Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Primal Scream


by InuYashasBitch 0 reviews

InuTashio gives Inuyasha a gift at Sesshomaru's wedding!

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru - Published: 2007-02-26 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 1733 words


The house Inuyasha bought was a mansion that rivaled his fathers, with what was left he bought a black Trans-Am such as he had been dreaming of since he was a pup himself, and for Gypsy he bought a red Camaro. Assured he would have a steady income, he felt not a twinge of guilt or an urge to save as he spent so much.

Two weeks after moving into the two story dream home, he stood on the patio with his son, showing him the birds that landed on feeders around the porch there. The baby wiggled and kicked, squealing in frustration that he was not big enough to chase the winged creatures.

"Loud little thing aren't ya?" Inuyasha touched the tip of his babies nose. Everything the small hanyou did amazed him. He had never thought it possible for him to love and want to protect anything as fiercely as he did Jace. The infant responded by pulling his father's finger into his mouth and chewing it with small growls.

Gypsy's laughter made Inuyasha turn around, "What?"

"He's so tenacious, just like you. Your father called." She looked down at the ground.

"What the hell did he want?" Inuyasha looked away, hiding the hurt in his eyes with anger. He had never told Gypsy how he wanted his father to be there when Jace was born, and how he wanted his fathers acceptance of his son.

"Sesshomaru is getting married tomorrow at 2 pm. I guess Kagura finally got her claws into him." Gypsy explained. "They're expecting a child as well. We're invited."

"My brother got someone pregnant? Wait, we're invited?!?!" Inuyasha exclaimed. "Well I'll be damned."

"Why is it such a shock?" Gypsy sniffed the air. "That baby you're holding needs a diaper change."

Inuyasha's ears went flat, "I did it last time-- you do it!"

"You be a father!" Gypsy left him on the veranda with the baby and a diaper bag, he'd have to wing the rest.


Sesshomaru wore a white silk tuxedo and allowed his hair to fall around him like a silver curtain, as if that would hide him from the shame. His father had cursed, ranted, and raved-- almost disowning him for getting his girlfreind pregnant.

Kagura, of course had been planning this for so long-- or at least her father had been. Now with Naraku's plans spinning like a well oiled wheel, InuTashio's family would be associated forever with the less than savory Kazi family. Sesshomaru rued the day he'd seen Kagura. This couldn't be blamed on Inuyasha either, he had continually gone bacl to the girl because she provided him with the one thing he needed and craved. Rough and often times painful sex.

The party was getting louder downstairs and the guest arrived. Soon the whole world would know his shame, Sesshomaru told himself. Kagura was visibly swollen with child, having lacked the tact to tell him until it was too late to actually end this unwated pregnancy. Of course, she had planned it that way as well. He wondered now if the baby were actually his?

Gypsy held a very pouty Jace as they entered the main hall of the mansion, Inuyasha held her other hand. The baby seemed to sense the tension in the air tonight, and he wasn't alone. Even a human could have seen that this was not the typical wedding.

The Kazi family did not mingle with InuTashio's family. The room seemed divided by a thick line of hate. The two hanyou knew it was a mistake to come. They were the only ones there-- except for Jace, who was already getting disapproving looks from the people in attendance. Izayoi saw the pair instantly and fairly mowed down an elderly demon in her haste to get to her son and hiis family.

"Inuyasha!" She hugged him so tight his eyes bugged out. "I missed you so much!"

"Yeah, uh, mom? Think you could loosen up some there? You're killing me." He choked out.

She then turned her affections to the baby, wrapped in a blue blanket. "My grandson! What's his name?"

"Jace," Gypsy offered. "Inuyasha named him."

The woman was instantly cuddling the little guy, showering him with kisses which he didn't seem to mind. Jace, like his father, loved attention and anyone who was willing to spoil him like this couldn't be wrong.

"Is this a wedding or a fucking funeral?" Inuyasha whispered to his wife. He had a hundred other things he'd rather be doing on this sunny Sunday.

"I just hope to Kami we get this over with before anyone kills anyone--" Gypsy knew this was completley possible when she observed the demons around her, they were growing antsy.

Nearly half an hour later, the music began to play and Sesshomaru appeared, with his father at his side trying to look like he actually approved of this unholy union. The wedding was tense, read mostly in japanese, and seemed to be hurried by bride and groom. Jace slept through the entire thing, sucking his plump thumb with earnest-- a miracle in itself.

Once the ceremony was over, it was time for feasting and drinking. This seemed to loosen the mood a bit more, but Kagura and Sesshomaru went upstairs to his room, much to the scandalized delight of those in attendance.

InuTashio swallowed what little pride he had along with some sake, and walked over to his son and daughter-in-law, "Hello, there."

"Hey, yourself." Inuyasha was cold spoken, Gypsy nodded politely but she was actually scared of the exchange about to take place.

"I understand you have done quite well for yourself. I am proud of you," InuTashio said softly. "I was wrong to throw you out of this family. What your brother has done has brought far more shame to us."

"What do you mean?" Inuyasha raised a well defined eyebrow.

"He has married the daughter of my enemy, and there is nothing I can do." Inutashio shook his head, suddenly looking much older than he was. "Come with me."

"Give me a good reason," Inuyasha frowned, almost frightened of his father. Even now, as he stood here a father, husband, and provider himself, he was but a child inside who still feared reprimand from his father in a private room.

"I have something for you." InuTashio commanded. Inuyasha followed, not missing the fact that his father had not looked at his grandson yet.

To the shock of Inuyasha, he was lead into the office study. The room was huge, finely furnished with books of various languages lining the endless shelves that ran wall to wall. The huge desk in the middle of the room was piled with papers but Inuyasha's gaze fell on a scroll in the middle of the pile.

InuTashio handed it to him, "Hide this until you get home. It is the answer to all your questions."

Inuyasha nodded and tucked the scroll into his tux jacket, which he could not wait to get out of. "Dad?"

"Yes, son?" inuTashio seemed softer now, something unnerving to his son.

"Why haven't you tried to see Jace?" InuYasha asked simply. "Are you as ashamed of him as you are of me?"

"I am not now, nor have I ever been ashamed of you or your brother. I will admit you were a hard child to live with, but I always loved you. I cannot associate myself with your family for safty reasons at the moment. It will become clear after you read that. Go stash that in your car and for God's sakes get Gypsy out of here before war breaks out."

The truth was the demons were beginning to get restless in the prescence of a human and three hanyous, to the point Jace had somehow sensed it and was becoming feisty. He squirmed and struggled to look around from his perch on Izayoi's lap and would not rest until his father's scent drifted into the room, and signaled all was well.

Gypsy was all to happy to go, the whole thing was a bore to a girl who was used to Sunset Strip parties and rocking out with Motley Crue and like bands. Once at home Inuyasha hurried into the room he called his office, though not as richly furnished as his fathers, and spread out the scrolls. A furrow appeared in his brow as he read over the scrolls, the meaning becoming clear.

His father had just given him a map to the BoneEaters well....


"The well is located in California oddly enough, just behind the Hollywood sign, which would explain why no one had ever found it until now. Every one assumed it was in Japan, but according to this-- that's where the well actually come out at-- in another era. I'm confused as hell." Inuyasha explained to Nikki, Gypsy, and Kouga as they sat in his living room.

Nikki studied the map and nodded. "If I recall my history correctly, then a preistess closed up the well but perhaps instead of closing it off she simply moved the entrance. Like pulling a sock inside out, she simply turned the well wrong side out.."

"Possible." Kouga scratched Jace, who was on the floor on his blanket, on the ear and got an angry growl in return. "So now that we know, we can just go get it?"

"Get what?" Nikki sighed. "The jewel may not even be there anymore, and we aren't gonna find a damn thing without a Miko."

"Miko?" Inuyasha asked dumbly. His face registering a full 'what the hell are yout alking about?' look.

"Yeah, a miko." Nikki didn't explain, just walked over to the window and stared out at the newly manicured lawn.

"Ok, so let's go get one." The silver haired hanyou giggled when his son found his toe and tickled him. He picked the baby up and allowed him to stare at the maps with wide eyes, his pacifier working furiously.

"What?" Nikki turned to him. "Youthink we can go down to the freaking Wal-mart and get a Miko, do you?"

"Well, what the hell is it?" Kouga demanded.

"It's a preistess with a power to sense the Shikon Jewel. Fuck, I have no idea how the hell we're gonna find this." Nikki sighed. "I'm gonna go make some calls. Don't get too excited about anything-- this could still take a while."
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