Categories > Original > Horror > Seven Deadly Sins


by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

A angry man faces Charlie's wrath

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-05-07 - 224 words

Charlie watched the man through the window of his apartment. She knew what he was planning on doing. He had been fired that morning from a job he worked twenty years at, now he was going to go back tomorrow, with a gun and start shooting.
Charlie, leapt onto the fire escape, climbing through the open window. The man turned, pointing a gun at her, "don't move," he said. Charlie just smiled, dropping onto the floor and walking toward him. The man shot her, but she just continued like nothing had happened.

She reached the man, who had backed up against the wall, grabbing his head. She began to squeeze as he screamed out in pain, "Stop," he screamed, as blood came out of his ears. She squeezed harder, as the man's bones in his face, popped and broke. Blood began to spurt out of his ears, nose and mouth. His eyeballs popped, than he gurgled as his brain was folded in like an accordion. She dropped him, letting him slump to the floor, slowly dying. She leaned over and said, "wrath is a sin." Than she climbed back out the window.

On the fire escape she pulled out her list, crossing another one off. She already knew who would be her next target, she climbed down the fire escape and headed for Broadway.
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