Categories > Original > Humor > Five Minute Soap Dish

Week 24

by johmichaels 0 reviews

Getting sick and tired of Gothic Rose, Nick tells her the truth, and enjoys the consequences

Category: Humor - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-06-11 - Updated: 2007-06-12 - 1262 words - Complete

Week 24

Gothic Rose looked around at the kitchen. She was clearly lost at all the things Nick had running, but wasn't going to say it.
"So.....what do you want me to do?" she asked.
"What did you say?" she asked, not really paying attention to him.
"Leave, get better style or taste in music, realise you're being used. Something like that," Nick said, shaping the semi formed tofu into balls.
"Come on Nick. I know you don't like me, but Steve likes me, and if you like Steve, you better get used to me, because I'm going to be staying here for a long time," she said, then pointed to the tofu, "That's look pretty easy. I could do that?"
"No, you can't," Nick said, "Go to the fridge, pour all the cream into a bowl and whip it until its firmed."
"Why don't you just buy whipped cream?"
"Great idea! Better yet, why not forget cooking entirely, and just go to McDonald's to eat," Nick yelled gesturing wildly before quickly turning back to the tofu, "Whip the cream like I told you and try not to make any more noises."
Gothic Rose tried dong that, but soon found the action of continuously spinning a wooden spoon around tiring. She also noticed the nearby electric mixer.
"Why can't I just use the electric mixer?"
"Only people I like can use the electric mixer. Annoying people get the spoon," he said back to her, "Now what did I say about talking?"
"If only people you like can use it...must be a short list," she mumbled back, but Nick heard her.
"Yes, in fact it's a total of me, Kelly, Gia, and very occasionally Steve that are allowed to use it. Now for instance, Steve would most definitely not be allowed to use it."
Nick was mainly focusing on making perfectly formed tofu balls, so he's wasn't really listening to Gothic Rose stop whipping the cream. In fact, he only really noticed that she had when the wooden spoon hit him on his back.
"What the hell are you doing?" Nick screamed spinning around to face her, "You're a Goth, you're meant to hurt yourself, not anyone else."
"Oh, stop it with all the anti-Goth stuff. That's not what you have against me. See, I've done psychology, I know why you really hate me."
"Really?" Nick asked, eyebrow raising, "Why is that?"
"I'm taking Steve away from you. You've had him to yourself for so long, you can't imagine someone else taking him," she said, stepping forward to reassuringly stroke his arm, an arm Nick quickly jerked out of her grasp, "But it's okay. If you just admit to yourself that you have feelings for men, you'll be able to find all new 'friends' to hang out with."
There was a pause as both parties considered Gothic Rose's statements. Then Nick snorted and cracked out laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Three things. One-that I'm gay. Did you not just notice I listed two women as the only people I continuously liked? Two, that even if I was gay, I'd date a huge philanderer like Steve," Nick said amid gasps, "And three, and most of all, that you're taking Steve away from anyone."
"What?" Gothic Rose said, stepping back.
"You aren't a girlfriend to him. You're not even a friend. You're sex on tap. The girl he'll sleep with until something better comes along," Nick explained, "That's why I hate you. Because you're so bloody delusional so still thing you and he have a future together. Hell, you think you've got something now together."
"Don't lie to yourself, Nick..."
"Don't lie to myself? Listen, he never wanted to invite you to this. He only did because he listed your mobile incorrectly. The person he wanted to invite is Evelyn-your friend. And he doesn't even want to date her. He wants to screw her, which is the point of this elaborate charade that I was told to cook for-oh yes, he's done none of the work, that's another lie he told you. He's just trying to sleep with her, but he's happy to keep it up with you while she's unattainable."
"Shut up, you bastard!" Gothic Rose screamed.
"Just think about this. When has he ever, in the history of the world, mentioned or even remembered your name?" Nick asked, "Face it you're the Harley Quinn of this universe-and no matter what your "Puddin'" does to you, you'll rush back to him, sure of a misunderstanding."
"That's not true!"
"Hey, you're a psychologist apparently. Falsify my theory. Go outside, and see why he's not in here with you."
Gothic rose then slapped him, and ran out of the kitchen. She stopped in the middle of the lounge room, seeing Evelyn. She had a glass of shiraz in one hand, and the other was around Steve's shoulders. Gia, Mark, Kelly and Kelly's boyfriend all stared at the new arrival.
Nick followed behind her, "Ladies and gentlemen, dinner will be ready, right after the floor show."
"Fuck off!" Gothic Rose shouted, tears flowing from her eyes, as she faced her friend, "Evelyn, why, why are you with him?"
"I'm dating him, you bitch, why else do you think I'm here?"
"You can't," Gothic Rose answered, sobbing lightly, "I'm, I'm, I'm-"
"Oh, it's all you, you, you," Nick said, causing a light giggle from Kelly and Steve.
"He was dating me! And fucking me. And he's just doing this entire thing to get into your pants," Gothic Rose continued, ignoring the others as she pointed to Steve, "He's evil, and sick, and-"
She didn't continue, as the crying was taking over. She ran out of the house, still sobbing.
"Was what she was saying true?" Evelyn asked Steve.
"No, no. No, of course not."
"Then what was she doing here?"
"I keep telling you, she's crazy. Thinks we're meant to be together, and keeps on following me around and-"
"Oh give up, Steve!" Kelly groaned, "You've failed to bed them both. Now, like any sane hunter, you let them back into the wild."
Evelyn pulled herself away from Nick and stared incredulously at all the others, "What the hell is wrong with you people? knew he was doing this to me and my friend? And you did nothing?"
"Well, to be fair, I just told Gothic Rose that-" Nick began.
"Who's Gothic Rose?" Evelyn asked.
"Y'know. Your friend...the fat one," Nick said, "Anyway, I did tell her what was going on."
"That fat one? Is that how you see me?" Evelyn asked, "You people, you're all sick."
She left quickly after that. Everyone her the room stared at each other in silence.
Finally Nick shouted, "Both Goths gone. And I made that shit vegeterian food for nothing. Anyway, let's not get sullen. Sure, the main reason for Steve arranging the party is gone, but hey, we had a great floor show just then. And there's always the secondary reason-me meeting the new partners."
Nick breezed in to speak closely to Kelly's boyfriend, "So, you're an Italian."
"Yeah, so?"
"Does that mean you're a real boy yet, or still made out of wood?"
"Fuck you," the boyfriend responded.
"Well a good boy wouldn't say that, so I'm guessing still made out of wood."
Kelly calmed her partner, "Don't listen to him darling. Besides-being made out of wood has its advantages."
She winked at her partner, and Nick winced, "I don't know much about female anatomy, but I'd think that's the last place you'd want splinters."
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