Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > * Earth to Bella *


by lclutebark 3 reviews

A kiss from a certain bassist. A kiss from a certain husband. Florah and Pete keep up with their love/hate banter.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-02-25 - Updated: 2007-02-26 - 3557 words

A/N: I think that in this chapter is clear that I'm finally getting used to writting a different Pete! haha
I hope you guys like it because I'm starting to love writing it!
I'll be happy if you feel like it's worth a review! XD

So we were headed for the benches that circled a water fountain, the Mall was those open kinds and well, I just wished no one recognized him while he was with me.
"Are you sure, this is smart for you to be here? I mean...what if people recognize you?" I ended up voicing my thoughts.
"Well I don't really care...and that's what counts!" he grinned. I wanted to slap that grin out of his face.
"So what do you want? This is a bit childish...and stalking me in the mall, then dragging me here...maybe you forgot I'm a married woman and I can't be seeing around with some random guy touching me..." he laughed out loud interrupting my rant; I just looked at him as he shook his head.
"Seriously, I think it's time we act like adults here, first you think I'm that naïve or what? Your so called husband had been in that club before, without you...I've seen here chatting up boys. I can see in your eyes that this doesn't surprises you so you probably know about I right?" he chuckles as I roll my eyes.
"What do you want me to say? I...really don't have time for this, Peter. I'll tell you what...tonight I have a date with MY husband and well I want to look stunning for him...and that takes time, so if you don't mind...we'll have to let this conversation for another occasion..." I got up stuttering a bit getting a hold of my stuff. "You are running away again..." he mused.
"Actually it's just going to make me even more intrigued by can bet we will have this conversation...soon." He had gotten up as well, brushing his hands on his pants then sticking his hands in his pockets.
"Ahhh you amaze me! So frustrating!" I couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at me a boyish smile in his face.
"Give me a kiss?" he whispered getting a hold of my wrist, I looked back and blinked giving him time to come up and kiss me lightly on the lips, I could feel his tongue caressing my bottom lip. I pulled back startled, in a impulse the palm of my hand made it's way towards his face but he held my wrist and smirked.
"oops! You really think that slapping me will mask the fact that you enjoyed my kisses?" he pulled me closer leaning in and resting his forehead on mine, I was really scared and lost, he was making my stomach boil with an unknown feeling, Jason never made me feel like this, I felt like throwing my hands around his neck and kissing him like mad. I closed my eyes when his hands made their way around my neck, caressing it.
"your neck is so soft" he nuzzled it and I dropped the bags I was holding, making them fall in my feet. I snapped out of the daze Pete had me in, I pushed at him.

"Gah, please just stay away from me okay...I don't know what's up with you...go find a groupie that is willing to satisfy your needs for an adventure."
I said that and made a run towards the parking lot, trying to remember where I had parked my car, my legs carrying me as fast as they could seeing they were still a little unsteady.

Finally finding my car I threw the shopping bags in and started the car, turning on the radio I grimaced as I noticed it was playing 'A little less sixteen candles...' I just didn't turn it out because I really liked it. Pete's face flashed in my head and I gripped the stirring wheel, my knuckles turning white I groaned.
"God! He is impossible! And it's making my life difficult!"

It was around 6:20pm when I arrived home, I had gotten in the bakery in time for closing but had to do some stuff around there, I had been so nervous that I had devoured 3 slices of chocolate cake. Louise had asked what had been wrong and I lied saying I'd been in argument in the traffic.
Upon arriving home Jason had been there already and was worried as he came towards me pulling me in a hug, kissing the corners of my lips. I pulled out, startled. He had frowned and questioned my reaction and again I had blamed it in my imaginary traffic argument then made my way upstairs to get ready, leaving some stuff on the kitchen counter for him to eat. I knew he'd ask me about this again...but I didn't really care for the moment in time.

Now I was straitening my slightly caramel colored hair, I had made my make up and was in my bathroom wearing my huge fluffy towel around my body.
After my hair was looking presentable I made my way towards my bags to get the dress and some stockings I had bought.
I found the dress in one bag, but couldn't find the panties and stockings I had bought. I had find the other bag that had some tank tops and shorts, but the third bag was nowhere to be found, so I decided that'd look for it in the morning in the car, while I looked for some other pair of stockings in my drawer.

I heard a knock in the door while I gave myself the once over in the mirror, seeing if my outfit was okay.
"I'm coming." I made my way towards the door and opened seeing Jason on the other side looking stunning, his hair now was free of the gel and combed to the side, in what resembled a bang. He looked sharp in a well cut suit.
"You look dashingly handsome my dear husband!" I joked in a British accent reaching for his hand.
He laughed throwing his head back, snapping me out of my wife-y charm mode. Yeah...hunf he was still gay.
"You look amazing as well darling! This cleavage looks mouth watering. I bet you were very inspired when you got ready tonight." He looked at me suspiciously. I took a deep breath and made my way out of the door and down the stairs, not waiting for him.
"What? Was it something I said??" I got my little purse and made my way out the door, entered the car and waited for Jason to come out.

"Care to tell me what's up with this attitude?" he slammed the door shut as he got in. Strapping his seat belt he turned down the radio as he started the car and backed out of the driveway.
"That guy from the club showed up at the bakery today..." I murmured guilty.
"The bassist from that band?" his eyes widened.
"yeah, he came over and that guy just makes me so mad, he is so annoying! He wanted to know why I flirted with him when I was married and blah blah."
I sighed, looking out of the window.
"Oh...well I know I shouldn't have come and introduce myself as your husband that was very stupid on my part, besides I've been in that club before when they were performing, he probably know I'm not really straight, or maybe he thinks I'm the cheater. hot is that? could 'use' him as a payback kind of thing on your cheating husband." He laughed, and I really didn't know how to take his reaction to this. I turned up the radio not wanting talk about this anymore.

All I could think about was his kiss and the possessive way he had held me in his arms, the way his body had been so close to mine.
"J. this afternoon he was in the mall when I went to buy this dress, I think he was stalking me..." I stopped talking noticing we had arrived; Jason had looked at me, a worried look on his face.
"We will talk about this when we get home, okay." He caressed my cheek as we made our way inside the party, I held on his elbow for dear life. It was such a huge party and the people around made me kind of self conscious about my attire.

The night had been really enjoyable. There was a band playing live, and it wasn't a noisy party, it was very intimate and very pleasant.
I had drunk all types of girly drinks my body could allow me to have, I wasn't drunk, not really. When it was time to present the project to the people in the party I had been only on my third drink so I had been proud of my husband/best friend as he had been the center of all attention in the room. People had loved the project even if they had no clue how it could really turn out. Anyways he had come to the table with the biggest grin ever, had nestled his hand in my hair and kissed me. When our lips parted he grinned at me and I giggled as he took my hand and we made our way towards the bar.
Funny that during this two years we had been married I could count on one hand the times we had kissed and most of the time it was just to either fool family members, friends or when I had actually tried to see if I could get my virile Jason back, something I don't really care to remember.
But tonight it seemed he couldn't get enough of kissing me and touching me. The alcohol clearly playing a role in this, Jason pulled me out in the balcony thing and giggled.

"You know...all this kissing and touching is really turning me on..." he chuckled, as he held me to his chest, as we overlooked the sight.
"Ohh seriously I'm on an overdrive today...I had more action today then we had in 4 years in my life..." I chucked turning around, he had a questioning look on his face. I traced the outline of his lips.
"The bassist kissed me today at the mall...he held me like this...yeah like this then he put his hand here behind my neck and kissed me like this..." we had kissed and for the first time I guess I had made my husband forget that sometimes a little romance was good, and that the fact that I didn't have a penis wasn't a problem.

We got home around 12am, bumping in our furniture as we made our way upstairs finally, we couldn't take our hands off each other. It was a blur.
I only remember lying half naked in his arms as he kissed every inch of my body, as I purred with the pleasure he was giving me but suddenly he flipped out on me.
"I can't! I'm sorry!" he had shouted as he got up, pacing in the side of my bed, trying to recover, his hands holding his head.
"J come to bed...we both want it..." I said trying to lure him into bed, my speech slurred, my reflexes were slow and when I tried to get up, I couldn't. My body was too heavy, I felt my body being covered by the comfort of a blanket and I was out, like a light.

Sun lights made it's way in my room and I couldn't stay asleep for much longer. An insane headache was as blinding as the sun that had woken me up.
"FUCK" I groaned. " I'm glad to see you are alive, baby" I heard from the doorway. Jason had his bottom shirt half buttoned and was fixing the cuffs; he already had a tie around his neck. I groaned again and rolled in the bed.
"Don't look at me...I can remember parts of last night..." I said in to the pillow, and I could hear him chuckle.
" Aww too, actually last night was great..." I felt a movement in the mattress as he sat down. "You were so sexy...but I couldn't really do what you wanted me to do...maybe tonight we can discuss this okay? I'm already late as it is...I just wanted to make sure you were okay...I mean ...that we are okay..." he kissed my hair and caressed my naked shoulders, what made me remember I was topless. I looked up and smiled remembering the way he had touched me. "So...what time's it?" I sat up covering myself with the blanket, looking around the room where my dress and bra lay in a heap in the floor in the side of the bed. Jason was already making his way out of the door when he threw from over his shoulders.
"Around 10:15am..."disappearing in the hallway. I gasped, jumping out of the bed, making my way towards the shower, the headache got ten times worse but I had left Louise and Devon on their own, and remembering the way it had been the day before I knew it'd be madness today. As I chose my clothes I remembered that Pete would come around so I could dress up a little.
God I felt like such a slut, I had been in the arms of my husband just few hours ago, having kissed another man in the same day and now here I wanted to get Pete's attention. What was happening to me? Maybe the lack of masculine attention was getting to me finally.

Just from the outside of the bakery I could tell they were probably going insane, the parking space was full and there were cars irregularly parked on the side of the street, I made my way in and was in shock when I noticed that there was TWO guys working.
I squint my eyes and I couldn't help but let out a laugh as I recognized Pete, with my pink apron wrapped around his waist.
I made my way to the cashier and made my way to the other side of the counter, we were definitely buzzing this morning.
"Good morning guys..." I said not even stopping and making my way to the kitchen door to wash my hand and find another apron for me.
"Oh thank God you are here. It's been crazy since the moment we opened, I was in there helping until that guy with the tattoos arrived and said he could help while he waited for you to I could come here and dedicate with the baking." Said Louise in apparently one single breath as I made my way towards the cabinet to get the other apron, I was glad I had put my hair in a braid this morning.
" Aww it's okay...I'm so sorry for being late...let me run and help them, we can talk later!" I winked at her and made my way to the front of the store just in time to see them attending the last customer's order.
The place was still crowded; the sitting area was busy still.
I walked over Pete and wrapped my arms around his waist unknotting my apron, he looked back and smiled, my forehead touching his back.
"Aw, I can't keep the pink apron?" he pouted as I handed him the white one.
"Nope, it's mine...see it has my name..." I showed him it written in bold letters 'Bella'.
"Yeah, true...but I wouldn't mind, really. He put his back to the counter as Devon came towards us, smiling shyly.
"I hope it was not a problem to accept his help, Mrs. Lynhart...I had no other option, really."
"Oh Devon, it's okay...I guess you didn't have other option and I'm really sorry I overslept and well, lost track of time..." my cell started to ring to 'Family affair' and I knew it was Jason.
'Hey J. I just got here...yeah it was know I'll do...all day...ha-ha...not hangover...I'm okay now. Love ya too. See you later.
I couldn't help but smile as he Jason asked me If I was going to think of him all day, I wasn't so sure with Pete being this close, but I wouldn't tell him that.
" was dear Husband calling?" he smirked and I eyed him.
"Yeah, it was my husband...why?" I really wanted to know if maybe he was jealous or would show any emotion.
"Ah nothing was the dinner last night? It must have been great, to make you sleep in...did you drink?" he asked trying to be nonchalant about it.
I looked behind me and saw that Devon was not in close range and stepped closer to Pete.
"Yeah, actually we had so much fun yesterday, we danced and wow...yeah I had too much to drink, but he was there to take me home and make sure I was tucked in alright..." I smirked and he snorted crossing his arm over his chest, he leaned in close to my ear.
"I don't buy that... seriously...I bet you couldn't take me out of your mind..." it was my turn to let out a very un-lady like snort, I giggled.
"Seriously, you are so cocky. You have such a big head..." he interrupted by letting out a laugh "you have no idea" this guy infuriated me, but I couldn't help myself.
"Oh yeah...i just bet...honey, this girl pants are very tight and if what you tuck in there is as big as you say...I advice you should go in the restroom and check to see if you haven't lost anything on your way here..." I full on laughed this time, even he chuckled and shook his head, then looked down.
"Come with me and help me look..."he was saying when Devon called me in the kitchen. I shook my head at Pete. "We are not finished yet..." he said turning back to the register.

Around lunch time a guy bearing a dozen of red roses entered the bakery as Pete and I were still going at in, in our stupid banter, he was the first to notice the guy and when the guy came towards the counter.
"Please, Florah Lynhart?" he asked and I gasped, people staring at me, intrigued.
"That'd be me..." I walked over him as he handed me the flowers and a little card, instead of giving him a tip, I gave him a muffing (lol).
I smelt the flowers and read the note:
'Flowers for my sexy mama. Can't stop thinking about you.'
"Wow...what's it? He is thanking you for last night's fuck?" Pete said as he came closer. Now he had taken it too far, the smile that was in my face was gone. "My husband and I don't just prick!" he nodded amused.
"yeah, by the way you clung to me yesterday, it must have been a long ass time since you guys had any action at all." I gasped, that son of a...
"Seriously I'm fed up with your insults, Mister! I suggest you leave before the palm of my hand find its way towards your face!!" I said heatedly stepping towards him, trying to be discrete.
" I'm sorry Florah, I recognize I went too far. Sorry, okay...just give me one chance. I don't know... come with me for lunch" he said taking my arm trying to make me look at him.
I looked towards the front of the store and I suddenly got hungry.
"God...I...kay." I made my way towards the kitchen.
"Louise, I'm going out to lunch with you guys what anything?"
both shook their heads. As I turned around I noticed that neither had questioned about Pete's presence or who he really was, I was wrong.
"mrs. Lynhart, I don't mean to pry...but is Mrs. Lynhart acquainted with this Peter guy?" I looked around as Pete come towards the door holding the apron in his hand. "Yeah I've meet him, Louise. He just doesn't know that I crush on his wife." He laughed when she widened her eyes, mouth agape.
He took my hand and we made our way towards the exit, he pulled me towards his car and I couldn't help but laugh along with him all the way.
"OMG! She just...OMG poor woman! I can't believe you did that..."
"Well... I'll just have to make you believe then..." with that he dipped his head and kissed me hard on the lips, I closed my eyes and couldn't deny the attraction, the building desire that had been there the whole day so I kissed him back, my hands shaking as I touched his arm, I pulled back and looked towards the window, to hide the grin that was on my face ads he pulled out of the parking lot towards unknown destination.
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