Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Touring With Green Day


by countinfives06 0 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-05-20 - Updated: 2007-05-20 - 568 words

"You have someone back home? You live with Billie and Adie right?" Joe asked me, we've been out for a while shopping for our costumes for the party and we just stopped of at a Starbucks.
"Yeah I live with Bill and Ades, but no one back home, I came out of a long term relationship a while ago, but it was a mutual thing. It's complicated when it comes to guys..."
"How come? Don't tell me you don't get any look ins, your gorgeous..." he blushed. "I meant... what I meant to say was..."
"It's cool Joey you don't have to explain. And it's complicated because of Billie, he's so damn protective, he scares guys away. Everyone knows his reputation for wanting the best for me, including guys. Or people find out that he's my uncle and they freak and leave before anything happens, it kinda sucks living in his shadow you know?"
"Yeah it must suck... Are you going with anyone to Pete's party?"
"Nope, why?"
"I was just wondering... if you want to... if you want to come with me?" he stuttered out.
"Yeah I'd love to!"
"Well then I guess it's a date?"
"It's a date." I say receiving my coffee from the lady behind the counter and following Joe out the building, his hand fumbled to find mine in the mass of fabric that was my floaty patterned t-shirt. I thought it was sweet the fact that he was so nervous around me, it gave him an air of vulnerability, although we all know he is nothing of the sort! We walked like that to another costume shop; I still hadn't found what I was looking for.
"I think I'm actually just going to go and buy clothes from a normal clothes shop..." I say to Joe walking along, holding my bags of MAC make-up (that stuff is a God send!).
"I'll chum you, and then can we please go back to that shitty hotel? My feet are killing me!"
"Hey! I booked and picked out that hotel! I never had much choice though... Green Day is banned from most hotels in the country..." he laughed, and I directed him to the shop I wanted to go to, New Look.
After an hour of trying on different dresses I finally found the one, Joe never saw, I don't want anyone to see who I'm going to be until the actual day.
"Rumer is that you?" I hear Tré shout from his bed room when I entered our suite, laden with shopping bags.
"Yeah hun?" I shout back dumping my stuff into my room.
"Can you go pick up Ramona from the airport; her flight gets in, in like 30mins."
"Yeah sure, take it she's coming in for the party right?"
"Yeah I can't wait to see her,"
"So you aren't going to get her why?"
"Because we have a stupid interview along with Fall Out Boy, I think with TRL..." Billie shouted "Then we're gonna go and get Adie, Brit, Stella and the boys, its just unfortunate that Mona's flight comes in earlier than theirs does."
"Oh, ok well I'll go get her then." I left the room, grabbing my keys off the counter as I left, it didn't take long to find the airport and get Ramona and her things, and we were back to the hotel in no time at all.
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