Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Touring With Green Day


by countinfives06 0 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-05-20 - Updated: 2007-05-20 - 431 words

"Fer sure maybe, fer sure not, fer sure eh, fer sure bomb..." I sing, emptying my make-up out onto the dresser, Adie's eyes grew to twice their normal size.
"Rumer seriously, you don't need so much make-up! And what the hell where you singing?!"
"I know but I like to have it with me, just in case, and I was singing, Fer Sure Maybe by... The Medic Droid I think." I get to work, I just do a simple neutral look, then I start on mine, I was going all out, black smokey eye and screen-siren red lips, my favourite. By the time I had finished it was 8, things were beginning downstairs, I heard a knock at the door, "Adie, could you get that, it's probably Joe, I'm kinda busy," I say fighting with a Kirby Grip.
"Yeah sure - hey Joe, she'll be right out." I walk out as if I was walking on glass that was about to break, so shy and timid were my steps that they didn't feel like mine, I hated being the centre of attention, having all eyes on me. I needn't have worried with Joe though, he likes me for me, I think. His Joe hit the floor somewhere between me at the bedroom door and me beside him.
"Wow, you look, um, you look amazing." He said looking straight into my dark eyes (even weirder right, dark, dark eyes and blonde hair). "Marilyn Monroe right?"
"You don't look so bad yourself," I say taking his arm "and what gave me away?"
"I think it could be something to do with your hair? Or possibly your dress," I smiled, he led me down to the hall, we were at the door, when I cracked, I had to tell him.
"Um, Joe can we wait a minute before going in?"
"Yeah sure Roo, what's up?"
"I haven't told Billie I'm coming here with you,"
"You think he'll really mind? I mean it's not like we're dating,"
"Yeah but this is Billie he like tried to protect me from things that won't harm me in the first place, stupid really but it's just him,"
"Look its cool, I just won't do anything like this infront of him," he says leaning down, grazing his lips against mine, I hear the door open and slam shut again.
"Who was that?"
"I don't know, can't have been anyone important or they'd have stuck around to shout at me." Joe laughed, I followed his lead into the hall, which I saw straight away, wasn't screwed up in any shape or form!
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