Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > He Said It Was A One Night Stand

Try To Make It All Okay

by xXprettyinpunkXx 5 reviews

hmm, pete's intentions are kinda..funny

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-05-30 - Updated: 2007-05-31 - 1079 words

Riley flipped through the channels on the tv. The tears had long been drained and she felt as if she'd never cry again. She heard the front door open and soft footsteps of Pete approaching. He sat down on the armrest of the couch, and nibbled on Riley's neck. She moved her head. Pete sat up and let out a soft chuckle.

" What's up with you?" he slid down, making room between Riley and the arm rest. He moved her hair and started nibbling on her beck again. She began to give him more access, but she pulled away again. Her eyes still on the screen. Pete stared at her, frustrated.

" What's the matter with you? First you disappear from the hospital, and now you're pushing me away?" Riley glanced at him. He really thought she was that stupid. She turned to look back at the tv. Pete sighed and ran a hand over his face. He stood up and put up his hands.

" Alright..I understand. You caught me." Riley looked at him incredeously. He was actually going to confess. She fumbled with the remote and turned off the tv. She stared at him, waiting for the pain to sink in more. Pete looked around the room and shook his head.

" I know you're mad at me because," this was it, this is when it was all going to end," I haven't been here with you enough. I've been spending too much time with another girl, and I was stupid. You came up here after school finished, just like we had planned, to start working on the wedding. But...I'm here now. I'm here." he kneeled down in front of Riley. Her eyes were brimming with tears.

What?! had he come to the conclusion that she was mad at him because of the wedding?! Well it was obvious, more obvious than the part of Pete loving another woman. Riley shook her head from the thoughts and looked into Pete's eyes. She seemed to fall into them as they looked back at her, full of love and compassion. But who did that love and compassion belong to now? Riley? Tessa? She didn't know. But one thing she did know, is that she didn't want to loose Pete. Despite all the pain he had put her through the past two hours, and ever since she got here, all the crying she had done, all the hate she went through.

Petes' hand reached out and grabbed Riley's. He brought them up to his lips and kissed them, a confused expression then came to his face. He looked down at her hand. Her left hand.

" Rye? Where's your ring?" he asked even more confused. Riley stood up quickly, pulling her hand out of Pete's the in the process. She quickly wiped the tears from her face

" I..It fell off in the car..and I guess I didn't remember until now. I'll go and get-" Pete stood up and shook his head. He put his hands on her shoulders.

" I'll get it. Stay here." he walked outside and Riley fell back on the couch, shaking. What was she doing? He didn't love her. Did he? Pete came back with a huge grin on his face. He kneeled in front of Riley again.

" I don't know how this fell off, but I know how it's coming back on." he slowly slipped the ring on her finger again." Riley..will you make me the happiest man and marry me.." he smiled that million dollar smile.

He doesn't love me. He loves her.

" Yes..Pete." she managed to choke out between her crying. Pete smiled and lifted her up into his arms and twirled her around.


Tessa adjusted herself in the wheelchair the nurse was pushing her in. They went into the waiting room where Jennica sat watching tv, Pete's mom watching her. She turned and a huge smile swept over her face.

" Oh you poor baby!" she walked over and carefully took Tessa into a hug. It lasted for what seemed like forever. Jennica seemed to notice and ran over to her mother.

" Mommy!! You're okay." Tessa pulled her into her lap and hugged her. She mouthed a thank you to Pete's mom.

" You mind driving me home, mom." added Tessa uncomfortably. Ever since she had met Pete's parents, and had told them of the relationship between her and her own parents, they insisted on her calling them mom and dad.

" Of course baby. Pete's off..." a weird expression crossed her face, Tessa couldn't really examine it well with the sunlight outside and all. " He'd be here, but he had errands to run. Jennica, come here sweety, that's not a candy machine!" Jennica ran over at her grandmothers command and walked obediantly by her mother who was rolling by.

Once home, Pete's mother stuck around for a while but then took off to take care of her own husband.

" Almost thirty years and he still doesn't know when the chicken's done." she said kissing Tessa on the cheek and Jennica on her head. " Just call if you need anything. Bye."

" Bye." said Tessa and her daughter in unison. Once the door closed Jennica ran off to her room saying she missed her dollies. Tessa managed to get to the kitchen with her crutches. She was dying of hunger after the hospital food. No one can live off that stuff, she thought as she made a sour face remembering the beef broth the had for lunch.

She soon made herself some ramen and relaxed on the couch. She turned on the tv. Every once in a while she called Jennica making sure she was okay. But being in this house..with out Pete..after Ivan had just burst in, nothing felt okay. The floorboards creaking on their own accord, it was nothing but frightening, and when Tessa went to bed after putting Jennica to sleep, it was difficult. The stiffness in her leg wasn't the problem, she just couldn't sleep in the dark, so all night she kept her lamp on. All night she kept her eyes peeled. All night she wished Pete was lying by her side telling her it was going to be okay.

so this is kinda the calm before the storm
since a storm kinda happened, but anyway-
review or i'll stop the story right here!

(did i scare you? oh come on, just a little bit?)
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