Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fatherhood for Dummies

Numero Veintitres

by swimfan625 5 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2007-04-13 - Updated: 2007-04-14 - 414 words

/Here's the first one I promised! I'll post the other one in a few hours =)/

"Daddy!!!!!!!!!" Ally yelled, throwing herself onto him after everyone left, "Hi."

"Hi Babygirl, what do you need?"

"I dow know, I'm borded."

"Yeah? You want to help me with something?" He smiled.


"You want to help Daddy plan how he's going to ask Natty to be your new Mommy?"

"Natty's dowing to be my Mommy?!?!" Ally asked excitedly, jumping up and down.

"I don't know yet Sweetie, Daddy still has to ask her."

"But Natty will be my Mommy?!?!"

"I don't know yet Ally," Pete chuckled, "I hope so but we've got to wait and see kay? But you need to promise Daddy that you won't tell anyone."

"Otay, I pwomise," she smiled, kissing his cheek as she climbed into his lap.

"Hey Petey," Natalie smiled, as Pete opened the front door for her.

"Hey, how was work?"

"Long, I missed you and the munchkin, speaking of which," she chuckled as Allison ran into her.

"I miffed you Natty!"

"I missed you too Sweetie, did you and Daddy have fun?"

"Yep we maded a plan."

"Oh?" Natalie asked, glancing at Pete, "and what's your plan?"

"I tant tell you, it's a turpwise!"

"Ohhhh, a good one or a bad one?"

"A dood one!"

"Good," Natalie laughed, setting her down, "isn't it your bed time?"

"I dow know?"

"Nice try Munchkin, you're wearing your pajamas."

"Stens when did dat happten?" Ally asked, throwing her hands to her mouth.

"You're a cutie."

"Juth lite Daddy?"

"Yep, you're just like you're Daddy," Natalie smiled before kissing her forehead and handing her over to Pete.

"Say goodnight to Natty, Baby."

"Nigh-night Natty I lub you."

"Love you too Sweetie."

"I'll be right back," Pete smiled, kissing Natalie's cheek as he took Ally upstairs.

"Soooo, what's this plan I heard about?" She smiled a few hours later, as she and Pete lay in his bed.

"Like Ally said, it's a surprise," He smirked.

"But I want to know," She pouted, sitting up.

"Nat, you've been doing that since we were six and it stopped working when we were sixteen."


"So, I'm not telling you what the surprise is, that's the whole point of a surprise. But I will tell you something else," He began nervously, moving so he was sitting behind Natalie.


"I think I love you," he whispered, gently kissing the back of her neck.


"I love you Natalie."
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