Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Pieces of Me

The Mall

by mcrvicky 0 reviews

The girls go shopping

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-05-29 - Updated: 2007-05-29 - 393 words

"Ok Cassie hot topic?" "Like you had to ask" laughed Cassie "You know Cassie I don't need an outfit maybe just some make-up im gonna get the guys black shirts for tonight" "Hey I'll get them red ties they will look awesome and we'll do their make-up for them" "For sure they are gonna rock".

Cassie and Eva got the shirts and ties they also got a tie for each other, they would be wearing short black tops with black shorts and the ties with red knee high socks and black vans.
Back at Gerard's house the girls gave the guys their shirts and ties "Here guys we got you presents for tonight" said Eva handing over the bags "Hey thanks these are great" said Gerard looking through the bag handing out the shirts and ties.

Later that night they helped the guys with their make-up, Ray and Bob didn't have any on and Mikey just had eye liner on but Gerard had a black band over his eyes and Frank had black crosses over his eyes with red eye shadow around his eyes.

"So are you nervous about tonight?" Eva asked Frank whilst doing his make-up "Not really I just have fun doing it" "Ok all done wow you guys look fuckin hot if I do say so I bet you will have lots of girls drooling over you. Well it was nice knowing you guys" "What do you mean Eva?" asked Gerard "Well when you guys make it which I know you will you'll forget about us infact I bet tonight you wont even notice us in the crowd" Eva said "Yeah right the two most beautiful girls in the room I think we'd notice" Frank said kissing Eva on the cheek, while Cassie and Gerard talked about how Frank and Eva were a cute couple even though they weren't dating yet.

"Hey Eva, Cassie can you do us a favour tonight?" asked Gerard "Yeah sure what is it" said Cassie "Well can you two introduce us on stage then don't hook up with anyone tonight we want to take you guys out to say thank you for everything." "Sure we'd love to" answered Eva. Little did the girls know the guys were taking them to the beach for a moonlight walk and were gonna ask them to be there girlfriends.
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