Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Swallow The Blues

Fall Out Boy is just some band. Pete is...

by sourcream 0 reviews

Oh no. Lena, what did you just get yuorself tangled up in now?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-03-18 - Updated: 2007-03-18 - 446 words

Lena got up from the couch. She walked to a little closet near the living room. She grabbed a huge pile of pillows and blankets.

"Make your cots, gentlemen."

All four guys grabbed a blanket.

Joe stopped. "Who's sleeping upstairs?"
Pete nodded. "I will."
Andy replied. "I'm good here, I guess."
"I'll sleep with Pete. Wait, wrong, but you get the picture."
Lena laughed but her laugh seemed fake.
"Yeah, it's cool. I get it. Ha."

Andy and Joe began spread the blankets on the couches. "Well, goodnight guys." Said Lena. "goodnight." Said Joe and Andy simultaneously.

Lena walked upstairs and opened her parents door. Patrick was asleep while Pete was watching T.V."You're still up? It's freaking three in the morning." Lena whispered loud enough so Pete could hear her and not wake up Patrick. Pete whispered back, "I'm an insomniac," Lena nodded and closed the door.

Lena walked to her bedroom and got in bed. Just then, the door opened. It was Pete.

"Can I join you?" he asked.
Lena nodded. "Sure."
Pete sat on the edge of the bed.
"Sorry for my outburst earlier."
"It's okay."
"It's weird, I just want to, I don't know."
"You know."
"I want to be the biggest band in the world. I want everyone to love us."
"Yeah, I understand, but don't be an arrogant fool about it. We all know what fame means to you, Wentz."
"No. I could care less. Infamy is more than fame."
"Well, it does. You'd understand. But really, I don't see why you don't like Fall Out Boy!"
"Resepct my decision, I don't like bands like yours."
"Yeah, I should have done that in the first place. Sorry."
"You should. Be sorry."
Pete said nothing. There was a long silence. Lena broke the silence. "Goodnight."
Pete yawned and replied "goodnight" back.

The next morning, Lena woke up. Pete was lying next to her. "Rise and shine." He greeted happily. "Holy...Pete we didn't-" asked Lena abruptness. "No, we didn't" laughed Pete in a soft whisper. "Where the guys?" Lena asked.
"I don't know. Probably asleep. Lazy dudes."
"What'd you dream about?" Pete asked pleasantly.
"Odd. That's weird for someone who doesn't like Fall Out Boy."
"I know," said Lena shaking her head. "I can't believe this."
"Some famous...rock star like you just slept with someone like me. I mean, not slept but..."
"You better believe it!"

Lena laughed. She seemed to like this Pete fellow. Not because of his looks anymore, but because he was a fun guy once you get to know him. Besides his outbursts he has, hes an amazing guy.
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