Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Forty

by ryanrossISsove 9 reviews

fillerrr. and party number two.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-21 - Updated: 2007-05-22 - 732 words

Rachel's POV-
It's six. I have to get Pete out of the house while everyone gets here for the surprise party.

"Pete?" I called, from the couch.
Soon, he ran out of the kitchen.

"Yup?" he asked, sliding with his socks on the linoleum floor.

"I'm craving watermelon, but we don't have any." I lied, making a pouty face after.

Pete smiled, and grabbed his jacket.

"Seedless, I presume?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." he said, running out of the house.

I watched out the window, and as soon as he was gone, I set up for the party, and everyone started arriving.

Soon, I had what seemed like most everyone from every band Pete's ever signed, or been signed with that he loves most, William, Shaant, Jeff, Tom, Fred, Joe, Patrick, Andy, Ryan, Brendon, Spencer, Travis and Matt, Gabe, Jon, Ryland, Nate, Alex, Vicky-T, The Butcher, Mike Carden, and Mike Chrislett, Sisky, Hayley, Greta, Bob, Chris, and Darren.

They all stood in the living room, clueless.

William suddenly stood on a couch.

"Everybody hide, and when Pete walks in, jump out, and surprise him, cliché enough?" he said to everyone.

They nodded, and all hide in different places around the first floor of the house. I and William even hid Hemmy.

I hid behind the couch, and after about five minutes, Pete walked in the door, with a grocery bag, in it, I presumed to be a watermelon.

"Rach, I got your damn watermelon!" he called, before everyone jumped out and screamed,


Pete's mouth just dropped to the floor, and he dropped the watermelon, luckily it didn't break, it just rolled off.

"You son of a bitches..." he said, almost in a whisper, as people started to swam him.

"Whose the master mind behind this nosence?" he asked.

"Travis, Brendon, William, and Ms. Hicikyan." Ryan said to him.

"YOU FOUR, GET OVER HERE!" he called.

We all walked up to him.

"You three..." he said, pointing to the three boys.

"Are dead." he said, smiling.

"Now Pete, you know you love us." Travis said.

"Oh, I do. But, pulling something like this, on me? Yeah, your dead." he said, smiling.

"And as for you two..." he said, pointing to me.

I giggled.

"Get over here." he said, holding his arms out.

I smiled, and walked over to him, and he scooped me up, and hugged me tight.

"I love you. Both of you." he said.

I smiled.

"I love you too." I said.

Soon, the party was well underway, and everyone was talking and having a great time.

Greta, Hayley and Vicky-T were so exited when they heard about the baby, and we talked almost the whole time.

The cake was great, Jon made it, so of course it was going to be something extravagant that took like a full day to make.

Pete got a lot more presents, and he loved that, but he said nothing could have matched up to the events of yesterdays party, and my present.

The party dragged on to the wee hours of the night, and I found me and William just sitting on the couch talking, until I just couldn't stay awake anymore.
Pete's POV-

"Where's Rach?" I asked Gabe as we finished a convesation.

"Last I saw she was on the couch with William." he said.

I nodded, and headed over there.

When I got there, I saw Rachel fast asleep, her head on the arm of the chair, and William and Hayley talking. I smiled at how cute she looked, fast asleep.

I walked over to her, and picked her up, and brought her up to our room, and laid her on the bed.

She stirred a bit.

"Pete?" she asked.

"Hey babe, did I wake you? I just wanted you to be more comfortable." I whispered.

"It's fine." she said, yawning.

"Thanks." she added, stretching her arms over her head and yawning again.

I leaned over and kissed her head.

"Goodnight." I whispered.

She nodded, and snuggled into the pillow.

"I'll be back soon." I said, as I headed for the door, and down to the party again.

Just a bity filler, next chapter is the shocker, I bet you all can't wait, huh? And don't worry, I'm not going to kill the baby, I mean. I already picked out a name, I'm attached. =)
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