Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Friends and Enemies

Chapter 4- Camp Halligan-June 3

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

Kendra goes to camp and meets Chris.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [Y] - Published: 2007-05-27 - Updated: 2007-05-28 - 1271 words

I was in Section A, my nickname TaterTot, and had absolutely no-one to talk to. Oh, yeah, and a counsler named Anthony (nicknamed 'HighWater') whouldn't leave me alone. Yea. Course this is coming from me, Tater Tot.

I hadn't walked around in my sports bra and pajama pants for 2 days, 7 hours, 36 minutes and 10 seconds. It was wierd being without Patrick's hats, Andy's voice, Joe's smile, and Pete's beautiful eyes, but I dealt. Although there were only so many 'Do you have a boyfriend, Tater?' I could get asked by 11 year olds before I seriously considered shooting myself. (Also, I've noticed that 11 year olds seem to have more of a love life than I do.)

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse (I had just accidentally stabbed myself with a fork just barely missing a main artery) the most beautiful boy came into the cafiteria. He had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and oh, my, God, the build of a surfer. He was perfect.

All matters beginning with a 'P' and ending with an 'ete' were shoved in the back of my head as the perfect guy walked over to my table. MY table.

"Hi." I said quietly. I shoved the little BBQ hot dogs up to his face. "Wieners?" Yes, my friends I said wieners. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

He shook his head.

"No thanks, mate, but I'll have some chips." English or Austrailian? ARe they both the same thing? What are chips?

I regained my composure and handed him the fries.

"You can call me Cricket." he said, "but my name is Chris."

"Hi, Cricket." I said. The rest of the cmpets echoed a 'Hi Cricket.' and he nodded a greeting but I couldn't help but think how beautiful our names sounded together. Kendra and Chris. Chris and Kendra.

"Cheers guys." He said. Definently English.

"You can call me Tater or TaterTot." I said. "But my name is Kendra."

"Kendra, that's a beautiful name." He stated.

I flushed a shade of red I didn't even know existed.

"Thanks." Was all I could come up with.

He nodded and the table ate in silence at first and then he looked up at me once more.

"Kendra, would you like to help me in the canoeing?"

"Huh? Oh, oh, yeah. I'd love too." I said sounding a bit like a crazy fan girl. I inwardly winced at my cliche behavior.

He smiled.

"Smashing." he said and got up, grabbing his plate and walking off.

The dinner lasted longer than it should have in my tastes and finally there was time for me to escape.

I walked to the lake as fast as I could . I could see Chris waiting for me. He was doing some wierd string bracelet thing but I guess he had to entertain himself somehow. His plate was next to him. It was empty.

"Hey." I called.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, I didn't know if you were coming or not." he said.

I shrugged.

"Dinner was too long." I said.

He laughed a beautiful laugh and patted the spot next to him. I sat and we waited and talked for hours. No kids came.

"Guess no one's coming." I said.

"That's alright. Let's try canoeing ourselves he said flashing me a brilliant white smile.

I couldn't say no to that smile and soon we were climbing into a canoe and pushing off the dock and we talked and laughed like we weren't strangers. I watched the stars come out, casually brushing my hand in the water, wishing the night would never end when I felt something brush my hand. Freaking out I screamed and stood up, rocking the boat. Chris tried to calm me down but he stood up too and rocked the boat even more. Soon we were in the water, the boat overturned and the thing I touched in the water turned out to be a piece of seaweed. Nice one, Kendra, Nice one.

I treaded water silently mentally slapping myself. I was inwardly slapping myself when all of a sudden I heard Chris laugh. It was a beautiful laugh. Not at all like "Ha Ha you screwed up and looked like a total idiot I should have never invited you here." but a "Wow. That was fun. Let's do it again." kind of laugh. It was so beautiful at that moment that i didn't want to leave this lake without at least kissing his cheek.

"Kendra, that was the most fun I've had in forever." He said.

And then it jsut--happened. Our lips found each other and things branced off from ther. Somehow the canoe became right again and we found our way back in it wher one by one our clothes came off.

Then it was over and I wan't a virgin anymore. He gave me my clothes, pulled up to the dock, let me off, and watched me walk away.

I crawled in bed feeling so different. So empty. I wrapped myself up in the sheets and tried to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I saw Chris and for some reason I saw Joe and Patrick shaking their heads and Pete with tears streaming down his face*.

The next day I felt sick and didn't get out of bed. HighWater Anthoney left me alone and I slept praying to God the weekend would come fast. I wasn't sick because of the sex I know that. I was on birth control and he had used a condom. I was sick because of how stupid I was. I barely knew Chris and I slept with him? What kind of slut am I?

When I realized that right then all I really needed was the one person I had been running away from I began to cry. He would help me get through this. He would hold me and tell me everythings alright. He would offer to beat the man that stole my innocince but never do it just so he wouldn't have to leave my side. He would always be ther while when I promis I would, I leave him so I don't have to be there.

I make myself so sick.

Around noon someone came in to give me lunce which remained un-touched all day. Finally, at 5, I got up and took some Tylonol. Tonight was a bonfire and unless I was deathly ill I had to go.

I pulled my hair in a messy bun, put on some shorts, sneakers, and a big, baggy sweatshirt that I had stolen from Patrick and I found my way to the bonfire. I sat in front, my red, puffy eyes staring into the fire. I didn't see Chris anywhere for awhile. It was just me and the flames dancing the night away. That was until Chris took a seat across from me and watche dme. I waited for the butterflies in my stomach but all I felt was guilt and at first all I saw was the picture of Pete crying but then I saw something else, something real.

Apparently Chris had moved on already because he laced hands with a blonde, blue-eyed girl and pulled her away from the bonfire. To the dock, no doubt.

I wondered if he would throw her away like he did me and then I realized I didn't give a flying fuck. I just wanted to be anywhere but here. No, I did have a place I'd rather be.

In my friend's arms.

*= Where's Andy? No clue it wasn't in the notebook. The notebook is God. I know. It told me so.
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