Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Touring With Green Day


by countinfives06 0 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-05-19 - Updated: 2007-05-20 - 177 words

The next day Pete did as I suggested and phoned his girlfriend, and asked her to come out on tour for the weekend, she would be here tomorrow, as soon as she got here, he was going to get her to take a test.
"Thanks..." Billie said coming and giving me a hug.
"For what?"
"For helping Pete, I don't know what you did or said but since then he hasn't had a stick up his ass,"
"Yeah sure, and I only told him a few truths and a few pieces of advice,"
"We're all glad you did," Andy says coming in from outside where a water fight involving the roadies was beginning. "He's still not back to the Peter Pan we all know and love, but the spark in his eyes is back..."
"Right you slackers, off the bus, you have sound checking to do." Dan FOB's tour manager came in, Billie mumbled something about Dan not being able to tell him what to do, then he saw the size of him and soon shut up!
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