Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Excape

chap 2

by chaneitachi 0 reviews

now they have taking Cloud...stuff like that. Shephiroths about to go insane...yadda yadda. Just read and has a slight cussing. but only like 3 of one word

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Cloud Strife, Hojo, Sephiroth - Published: 2007-04-11 - Updated: 2007-04-11 - 354 words

"Okay ready to move, Cloud."
"Yes....but I think they're still out there." "Don't worry Cloud, they're not there." "Okay." He said still reluctant. Shephiroth took a peek out the door window again to assure him. "See." Shephiroth stated flatly. Since the window was higher up than Cloud he had to stand on his tiptoes. "Alright." "Okay, good." All they had to do was make it down to the exit and they are free. Shephiroth had Cloud in the front now, because he highly doubted they come from the exit.
They stopped in front of the closet door. Shepiroth felt as if there were more humans around. He looked around.
"Cloud run!" Too late, they had started to jump down from the ceiling, and he heard Cloud give a yell of fright, two had tackled him to the ground, Shephiroths skills had aloud him to fight and pay attention to how hard Cloud was trying to get them off. That must have been some impacted. "Cloud!" "Sheph-" He stopped in mid word. "Cloud!" He wasn't answering back.
"Take that one back to the lab." One of the dumbasses from earlier commanded. Shephiroth started to pay attention to his fighting to get Cloud.
1 minute later, all but two, where lying on the ground unconscious. The dumbass was one of them, and the other one who was suppose to take Cloud to the lab but handed it over to someone else. "If you don't let me out of this evil building with Cloud, I will go insane and kill you!" Shephiroth yelled pulling out Masemu.
"Um...we're about to fight a mako enhanced General with a 7-foot-sword. What happened to rule 1 about these things?" the one who was suppose to take Cloud asked.
"You mean rule # 1 in section 1."
"Never piss off a mako enhanced general with a seven-foot- sword."
"We just disobeyed it."
Shephiroth charged at them and they screamed. "Run!" they ran down the hall and into the...mako closet.
"Dumbass" Shephiroth shook his head and realized he had more important things to focus on.
He started to run to Hojos lab.
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