Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Touring With Green Day


by countinfives06 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-05-20 - Updated: 2007-05-20 - 501 words

"I know you better than that Rumer, I want the deets!" I was currently being held captive by my aunt (she was leaving soon, along with everyone else...) who was insisting on knowing everything that happened last night, nothing happened, we only kissed! That's not a big deal, right? The way she was going on, you'd think I was some kind of whore (wait... how many kinds of whore are there?!), I mean its not as if I go out on the pull at the weekend, I only dumped my long-term boyfriend 6/7 months ago, since then, no-one!
"Adie, we just kissed, nothing more, but it was like, how do I explain it, there was a more intense emotional connection last night than before." I said receiving a hug from both Joey and Jake as they boarded the people carrier taxi that was going to take them all to the airport and from there home.
"Hmm, just look after yourself k?" she said turning round, being embraced by Billie who gave her a final hug and kiss before she left for California. I nodded in response to Adie, and got into the bus, dragging my suitcase with me.
"Hey, give me it here," Joe came up behind me and took my case out of my hands.
"Oh, thanks," I smiled kissing his cheek (making sure Billie never saw - or the rest of Green Day for that matter) and followed him onto my bus. "You want to travel with us for a while?"
"Yeah sure, I'll just go tell the guys, so they don't think they've left me behind or something." I laughed, and gave him a hug, not letting him leave.
"Hmm, you know I'd rather stay here with you while Green Day isn't here but..." I broke him off, crashing my lips to his.
"I can always call them," he said when we came up for air, I smirked against his lips. It was his turn to smirk as I pushed him backwards towards the couch, straddling him when we got there.
"Oi, oi, what's happening here then?" it was Tré, he came bounding onto the bus and stopped short when he saw us, I moved off Joe faster than I've ever seen myself move.
"Um..." was all both Joe and I could manage, Tré stood stuck to the spot scrutinising our every moves.
"You have got to be joking me! You two?!" he said pointing at us both, dumping whatever he had in his hands on the couch beside me. "Billie is going to freak, you know that right?!"
"Tré you can't tell him anything! You know what he's like!"
"Chill kiddo, I', not going to say anything, but if he finds out, I didn't know a thing, got it?"
"Got it," Joe and I said simultaneously.
"Good, now if you'll excuse me, I'm off for a nap, and don't start anything, Billie's coming on any second." I nodded and watched his retreating form, leaning my head on Joe's shoulder.
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