha tok a sip and glanced at the set list, then moved back to the microphone.

A girl in front lifted her shirt to show off her pert A-cup boobs, and Inuyasha smirked down at her. He had been told to never let on that he was involved with someone or it risked bringing great danger to her, the pup, as well as himself from obsessed fans. Nodding to yet another scantily clad blonde her traced his fingers down over the rising bulge in his leather pants, his eyes suddenly locking with some from his past, forcing him to make a mild change in lyrics.

I wanted you, I needed you
I wanted ya to be mine for a night
You needed me, You teased me
Used you up and throwed you away

Sango was in the second row, a tear welling up at the lyrics pouring forth. Not that it bothered her anymore. It was just hard to hear him say it, even thought it was only a song. Gypsy squirmed a bit. The pup seemed more active tonight, she was sure he was just responding to the amount of noise in the room. Her eyes seemed to radiate her worry though, because she saw Inuyasha's brow furrow when he looked down at her, singing.

"Piece of your Action" ended with another burst of drums and sparklers as Inuyasha stripped off his shirt, getting even more screams from the girls. Ninety percent of the audeince was girls, Gypsy noticed. Groupies had come from miles around to see if the rumors of a hot blooded lead singer with long white hair and killer body were true. They were.

With no break, Inuyasha and the Crue pulled off "Helter Skelter" and "Looks to Kill." Gypsy had wanted to go back there and see him as he dried off and refreshed himself before the next set but she had not been able to move. Her head swam, and the pain she had felt before had returned twice. Still, she could not bring herself to ruin this for Inuyasha, it was after all his dream.

Nikki, Tommy, and Mick surged back onto the stage, Inuyasha followed when he heard the musical cue he had rehearsed. He couldn't help but smirk at his mate when the first lyrics rolled off his tongue.

She's only fifteen
She's the reason, the reason I don't sleep
You say illegal
I say legal's never been my thing..

I tried like Hell but I'm out of control
All in the name of rock 'n roll
All in the name of rock!

He tossed his newly dried hair back and gave that careless grin to Sango and another pretty red head that he hardly recognized as Ayame.

'Damn, she's dressed like a hooker-- where was that skirt six months ago?' He thought silently, chiding himself for such thoughts. Then as if to apologize he turned around and fell to his knees on the stage, pressing the microphone to first his then to Gypsy's lips--

"She says to me--" he stopped hoping she wouldn't forget-- she knew the words, he knew. She gave him a shocked look, but found her voice in just the nick of time.

"Daddy, can I have some candy?" She emphasized each word with a little hip twist. "Wanna your nasty. Anytime you want you know you can have me!"

He licked out his tongue and rose to his feet in one liquid motion, turning his attention to Nikki who was still smirking. The scent around him was salty and excited, drawn to this the younger hanyou went over torest his arm on his bassist shoulders.

"Same ol' Situation" and "Smokin' in the Boys Room" ended the concert. But the crowd was screaming for encore.

"Well?" Nikki nodded to the adoring fans. "Wanna do New Tattoo?"

Inuyasha nodded, pouring a bit of water over himself, further slicking his body. "Yeah, Ipromised her I would."

Nikki only chuckled, the poor boy was caught up in what he thought was a dream. He had his girl, a dream career, and after tonight anything he wanted. But Nikki knew too well these things, no matter how much you deny it-- can cost you your soul.

Walking now, spent from so much exertion, Inuyasha introduced the next song slowly starting to sing it as he paced the stage.

Been out drinking with the boys again.
Sorry I'm calling after two am
There's something that I need to say to you
I know it's late but this can't wait
I just got a new tattoo.

He turned to show off the mark on his right arm, it glistened with sweat and water. Gypsy felt like she was about to cry, but the crowd seemed too caught up in the moment and swayed to the beat. It was a slow sultry beat and told the story of a lover who made his sffection permanent in a tattoo.

One love
And one woman
You're my new tattoo
Tonight is the very first night of my life with you
And until the day I die, everyone will see my new tattoo..

He brought the rambling song to a quick end and moved into the back again, this time for good. The noise level back there seemed as loud as out front to a hanyou's sensitive ears, but everyone was so excited that it really didn't matter. The reviewers were already clamoring for interviews, and paparazzi was gathering outside to toast the new 'hottest thing in town'.

"Inuyasha?" Gypsy panted, there was no denying it now. She was in the throes of labor.

"Huh?" He turned to her and instantly pulled her into his arms. "Oh my God!"

"It's coming-- we have to--" She trailed off into a scream as a particularly hard pain hit her. Her claws dug at his chest. "Help!"

Nikki saw the commotion and crossed the room in two steps. "Come with me, we'll get the midwife. I know one who specializes in hanyou birth.

Kaede was ancient and smelled pleasingly of herbs and teas. She was kind, soft spoken and seemed to really understand. She allowed Gypsy to decide if Inuyasha should be in the room, and much to his horror, she said she did.

He tried to hold her hand, but that wasn't working. The pain was getting stronger by the moment and she was breaking his fingers. A rush of water soaked Kaede and Inuyasha who was being nosy and trying to peer over the mid-wifes shoulder at what was going on.

"What the fuck?" He sputtered, backing up quickly, convinced he'd been peed on.

Kaede laughed a bit, "That was simply amniotic fluid, child. The pup is ready to emerge now. Go hold your mates hand."

Sulking and now wetter than he had been before he started. Gypsy clamped down on his hand with demonic stregnth. "Oh come on, Gypsy. You're a demon hanyou for fucks sakes! You can handle this!"

Inuyasha had only said it to make himself feel better, but he had never learned to just shut up sometimes and suddenly he felt a pain much like hers-- something that made him double over and grab the bed for support, his face literally turning blue.

"Ow, damn it, Gypsy-- let go!" He sounded like he was talking through helium, his mates fingers clamped down on his testicles and manhood, squeezing with the same force she had squeezed his hand with.

With a spewing of curses he was released, he backed away carefully and eased himself on the bed behind her, keeping his balls under her might be the only way he could save them.

Kaede erected a mirror at the foot of the bed and went about her work. The small head appeared, still wet but not so wet you couldn't tell the hair was white and already long. In a matter of moments the tiny thing was in the world, the child looked almost human, and was unmistakeably male.

Kaede handed him to Gypsy in a small towel. She seemed to know what to do, but poor Inuyasha was too scared to touch it yet. The couple didn't notice the midwife cleaning up, they were too relieved that the child was born looking more like a human than his demon half.

Whimpering with the need to eat, the yet unnamed baby opened his eyes, revealing them to be amber gold with blue outlining the rim of the pupil, much like a wolf-hybrid dog which is what he was.

"He's an inu-wolf hanyou!" Inuyasha exclaimed a bit too loud, the baby sobbed in response, his tiny puppy ears suddenly raising up for the first time, appearing from the mound of white hair. "And he has my ears!"

"Hey!" Gypsy pointed to her own, which were sore from being pinned to her head for the past hour or so. "What are these?"

"Yeah, but he's got white ones like mine!" Inuyasha fingerd the damp hair, the baby's hair was snowy white with two golden streaks in front that framed his face.

"I think he looks like you, too." Gypsy held the little pup to her breast were it found a nipple, long devoid of the metal jewelry, and suckled.

Inuyasha looked away, "Ahh! Do you have to do that here?"

"Why are you blushing? Seems to me you were rather enjoying suckling a few nights ago when the milk came!" Gypsy snapped. "Baby has to eat."

"I suppose," he looked again, still blushing. "It's all so new."

"You'll learn. Here he's done-- hold him." Gypsy pushed the baby into a wide eyed hanyous hands. He had never held a child before and this one-- he was so tiny, he fit into Inuyasha's hands like a small doll.

"Jace." The name popped out of Inuyasha's mouth, surprising even him. "We'll call him Jace."

"As you wish, you name the boys, remember?" Gypsy rested againt the sheets, exhausted. "But no more for a while."

Inuyasha didn't hear her. He was staring into the face of his sleeping son. In one night, he had become a rockstar and a father, and in thrity seconds he would be sixteen; Jace's birth had been an emotional rollercoaster for poor Inuyasha. He had not expected it to be so hard, even though he knew birth wasn't easy.


The next day, for his sweet sixteen, he was given a party at Nikki's and presented with is very first royalty check.

Five hundred thousand dollars. Motley Crue was a success, and so was he.
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