Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Moonlight

Scroll 2: Friends or not?

by kirayasha 0 reviews

a Sesshomaru story...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Sesshoumaru, Other - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2005-11-25 - Updated: 2005-11-26 - 14802 words


Author's notes: Once again I'd like to thank Ithilwen for her invaluable help in betaing this fic!

Scroll two: Friends or not?

They strode quietly towards the women's quarters. Tsukikage noted with interest that the farther they got from his mother the more Sesshomaru seemed to relax, until they finally slowed down to a leisurely walk. She wanted to say something to him, but she was unsure of what to say or how to go about saying it, so the silence hung in the air between them like a living thing until she could not take it any more.

"Sesshomaru-waka-sama...I just want to say I'm sorry..."

"For what?" he said angrily as he stopped and turned to face her.

"For... for... ummm... I'm just sorry about what happened... ummm," Tsuki mumbled helplessly as she shrank back from his anger.

He regarded her silently as she stood there, trying to think of something to say to break the silence, before he turned and continued on towards the women's quarters. Tsukikage followed as quickly as she could, for he could move fast when he wanted to. Finally they reached the garden courtyard and Tsukikage was surprised to see the sun was already setting. She marveled at the way the light and shadows played against each other in the soft dusky twilight. She noted someone had come by and had lit the lanterns, which cast a warm glow over the place. That was when she spotted a twinkling among the flowers and feeling sorry for him, she decided to try and lighten his mood they way her older brother used to do for her when she was feeling upset.

"Look, Waka-sama! There's some fireflies! Come on, let's go catch some and make a wish!" she said as she ran over to where she spotted them.

"Hunh? Make a wish?" he said with a puzzled look on his face, which she saw as she turned to face him.

"Hai! You just catch one, hold it close to your heart, make a wish and then you slowly open you hand and blow on them so they fly away..." She sighed as she tired not to laugh at him. "You mean to tell me you've never done this before?" she asked as he shook his head at her. "Then watch me. It's really a lot of fun! I used to do this all the time when I was little! You know my Onii-chan taught me how to do this," she said with a smile as she turned and stalked her 'prey'.

"Gotcha!" Tsukikage cried as she caught one. Then holding her hands close to her heart she made a silent wish before slowly bringing her hands out and away from her. She brought them up slightly as she opened her hands and blowing softly on the firefly, laughed as it flew away. "Now you try," she said as she looked at him, eyes full of mischief.

"Iie! I don't have time for this nonsense," he said as he shot her a bored look.

"Well then if you have somewhere else you'd rather be, Waka-sama; don't let me keep you," Tsukikage said coolly as she shot him an annoyed look. "I know the way back from here." She bowed, fully expecting to be dismissed.

Sesshomaru, who really had nowhere else to go, stood there studying her silently as she waited before speaking to her. "Really? Then you must be smarter than you look, ne?" he said dryly.

"Hai!" Bristling with anger at the insult, Tsukikage replied sarcastically, "You know your Haha-ue must be very proud of you, ne? Seeing how polite and well mannered you are. Although I suppose I could have found my way back here eventually... but thankfully I didn't, since you were kind enough to show me the way."

He shook his head at her as he chuckled to himself. "You really are an idiot if you think you can speak to me in that tone and get away with it," he said with deadly calm.

"Gomen nasai; you are right, Waka-sama; I am an idiot for thinking I could speak to you...and an even bigger fool for thinking I could distract you from your troubles," she said quietly.

"What do you know of my troubles?" he demanded as he scowled at her.

"I saw what your father did... and I saw your mother's hurt and anger over it..."

"I didn't ask for your sympathy nor do I want it!" he hissed at her.

"Fine! I was only trying to make you feel better, but if you'd rather wallow in self pity, then so be it, Waka-sama!" she hissed right back at him. "Trust me, you'd be much better off if you didn't!"

"Nani?" He stared at her, as he was not sure what to make of her in that moment as she seemed so different from the meek girl he had met this morning.

"What I meant is this; I know what it's like to have something eating at you that you can't change no matter how much you wish you could..."

"You sound just like that bitch!" he interrupted and for a minute Tsukikage wondered what he was going to do; as he was clearly reaching the limits of his anger. Then a cold deadly calm settled over him and he narrowed his eyes to slits as he folded his arms across his chest.

Tsukikage took a deep breath and went on as she ignored his outburst. "Waka-sama... Listen to me, please... and forget about her for the moment," she said calmly. "Look, I was taken away from my family with no means of getting back there... I don't even know if they are still alive or not. I don't even know what happened to them. I think one of my playmates is here working in the kitchens... Kami knows how many others may be here working in the fields or elsewhere in the palace..." She closed her eyes and sighed.

She then went on, "I don't even know if they're still here! For all I know Inutaisho-dono-sama may have given them away or worse... but I am still here and while I have no way of finding anything out right now..." She bit her lip as she tried not to cry in front of him. "One day I might be able to and then I can do something about it. But if I were to wallow in self pity... well I wouldn't be able do anything, as I'd be so upset and angry all the time..." She looked at him pleadingly as she tried to make him understand how she felt.

Tsukikage held up a hand to stop him from speaking. "Anyway before you start yelling at me for being so familiar... I'm just telling you this because it bothers me you're so unhappy and I'm not saying that because you're the Waka-sama either! I wouldn't care if you swept the dung from the stables... all I'm saying is your life would be a lot easier if you were happy; that's all. Any fool could see that!" She sighed. "Besides, I must be a fool to think you'd listen to me." Tsukikage took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she looked him in the eye.

"You'd better get going..." he said softly as he ignored her outburst. Closing his eyes, he thought about what she said for a moment before dismissing it as nonsense.

"Hai...please, Waka-sama, just think about it. Even the most powerful daimyo have advisers who they listen to..." she trailed off and shook her head. Feeling defeated, for he was still standing there eyeing at her coldly she changed the subject. "Konbanwa, Waka-sama... I will see you tomorrow, ne?" she said softly as she bowed to him before turning to leave.

"Konbanwa..." he said automatically as he gave a slight bow. Dismissing her, he stood there, watching her leave. "Wait a minute! Where are you going?!"

She sighed as she stopped and turned to face him. "To my room, Waka-sama. Why?"

"Who said you could have that room?"

"Ningen-hime..." she said softly.

"She said you could use it?" Sesshomaru asked incredulously. "She knew whose room that was... Stupid wench!" he swore to himself.

"I know it's your cousin's room and I haven't touched anything by the way except the bedding... If you want to, you can see for yourself..." She sighed as he pushed passed her and headed for his cousin's room. Sighing, Tsukikage hurried after him.

Sesshomaru slid open the shoji, and stepping out of his sandals, he walked inside and looked around. He was pleased to see she had not lied to him for the only change made to the room aside from the unrolled futon and bedding, was the thick layer of dust that had been removed. He turned around at the sound of her voice.

"I've even replaced the flower in her vase. Gomen, but I couldn't get a chrysanthemum; anyway I hope she likes peonies..." Tsukikage said as she watched him from the doorway.

"Hai..." he said distractedly as he walked over to Hitomi's dolls. He picked up the bride doll and looked at it for a while before setting it down again.

"The bride and groom are my favorites too. Ummm... maybe we can find a way to send them to her? I think she might like that a lot, don't you?"

He shrugged as he wandered around inside. "You can come in if you want..."

"Hai... it's just that I've never had a boy in my room before except my Onii-chan. And I was very little at the time..."

"I'm not a boy; I'm..." he started.

"The Waka-sama..." she finished. Smiling she added, "You know, Waka-sama or not, you're still a boy from where I'm standing..." she finished lamely.

"That's not what I was going to say." He glared at her. "What I was going to say is soon I'll be old enough to change my name."

"'Sesshomaru...'" Tsukikage said softly. "You know, Waka-sama, if I were you, I would keep 'Sesshomaru', as it suits you."

"Really?" he said dryly as he ignored her familiarity. "I believe I told you, you could come in here."

"Hai..." she said as she also took off her sandals and entered her room. "Would you like to talk about her? I think Ningen-hime said her name was Hitomi-hime..."

"Is! Baka! Her name /is /Hitomi-hime. She's not dead." He let out a deep breath in a huff.

"Gomen nasai, I know that. I was told she was married off sometime ago, and that she was loosing her sight." She looked at him and he nodded as a sullen look settled onto his features. "I overhead someone saying she was going to have a pup soon..." She flinched at the look he shot her. Another heavy silence settled between them as she came over and sat across from him; separated by a low table. "Gomen nasai... Would you like some tea?"

Sesshomaru nodded as Tsukikage got up and took her time getting the tea ready. He sat there with his eyes closed, imagining it was his cousin he could hear moving around behind him and he let his thoughts drift back to her...

"Sessho-kun...guess what?" she said as she came over and hugged his seated form from behind.

"What?" he said as he gently rubbed his cheek on her hands.

"Ojisan said I am to be married as soon as my wedding kimono are made."


"Hai!/ Can you believe I am to be married off to Fujitaka-sama?" As she was kneeling behind him, Hitomi never saw the pained look on his face. "And that Ojisan was having a palace built for us as a wedding gift? This is wonderful news, ne? I can't believe how lucky I am! Chichi-ue was saying I would have to commit seppuku before I become a burden to everyone and now I don't have to! Sessho-kun...? Sessho-kun...are you alright?"/

"Sesshomaru-waka-sama?" Tsukikage said as she set the tea things down in front of them. "Sesshomaru-waka-sama... Are you alright?"

Sesshomaru rubbed his forehead as her voice pulled him from his memories. "Hai... I am fine. Why wouldn't I be?" he said; his tone implying she was an idiot to think otherwise. "I believe the tea is ready and you were going to pour for me," he said as he motioned towards the empty cups.

"Hai..." she said softly as she made tea for the two of them. When it was finished brewing, she held her sleeve back and carefully poured him a cup. Picking it up, she handed it to him. She then waited while he took a sip before pouring for herself. They sat there sipping their tea as the silence once again stretched between them.

"I know!" she said with a smile.

"Hunh?" he replied as he watched her get up and walk over to a small cabinet on the other side of the room. Once there she took out an ink block, a brush and a bit of paper before returning to sit down. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to draw her for you... and I was wondering if it would be alright if I used this."

"How? You don't even know what she looks like," Sesshomaru said as he frowned, before adding, "Who said you could go looking through her things?"

"Ningen-hime said I could look around as it's my room now," she said defensively. "Anyway, I know I don't know what she looks like... but you're going to describe her to me... I can do this, you know," she said as she caught sight of the look he gave her. "I used to do it all the time when I was little... my Onii-chan would tell me a story and I would draw all the scenes and people from it... You know, just from listening to him. Now go on..." she said as she added a bit of water to her ink block. Then she carefully loaded some ink onto the brush and taking a scrap of paper she made a few practice brush strokes. "Well?"

"Where'd you get the paper from?" Sesshomaru said before taking another sip of tea.

"I got it from one of the laborers... there was a broken shoji and I asked them if I could have the torn paper. Why?" she asked and he shrugged in reply. "Will you tell me about her now? You know... so I can draw her for you...?" Tsukikage said with a smile as she picked up her teacup and had another sip.

Sesshomaru took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Well for one thing she looks like me; everyone used to call us litter mates because we looked more like siblings than cousins..." he trailed off as he watched her draw the basic outline of Hitomi's face and as he went on Tsukikage added Hitomi's features. "Wait... her eyes are larger and her hair is all the same length..." he added as he appraised her new corrections.

Tsukikage added more brush strokes to the simple ink painting as Sesshomaru watched; fascinated by how the portrait was taking shape. "She would wear it up like you do in the summer... umm... she has two vertical stripes on her right cheek..." He continued to describe his childhood playmate. "Amazing... that looks so much like her..." He looked at Tsukikage then back down at the small ink painting she had given him. "If I didn't know better I'd swear she was here sitting next to me when you did this..." He sat there lost in thought as he studied the small painting and a faint smile tugged the corners of his mouth.

"Keep it... It's nice to see you smiling for real, for a change..." Tsukikage blushed as she returned his smile./ I can't believe he likes the painting with all its mistakes and corrections./ Then she blurted out, "If you want I can fix it know make it better and put it on a scroll for you instead..."

"I... arigatou..." Sesshomaru said softly as he looked up at her. Flustered as well, he decided to compliment her. "You know, you're very good with a brush."

"Arigatou..." she said softly as she pretended to doodle on the paper, hoping he would not notice her cheeks heating up again.

They sat there in silence, drinking their tea and she would give him an occasional look before pretending to be very interested in what she was doodling. It did not stop her from being attentive to his needs and Sesshomaru found himself drinking more tea than he wanted to.

He took another sip of tea and draining his cup, the youkai prince motioned for her to pour him another cup, in the hopes of seeing what she was doing.

"What are you doing now?" he finally asked as his patience wore thin and curiosity got the better of him.

"Nothing... It's just a sketch I might put on a scroll along with a poem..." she replied as she tried to cover up the paper. Baka! What am I going to do if he sees that it's him I'm drawing and he gets mad? she thought as she smiled sheepishly at him. But he's sooo handsome, especially when he smiles at me like that.

"Give it to me," Sesshomaru said as he took the paper from her. Glancing at it he smiled at the quick sketch of himself she had made. His smile turned into laughter as he read the poem she had written. "Baka...'Waka-sama-looks so happy smiling in the moonlight'..." He smirked at her.

He thought for a minute as he quickly came up with a poem of his own. "'Tsukikage is as beautiful as moonlight.'"

She colored prettily as she sat there disquieted by his poem, while she stared open mouthed at him. /He thinks I'm beautiful...or is he just making it up? What should I do? /she thought as she smiled at him, thoroughly unsure as to what to make of him.

Then, rising to the unspoken challenge, Tsukikage replied, "Waka-sama's words are sweet like honey..."

"Tsukikage... Tsukikage... umm... I give up. You win." They laughed. "You know the only other person to ever win when playing this with me is my Chichi-ue."

"He's very good at it, ne? Don't tell anyone but I managed to beat him as well!" She smiled at him, pleased that she finally lifted his dark mood.
"Iie?! No one beats him at the poetry game." She could hear the grudging respect in his voice.

"Well either he let me win or I really won... who knows?" She shrugged as she poured them some more tea. "All I know is he declared me the winner..." They lapsed into silence again but it was more companionable this time before he broke it by saying he had to leave.

"Konbanwa, Tsukikage-hime." he said as they got up and bowed to each other.

"Konbanwa... Waka-sama." she said softly as she watched him leave.


The next day at their studies Tsukikage was surprised to find Sesshomaru just as surly and sullen as he had been before. It was as if the night before in her room had never happened and it bothered more than she cared to admit.

It became a frustrating pattern of events as the weeks turned into months. Tsukikage found it highly annoying that she never knew just where she stood with him as her overtures of friendship were just as likely rebuffed as they were accepted for what they were. She found it extremely frustrating, until she realized one afternoon that Sesshomaru enjoyed keeping everyone guessing as to what his true motives were.

"Now what's the matter, Waka-sama?" she said tersely while they sat there translating a particularly difficult passage from an old Chinese epic poem that their sensei was fond of. He had been sitting there nonchalantly, letting her do all the work while all the while belittling her efforts.

"Nothing..." he replied in the same bored tone he had been using all morning and Tsukikage found she had had enough of his nonsense.

"Well then if it's nothing, perhaps you would be so kind as to tell me what this word is?" she said sarcastically as she pointed to a frustratingly familiar looking character. "It looks like it should be the character for 'horse', but that makes no sense. I mean why would anyone have a horse in their tent?" She blew out her cheeks in exasperation as she studied the text.

Sesshomaru chuckled softly to himself. "It doesn't say 'horse' as in 'horse'..." He rolled his eyes and Tsuki bristled at the implied "baka". "He's referring to one of his generals, the one that's nicknamed 'The Horse' see," he pointed to the passage and read it out loud to her.
" it makes sense, arigatou, Waka-sama." She smiled sweetly at him and went back to her work.

"Keh..." He shrugged as he looked out the open shoji. Sesshomaru shot her another quick glance before looking back out the shoji and rubbing his temples he leaned forward until his elbows rested on the table.

The movement had caught Tsuki's eye and she whispered, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Hai!" he whispered sharply back at her and let out a low moan.

"Waka-sama?" Tsukikage and Ryoushi-sensei chorused and Sesshomaru smiled inwardly.
"Hai?" he said softly and made another show of rubbing his temples.

" there anything wrong?" Ryoushi asked nervously as he rushed over.

"It's nothing. My head's just a bit sore this morning..." Sesshomaru said as he smiled weakly.

"Perhaps we should call it a day then and finish this tomorrow, ne?" Ryoushi said placatingly as he wondered whether or not he should go for help.

"Hai...perhaps you could walk with me back to my rooms?" Sesshomaru asked as he prayed their teacher would decline the request.

"Waka-sama, I can help you if you like." Tsukikage volunteered, just as he had hoped she would.

Sesshomaru, although still somewhat unsure if she meant her kind words or actions, decided to accept. "Hai, arigatou, Tsukikage-hime. Shall we go?" he said as he got up slowly and allowing her to assist him they walked leisurely back in the direction of his rooms.

They walked on in silence until Sesshomaru determined they were far enough from their sensei to talk without being overheard. "Come on, let's go for a walk," he said brightly as he increased his pace a bit.

"Nani?" Tsukikage stopped dead in her tracks as she eyed him suspiciously. "I thought you were ill a moment ago..." she said as she raised an eyebrow at him.

Sesshomaru regarded her for a minute before he laughed. "Keh! I told you it was nothing. Besides, it's beautiful out and I just didn't feel like sitting there any more. And you can't tell me you didn't want to escape the boredom of the 'Dragon King' as much as I did." He gave her a look that dared her to say otherwise, as he folded his arms within his kimono sleeves.

Tsukikage stood there thinking about for a minute. "But isn't that lying? I mean pretending to be sick like that..." she trailed off uncertainly.

"Iie, I really did have a headache before. So do you want go for a walk or is this just your way of getting me to ask you to come to my room?" he smirked.

Tsukikage felt her cheeks color at the implications of his statement. "Iie! I am not!" she said sharply. "Well then, if you wish to go for a walk and want me to accompany you, I will!" she said rather heatedly. She frowned when he smiled and she wondered what he was up to.

Sesshomaru stole another glance at her and shook his head as he started walking again. She followed just as he knew she would and he laughed to himself about her predictability. It didn't matter what it was; the longer he knew her, the easier it was for him to read her and get a reaction out of her. Getting a rise of out her was one of his favorite things to do, especially when he spent any length of time in her presence. He disliked her gentle subservience immensely, as it reminded him too much of the hated pet human. /Bad enough she has the misfortune to look like her without having to act like her too, /he thought as he contemplated yet another way to feel her wrath. One of his favorite ways of making her angry was to mention anything remotely connected to sex and the possibility of becoming someone's concubine. Sometimes all he had to do was hint about it and she would get all heated up as if he lit some imaginary fire in her. It may not have been a fiery blaze that was ignited; still it was sparks and he found it preferable to her usual meekness.

As Sesshomaru eyed her surreptitiously, he thought of the perfect thing to get her really fired up. The young youkai prince paused and then made a sudden left turn towards the part of the palace where his rooms were. He had been trying to get her to come there for no other reason than she had been so insistent that she not go there. He could not imagine why since he had been to her room unchaperoned several times before and he did not have a clue as to why one was acceptable and the other was strictly taboo. Shrugging mentally as he hid a smirk, Sesshomaru decided to take the long way around to his rooms. Not that it made any difference, for as far as he knew the girl had never been here before, although he was certain she would figure it out eventually. He knew she had a vague idea of where she was simply because he had once seen her leave his father's room along with the stupid human. They walked slowly along the vast maze of corridors and he frowned as he realized his father's pet most likely walked these same halls in an effort not to be seen.

"Waka-sama...are you sure you're alright?" she asked softly and Sesshomaru sighed; irritated by her mild tone.

"Hai! I'm fine," he snapped and anticipating her next question, he barked, "I was going back to my room to get something if you must know."

"Oh. Should I wait here then?"

"Iie! You'll come with me and we can leave from there. Now what?" he moaned as she shot him a wide-eyed look.

"Your rooms? What would people think if they saw me there?" Tsukikage touched her cheek as she felt herself blushing.

"Nothing...I expect they would be very happy to see me bring a girl there," he said dryly.

Tsukikage made a small sound of frustration and bowing to the inevitable she followed he towards his room.


Sesshomaru knelt before a door and looking back over his shoulder he motioned for her to hurry up.

Tsuki walked as slowly as she could without irritating him, as she was not sure of his motives in bringing her to his room. Once there, she also knelt before entering through the low door. She took a long look around the room, and she marveled at the sheer spartaness that greeted her. She looked at him and smiled nervously. "Are you sure this is your room? It doesn't look like anyone lives here."

"Hai?" He frowned; puzzled by her reaction and dismissing what he thought of as her stupidity, he fell back on an old standby, "Go make me some tea."

Tsuki shot him a look that said "go make it yourself," before she got up to do it. "Where do you hide your tea things?" she said as she walked over to his tansu.

"Behind the left door; near the top." he called out to her from his vantage spot on the floor.

"I can't reach that and I doubt very much that you can ..." Tsukikage said sarcastically while waiting for him to come over and help her.

She stood there admiring the dark heavy wood of the cabinet all the while wondering about its odd shape. It looked like a series of smaller and smaller boxes placed on top of one another to give it a stair shape. Tsukikage reasoned the lower cabinet doors hid his futon and bedding and she supposed the upper ones concealed his clothes. Still its odd shape made her wondered about its purpose and she wondered how to bring it up, while she waited for him to come and get the tea things.

Sesshomaru rose in one fluid motion and he went quickly to her side. Tsukikage heard him approach and as she turned to face him, found herself practically in his arms. He watched amused as startlement followed by anger danced across her face.

"The tea things..." she said helplessly and she warily watched him reach around her to get them. As he took his time, she looked up and over her shoulder where she noticed the trapdoor on the ceiling. "Where does that go?" she asked as she wondered what was up there.

Sesshomaru pretended not to understand her. "Hunh? You know you're in the way here..." He pointed out the obvious and chuckled to himself as she wiggled out of his way. Once she had moved, he was able to reach the tea things with no trouble. He silently removed the tea pot and container of tea, which he handed to her before removing the rest of the items needed before sliding the tansu door shut.

Tsukikage clarified as she pointed out the ziggurat shape of the tansu. "That thing looks like a set of stairs..."

"Oh that...wanna see what's up there?" he asked mischievously and she blushed.

"Hai!" she blurted out as curiosity got the better of her and encouraged by her newfound boldness, Sesshomaru walked up the side of the tansu. At the top he pushed open the trapdoor and stepped into his inner sanctum. Tsukikage followed close behind him and she nearly bumped into him, when he paused.

Tsukikage felt her jaw drop as she caught sight of the room. Where as the lower level looked as though no one lived there, this room was almost decadent in its furnishings; there were many beautiful scrolls decorating the walls as well as fine silken cushions to sit on. Scattered about were Sesshomaru's childhood treasures and Tsuki found herself drawn to a small shapeless lump of fabric with a crude face drawn on it. She gently picked it up and asked softly, "Hitomi-hime's?"

"Iie..." he said sadly. "I had a sister and her name was Katakuri-chan... I made that for her, but she died a few days after she was whelped and I never got the chance to give it to her." He swallowed. "Then Chichi-ue brought her here..."

"Gomen nasai... I didn't mean to upset you..." Tsuki said softly and set the doll down as a heavy silence settled in the room. Hoping to distract him and lift his mood, she asked, "Do you want to play shougi?"

"Hai... I've got the board already set up over here." Sesshomaru sat down in front of a small table. Tsukikage took one last look at the doll before sitting down opposite him. They played for a while before he opened up and told her a few stories from his childhood.

Laughing she shook her head at him, "I can't believe you did that to poor Uekiya! He must have spent hours digging holes and planting all those bulbs..."

"But the look on his face was funny when he realized the bulbs I kept handing him were ones he had already planted."

"And what did your parents have to say about you tormenting old Uekiya that way?" She picked up a soldier and moved it forward.

"Haha-ue called Uekiya an idiot and I think she said something about getting a new gardener, but Chichi-ue wasn't impressed at all." He smiled ruefully. "I remember he asked Uekiya what he would have done if one of his own sons had played a trick on him like that. I guess Uekiya must have told Chichi-ue exactly what he'd have done or possibly what he wanted to do to me, because I had a hard time sitting down that day. Plus I spent the next week re-planting the garden Uekiya's supervision."

She laughed again until she noticed the dark look that settled on his features. Tsuki apologized quickly as she knew he didn't like being laughed at, even if he enjoyed a good joke at another's expense. She supposed it had to do with how he was treated by the others and she found a little ego stroking on her part often smoothed things over with him. "Gomen...but it was a funny story. And I'm sure the garden looked lovely too." She made a move with her flying chariot. "Too bad I can't see that garden, as I really would have liked to."

"I can show it to you if you want..." He picked up his honorable horse and captured her flying chariot. Too late he realized he had fallen into her trap and ten moves later she won the game.

"Waka-sama, I think I should go now as I need to get ready for dinner. I'll be singing again tonight and I need to rest my voice," she said almost apologetically as they packed away the shougi pieces.

"Hai...later then..." he murmured distractedly. Spying the doll he had made for his late younger sister, Sesshomaru picked it up and handed it to Tsukikage. "Here take it, you seemed to like it before and I don't want it any more..."

"Are you sure?" she asked as she took from him. He nodded and started down the tansu. "Arigatou," she said softly as she followed. "Aren't you going to close it?" Tsuki asked as she looked back up at the trapdoor.

"I'll do it later..." Sesshomaru said he reached the bottom and looked back up at her.

"Ja ne... and umm...thank you again. You know, for everything." She smiled shyly.

He shrugged. "You're welcome," he said and then added as an after thought, "See, I told you nothing bad would happen to you, if you came here."

"Hai..." she reluctantly agreed. "But you still won't tell anyone I was here, okay."

"Why?" he asked.

"Because...ummm...just because." She shot him a pained look. "Please, Waka-sama; don't tell anyone I was here. Please. I just don't..." She sighed. "I just don't ...never mind." She shook her head. "Umm...I'll see you later then." She smiled at him and headed towards the shoji leading to the hallway.

Kneeling at the door they bowed to each other and before she left she asked him for directions back to the corridor leading to the main part of the castle. Sesshomaru slowly slid the door shut after he told her how to get back. Sesshomaru then froze in the process of getting up. He could have sworn he heard Tsukikage talking to someone as she walked away. Straining his ears as he resisted the impulse to open the shoji and stick his head out, Sesshomaru caught the sound of a male voice. Tell me that's not Takahara she's talking to out there! /Damn it! What the hell is that bastard doing here?/


A few weeks later something happened that left Tsukikage wondering what Sesshomaru was up to again. They had been playing a series of war games that were based on the epic poetry they had been reading. They took turns playing the winning side, when Ryoushi-sensei asked her what she would have done differently if she were the Dragon King in order to win against Sesshomaru. She had started to explain when he cut her off and had them set up the board.

"Show me instead, Tsukikage-hime, as I'd like to actually see if you can do this," Ryoushi-sensei said and Sesshomaru also nodded in agreement.

Their teacher told them to recreate the battle from their story and halfway through, Ryoushi asked Tsuki to deviate from what they knew would happen in an attempt to win. Sesshomaru knew she had a good head for strategy as she would often beat him in the little skirmishes they had when playing war games. He also found it extremely annoying. This time around he was intrigued, and he looked forward to seeing what she was going to do./ I wonder how the silly Baka plans on beating me this time.../ Sesshomaru also decided he was not going to mind it if she did win, since he enjoyed the ego stroking she would always lavish him whenever she did pull off a victory. You're right, Chichi-ue, losing does have advantages.

He rationalized his losing to her as a healthy respect for her battle sense. He was lost in pleasant thoughts of losing to her and the subsequent ego boosting when she captured a lone samurai on horseback. Puzzled by the look of satisfaction that briefly flitted across her face; he shook himself out of his reverie as his curiosity was piqued.

"What are you doing?" Sesshomaru asked as disinterestedly as he could.

"Nothing..." Tsuki said as she replaced one of her own knights with the captured one. "By the way this one's mine and so we'll be able to tell the difference, I'm putting this on him," she said as she placed a tiny ball of paper on the tiny horseman's lap.

"And...?" Sesshomaru prompted.

"He's going to represent one of my men...just pretend my man exchanged his clothes with the captured man."

"A spy?" Sesshomaru chuckled.

"Possibly...I don't know as I haven't thought that far ahead yet..." She made a small purring sound as she thought about it. "Maybe he just likes your uniforms better..." She smiled at him.

Sesshomaru became wary but soon forgot about the lone horseman when Tsuki started massing her army together. He knew she was not only fearless in battle, but he noticed there were times when she became very reckless as well and he wondered if this was going to be one of those times. /Now what are you up to? /He remembered too, that she would often throw away part of her troops for no apparent reason, only to come back and beat him soundly. He knew if she kept her head about her and gave serious thought to the battle at hand, she would be practically invincible; a trait he admired.

Tsuki therefore planned on doing something really tricky; knowing Sesshomaru as well as she now did, she devised a plan of keeping him distracted from that lone samurai. Then, she quickly went on the offensive and attacked his army head on, while surreptitiously moving her captured piece along. Tsukikage had kept a smaller detachment of troops separate from her main army and this she used to her advantage by coming around in a pincer move. She had nearly captured a good part of Sesshomaru's army with it, as she had another small detachment in an apparent suicidal move that drew him out as Sesshomaru saw her archers as easy pickings. That threw him off balance for a while, as she quickly brought her main troops into the fray.

So as she advanced her army, she surreptitiously snuck her lone horseman into "enemy territory" by pushing it along with her finger as she brushed some imaginary debris off the "battle field" and just as she counted on him doing, Sesshomaru became irritated enough to complain loudly at her before going back to the main battle. Tsuki repeated the move again and when she nearly knocked the small wooden figure over, Sesshomaru picked it up and moved it back into his territory by his reserves. She silently thanked him for his help, for now the small figure was safely ensconced there. Tsuki then ignored it for a while until she was sure Sesshomaru had forgotten it. It was while she regrouped and moved her main army forward again to clash with his, that she brought her "spy" into the fray and neatly captured his general in less time than she had expected.

Their sensei praised her lavishly and so did Sesshomaru, which surprised her, but not as much as his behavior a few minutes later, when Takahara arrived with a message from Inutaisho.

"What are we doing today, Sensei?" The older youkai asked as he looked Tsukikage up and down.

"We were attempting to resolve the problem of where they went wrong in the 'Dragon King' and the girl figured it out nicely..." Ryoushi beamed.

"Really...I would have thought Sesshomaru would have been the one to figure it out. But then any victory is cause for celebration, Tsukikage-hime. Not many can see the problems hidden in a tale and work around them to command victory. I hope you were paying attention to this, Sesshomaru-waka-sama."

"Normally he does; he's brilliant when it comes to battles, but this time I asked the girl to figure it out." Ryoushi pointed out nervously.

"Oh...and you mean to tell me you couldn't stop a mere girl from capturing your general?" Takahara smiled nastily at Sesshomaru before complimenting the girl again. "A lone horseman; used as a spy...brilliant!" He cupped her cheek and Tsukikage blushed profusely.

She smiled shyly as she willed herself to relax and though she hated to admit it, she liked the way he complimented her on her victory even though his attention scared her a bit. He is so handsome, but then again he's so old and experienced. Plus I don't like all the stories I've heard about him. I know Toukasa-chan loves his dark looks; I wonder if he too has yamainu blood, as I've never seen anyone one else here with such dark hair besides myself and Ningen-hime, but I don't know, somehow when he looks at me, it's like he's looking at a prize to be won...not at all like when the Waka-sama looks at me when he's actually being nice and not calling me names... She unconsciously smiled which Takahara took as encouragement. Tsukikage looked up and caught the look in Sesshomaru's eye. The brief flicker of jealousy she saw there before he replaced it with his usual coldness upset her more than she cared to admit. Takahara moved his hand down her arm and reached for her hand before Tsuki closed her eyes. She started to pull her hand away then stopped for fear of insulting him. Forcing a smile, she looked up at Takahara then quickly looked away. Takahara let go of her hand and casting a brief smirk at the young youkai prince, he asked Tsuki if she would like to go celebrate her victory. Tsuki politely declined as she was expected to meet with Ningen-hime as soon as she was finished here.

"Come on, I'm sure she won't mind if you had lunch first..." Takahara wheedled and he felt encouraged by her brief smile and furtive looks she kept throwing his way, which he mistook for flirtatious glances.

"She got lucky," Sesshomaru interrupted and Tsuki flashed him a quick and grateful smile while Takahara frowned. The youkai prince shrugged in confusion as he tried to ignore Takahara's persistent fussing over Tsuki and her silent acceptance of it while he struggled to overlook the jealousy gnawing at his gut. "It happens, besides it's only an exercise; it's not like it was a real battle," he said as nonchantly as he could although he was now seething inside. Tired of being ignored, Sesshomaru went back to packing away the tiny samurai. He pretended to study the "spy" who had won the battle for Tsuki before flicking back into the box and closing it.

"True, but you should treat them all as though they were real, as life is not that forgiving." Takahara smiled and turned his attention back to Tsukikage. Sesshomaru bristled at being so casually dismissed and he shot dark looks at the older youkai who was busy flirting with Tsuki. Eyes narrowed he watched in disgust as Takahara complimented her this time on her the song she sang the other night at dinner as he lead the conversation back around to her victory celebration.

"Tsukikage-hime, since you won so decisive a battle, I really do believe a little celebration of some sort is on order, ne? Uekiya has some strawberries that are ripe enough to pick, and I thought it would be nice if we spent the afternoon in his private garden." The older youkai gave her his best smile.

"Arigatou...but I can't..." Tsuki said softly as she looked to Sesshomaru for help. "Gomen nasai...but I have a lesson this afternoon that I can't miss. I've already missed it twice before and it's real important I go." Finding no help from him, she looked back at the dog general's friend. She smiled weakly at him before she went on, "Perhaps..."

Sesshomaru in turn eyed her narrowly as he got the impression she was asking him for permission to meet with Takahara. If you want to be with him so badly, I don't see why you need me to give my consent. Shit! Just go with him already...

"Whatever it is, don't worry about it. I'll take care of it," Takahara said smoothly as he dismissed her excuse. He gently cupped her cheek as he tried to get her to look at him again. Takahara had the feeling she was going to meet with Sesshomaru and it only spurred his efforts to get her to agree to spend the afternoon with him instead. So you're going to spend the afternoon with him, eh? Not if I can help it... Takahara smiled to himself.

Tsukikage kept glancing at Sesshomaru, a move not lost on Takahara, as she struggled to come up with a way of declining his offer without offending the dog general's friend. "Ummm..." she said helplessly. "Ummm...I don't think she's going to like that..."

"Who? You needn't worry about Inukouhi-sama...I can assure you she won't be upset with you once I have a word with her," Takahara replied helpfully. He smiled at the girl and dropped his hand when he noticed a fleeting look of fear in her eyes.

"It's not Inukouhi-okugata-sama..." Tsuki said softly.

"Then who? Toukasa-chan? Sakura-chan? Don't tell me you're meeting with Atsuimi-hime? If that's the case I'll speak to Inukouhi-sama and you'll have nothing to worry about." Trying again, this time he took her hand and patted it as he smiled at her. Tsuki merely shook her head helplessly as she tried to tell him it was Ningen-hime she was meeting.

"I believe you said my father wanted me?" Sesshomaru interrupted as he quirked an eyebrow at Takahara while he waited for him to reply.

"Hai...And I don't know what he wanted so don't ask; all I know is that he was looking for you."

"I see. Come, Tsuki-hime," Sesshomaru said as he gave them a slight bow.

"Hai," Tsuki said and she flashed the youkai prince a grateful smile as she also bowed and started to follow him out.

"Wait, I thought we were going to get something to eat; to celebrate your victory." Takahara gently grabbed her arm when she tried to leave. She stood there hesitating as she wondered which one she should go with. She did not want to disappoint either of them and she hoped one or the other would tell her to go with him, while the other backed off graciously.

"Gomen, Takahara-sama, but the girl is coming with me," Sesshomaru said quietly and there was no mistaking the threat in his voice. "Since my father wishes to speak with me, no doubt his pet will be there and this way the girl can entertain her for us..." Sesshomaru said as he ushered her out and Takahara smiled nastily at him. Tsuki looked aghast at Sesshomaru's rudeness; she none-the-less mumbled a quick apology to Takahara as she was ushered out of the room. "Come; let's hurry before he comes after us with some other stupid excuse to get you to go with him," he hissed at her as he pulled her along.

Once they were far enough out of earshot Sesshomaru let go of arm and stopped dead in his tracks as he turned to face her. Glaring angrily at her, he was about to berate her for flirting with Takahara when she spoke first.

"Arigatou, Waka-sama," Tsuki said a small meek voice that he had to strain to hear. "I..." she trailed off softly and swallowed.

What the hell is she thanking me for? Sesshomaru was momentarily thrown by her apology. Ignoring it, he took a deep breath and started to put her in her place. "I don't care about your excuses! And I don't know what games you think you're playing at with that oaf, but if my mother really does desire your presence; then you'd better go quickly as she doesn't like to be kept waiting! And don't you even dare say to her I made you late, you hear me?" He watched as she nodded mutely. "Shit! It's bad enough you had to stand there simpering over my father's friend like every other woman here but if you knew you were going to late then you should have had sense enough to agree to meet with him later, without all the playing around! Damn it! What are you crying about?" He sighed in frustration.

"Nothing... Waka-sama." She bit her lip as she fought to hold back her tears. "It's just that ...ummm...I have to go..." she managed to sob out. "But the truth is I'm needed back at my rooms," she said softly. "I forgot Ningen-hime is meeting me there and now I'm late."

"Don't be an idiot! The stupid human's with my father just like she is every afternoon! How long have you been here now and you haven't figured that one out yet? Baka!"

Tsuki shook her head at him. "I'm sorry, Waka-sama, but she's not with him as she was going to give me a lesson ..." But what if he is there and I'm late...?

"Don't lie to me!" he roared at her and she flinched at the force of his anger.

"Gomen nasai...I'm not lying...and I really need to go...please..." she said softly and he nodded. Tsuki wiped her eyes and turned back towards the same direction Takahara had left in before she hurried away. Sesshomaru wondered if she were in fact going to meet with him, since the stupid human was most likely in his father's company at this hour. He knew from experience that once his father had his pet human alone with him, she'd be gone for hours. Sesshomaru stalked off, wondering why he felt as though his day was ruined.


One morning, Tsukikage had arrived late to their lessons, looking somewhat disheveled with her hair hastily done. She quietly apologized to their teacher and she promised him she would be more careful about oversleeping. When it happened again a few days later, Sesshomaru was positive she was spending time with Takahara. He figured why else would she get so upset whenever he questioned her about it. He could tell by here reaction that she wanted desperately to tell him to mind his own business and he took a perverse delight in annoying her about it.

Sesshomaru found it was very easy to get a rise out of her if he mentioned anything remotely do with sex or Takahara. It amused him to no end that she would go from being meek and mild one minute to angry and high-spirited, if he suggested something as innocent as relaying a message to the older youkai or implying that she was late for their lessons because Takahara wanted to pillow with her before she left. He would watch fascinated as she would first blush with embarrassment before the color would drain from her face. He imagined her thinking she was finally caught and her secret was out as she sputtered to change the subject. Then there were the times she would pretend not to hear him and he loved that the best for he would mercilessly vex her about it until she either started crying or begged him to leave her alone. The last time he bothered her about it he was sure she was going to finally tell him that she was in fact sleeping with Takahara. Since she was not only late but reeked of the older youkai he was certain she was going to finally admit to it when she said she wanted to speak to him in private after their lessons. The fact that she seemed somewhat troubled puzzled him as he tried to push her out of his thoughts without success.

Shit! I'm not asking her to tell me her pillow secrets as the gods know I could care less about anything to do with that bastard Takahara, he mused as he stared at her out of the corner of his eye. And it's not as though I've asked her to pillow with me instead... He laughed to himself as he wondered where /that/ thought came from and imagining her angry retort, he nearly got himself in trouble when Ryoushi asked him what was so funny.

"Nothing, Sensei...I was just thinking about a joke I heard in the barracks about a geisha, a samurai, and a magic turtle. Would you like me to tell it to you?" he asked innocently, knowing full well that his teacher would never allow it.

One day she never made it to their lessons and Sesshomaru decided he had had enough of her nonsense. He stormed the palace halls and searched everywhere for his absent classmate, without success. He was sure she was pillowing with Takahara as lately she spent almost as much time in his company as she did in Sesshomaru's. He barreled his way through the corridors where his father had rooms along with a few of his favorite men. Sesshomaru figured it was time to see for himself, if she was spending her free time with the Old Bastard. So intent was he on storming his way into Takahara's room and catching her flirting with him, or worse that he barely had time to stop himself from colliding with her just outside the older youkai's rooms. He was about to demand she explain herself when he noticed Ningen-hime, with his father close behind. He looked away from the human woman to girl before him and was surprised to see she had a flower arrangement with her.

"Where'd you get that from?" Sesshomaru asked as he glared at her then back at the flowers. Tsukikage ignored his rudeness and held it up to let him admire it.

"I made it myself, do you like it?" Tsuki asked, holding it up again, so he could see it from all sides.

"Hai. So, you made it yourself, hunh?"

"Hai. I've been taking lessons from your mother for a while now. I mean, where else do you think I got it from?" She frowned in annoyance at the suspicion in his voice.

Sesshomaru shrugged and went back to studying his father and the hated human woman who stood outside his room talking. "Thought maybe Takahara-san gave it to you..."

"Nani? Why would he do that?" Tsukikage asked. She gave him another odd look when he ignored her, before she walked away. Why does he think Takahara gave it to me? /she wondered as she walked back to her room. /The way he was glaring at me, I'd swear he thought Takahara was showering me with presents all the time, which is nonsense and he knows it. /She sighed quietly to herself. Thankfully I haven't seen Takahara in days... which is great, because come to think I've just about had enough of his nonsense too! Besides, I'd rather die than spend time alone with him! Tsuki shuddered. /How many times can I tell him I don't want to go to his room? Who cares how many old books, beautiful scrolls, and rare treasures can one look at! Although why the Waka-sama thinks I'd have gone there is beyond me! As handsome as Takahara is, he's just too old for me, and besides Toukasa-chan is so enamored of him, that I couldn't.../She sighed again as she thought about how accelerated her training was getting. /I guess you've been so busy, Tsuki, studying under Atsuimi-hime and Ningen-hime, not to mention Inukouhi-okugata-sama, that you don't even know what day it is. /She hurried back to her room as she realized she was late for a singing lesson. She quickly dropped off the flower arrangement and as she prepared to leave her room, she spotted the doll Sesshomaru had given her. She paused and touched its face gently as it reminded her of him, before leaving for her lesson. Waka-sama, if you must know I'm supposed to help Ningen-hime entertain your father and some of his men later on this week...and now that I've spent some time in your mother's company, I don't feel right about it...I really wish I could talk to you about it.../ She sighed softly to herself. If only this was something as simple as spending too much time with Takahara-sama...


Tsukikage was sitting in Sakura-chan's room along with Ningen-hime and Toukasa-chan listening to the women gossip while they waited for Atsuimi to arrive. Sakura-chan pointed out a few things of interest to talk about later that night at the private dinner, while chatting away with her friend Toukasa-chan about Sesshomaru.

"Why do I always have to be Inutaisho-dono-sama?" Toukasa-chan complained.

"It's because you're nearly as tall as he is, that's why," Sakura-chan explained.

"Keh! So's Ningen-hime and she always gets to be herself. Besides, I don't see why you can't be Inutaisho-dono-sama for a change!" Toukasa-chan pouted.

"I can't as we've been going over this dinner all week with you being Inutaisho-dono-sama. Besides, Ningen-hime is supposed to be there. You know, it'd be kind of silly having her be herself as well as Inutaisho-dono-sama, now wouldn't it?" Sakura-chan beamed as if that settled it. "Now I'm going to be Takahara-sama..." She shot her friend a warning look when Toukasa-chan frowned.

"Fine! I'll be Inutaisho-dono-sama, this time, but next time I'm going to be my Taka-chan and that's final!" Toukasa-chan fumed until her friend whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.

"Why don't you two just carry on as if you're waiting for the rest of the men to arrive?" Sakura-chan waved her hand at Ningen-hime and Tsukikage, while Toukasa-chan got up and sat back down again, like a man would. "Toukasa-chan...we're seeing a bit more of you than we care to..." Sakura leaned over and whispered loudly to her friend.

"'Toukasa-chan?' Takahara...I know you love the wench a lot, but mixing me up with her leads me to believe your head injury is acting up again!" Toukasa-chan pitched her voice lower as she gently chided her friend to get into character. "We're supposed to be the men now!" she explained as she got out of character.

"Fine, but we all know Inutaisho-dono-sama would never say anything like that! Why don't you talk about the Waka-sama? He loves to brag about his son, ne?" This last was said to Ningen-hime who nodded.

"Hai! He mentioned the other day something about Sesshomaru-waka-sama's lessons in swordsmanship," Ningen-hime said softly as she tried not to laugh.

/Lessons in swordsmanship...I bet that's where the Waka-sama was the other morning. /Tsukikage thought as she quietly went about the room serving tea.

Toukasa-chan, who was helping out by pretending to be Inutaisho, said, "You should have seen my son today, Takahara. I think even you would admit to being impressed. He had that great big sword thingy he..."

"'Sword thingy'? What the hell are you talking about 'Inutaisho-san'?" Sakura-chan laughed.

"Keh! Forget that 'Inutaisho-san stuff'! I mean you really should see how well he's been doing, Sakura-chan!" Toukasa-chan exclaimed.

"Hai! I wish I could as it must be something to see, ne? By the way just how did you get yourself invited to the training grounds?" Sakura asked. "Don't tell me Takahara-sama took you there again?" she added, which had both youkai women collapsing in laughter. Tsukikage blushed as she caught Sakura's double meaning and tried to cover it up by clearing away the remains of their tea. She moved around the room silently cleaning up as she thought about Sesshomaru and his lessons. I wish I had seen Toukasa-chan is right; it must have been an impressive sight.

"Iie! If only he would..." the older woman said wistfully. "Actually, I was with Inukouhi-okugata-sama, when the Waka-sama came to visit. And we were both treated to such a lovely demonstration...You know my heart swelled with so much pride, I felt as though for an instant he was really my own son..."

"Hai! We all know what a soft spot you have for him...Tell us what Inukouhi-okugata-sama thought of it!"

"What I thought of 'what'?" Inukouhi asked as she entered with Atsuimi.

The women bowed and came over to where Sakura-chan and Toukasa-chan were sitting. Toukasa-chan filled the dog queen in on what they were talking about.

"Hai! You should see my Sessho-kun handle a sword, Sakura-chan. You know I've told his father we should have Toutou-sai-san come and make a sword especially for Sessho-kun. But he never can seem to find the time for it, yet he has time for everything else..." She sighed and eyed the lone human woman in the room darkly. "Well you know how men are when they get fixated on something..."

"My lady, I've told you not to concern yourself with such things as it would do nothing other than upset you," Atsuimi said soothingly. "Please, let's speak of the matter at hand. Ningen-hime, am I correct in assuming Inutaisho-dono-sama is inviting several of his men to a private dinner to celebrate Hikaru-san's promotion?"

"Hai. I believe he will have no more than ten men at the most. Tsukikage-chan and I should be able to handle it ourselves, ne?" the human woman replied.

"Hai, but you might do well to have another girl or two with you. Let me think..." Atsuimi furrowed her brow as she went over several possibilities in her head. "I've got it: Rika-chan and Hana-chan are around Tsukikage-chan's age and Chiharu-san is very old and motherly, which is just the thing to make Hikaru-san feel at ease," she paused as she pretended to think it over. "You know if I didn't know any better I'd swear Hikaru-san still suckles form his mother's titty," she smirked and the other women laughed.

"Atsuimi-chan, where did you ever hear such stuff?" Inukouhi laughed.

"Well I heard your son complaining about something similar, so I did a bit of investigating. Turns out the Waka-sama wasn't far off in his assessment." She smiled and leaned over and spoke softly to her friend. "You know, you should make mention of this to your husband. By the way I have another girl for Ningen-hime; Hinadoriko-chan. She'd be prefect for Hikaru-san too as a possible wife. She's still young but her soul is very old."

"Hai...I will be sure to tell him that. Arigatou, my friend..." Inukouhi then engaged Toukasa-chan in further conversation about her son.

Intrigued, Tsukikage decided she wanted to see Sesshomaru's swordsmanship for herself, although she was warned not to go the training grounds by Ningen-hime. Inukouhi-okugata-sama had also cautioned her about going there, after one of her lessons with Atsuimi-hime, as it wasn't safe for palace women to go unescorted. Tsuki then wondered if she should try and find out when he was visiting his mother. Then I can stand in the shadows and watch him...maybe if I'm lucky enough, he'll spot me and then we can talk about the next day at our lessons...or if you're really lucky, Tsuki, he'll come to your room for some tea and we can talk about it then...And I could tell him how much I enjoyed watching him...but then he'd probably call me stupid for hiding in the shadows...well it's not like he wasn't showing off for all to see. Or maybe I could get invited to the barracks to watch...But who's going to invite me there other than the Waka-sama himself or his father, which is out of the question...Takahara? She tried thinking of ways to get invited there to watch him, but since they all seemed to center around Takahara taking her there, she decided to let the matter go for now. The last thing I need is Takahara thinking I want to spend time with him when I don't really want to...


"Tsuki-chan..." Toukasa-chan whispered. "Come here, girl..." The older youkai woman motioned with her finger.

"Hai!" Tsukikage said as she came over to her. "Is there something wrong?" she asked anxiously.

"Iie, it's nothing really. I just need your help. It would seem my Taka-chan is very taken with you..." She held up a hand to stop Tsuki's protests. "I'm fine with it, really I am. Actually it fits in perfectly with my needs." She smiled sweetly as Tsukikage nodded in agreement, although she really had no idea what Toukasa was talking about. "If it makes you feel any better, my Taka-chan is only interested in your maiden-head and once he gets it he'll leave you alone..." Toukasa sighed and made a long suffering face. "You know he chases after every pretty young thing that arrives and once he's had a taste of them, he quickly forgets them, so there's no need to worry." She paused as Tsuki nodded. "Besides, if were possible I really would like it if my Taka-chan is the one to claim it rather than someone else, simply because of the prestige he would get from it. Think about it." Toukasa held up a finger and tapped her temple. "You look so much like Ningen-hime that you could be sisters if such a thing were possible...and well it's no secret that she's Inutaisho-dono-sama's mate, however much Inukouhi-okugata-sama wishes it were otherwise," she whispered the last part before going on, "He would gain a lot of respect from his men for this honor...but enough of that." She looked around nervously as she paused. "Actually Tsuki-chan, what I need you do for me is to act as my go between."

"Go between?"

"Hai! Since Taka-chan is so taken with you it would be only natural that he'd want to be seen in your company, ne? So then you can carry little messages to him from me and visa versa." Toukasa beamed as though she were relating a plan of unparalleled genius. "I'd really appreciate it and you'd be forever in my debt...."

"Okay, but why can't you just see him directly? Gomen, but I don't understand the need for all the secrecy..."

Toukasa sighed. "When you're older you'll understand...but to answer your question, it's just a little game we like to play..." Toukasa crinkled up her nose and pinched the younger girl's cheek. "And I thank you very much for agreeing to help me," she said as gave Tsuki a slight bow with her head and left.

/Great! Now I have to spend more time with him.../Tsuki thought miserably.


There were the nights when she would be asked to perform at dinner along with some of the older girls. At first she merely played her flute before she was asked to sing. After Kouchou-hime had mentioned to Inutaisho that Tsukikage and Suzuki had beautiful voices this became a regular part of her entertaining along with dancing. She loved singing especially when the dog general would dine with his family, for she knew she'd see Sesshomaru. Tsukikage would sometimes sing a song that was meant for his ears alone as she knew he would enjoy as much as Inukouhi did, although for different reasons. Her solo over; she would blend her voice back in with the other girls before leaving with them for their own dinners. She found she did not mind leaving along with them as much as she thought she would, for she was beginning to make friends with the other girls, even though she missed Sesshomaru's company.

A few times she was asked to appear alone and it was these times that Sesshomaru liked the best for he could then sit back and watch her without notice, simply because everyone else was. He would sit there, waiting in anticipation; hoping that Tsukikage would appear alone, until he realized he was not the only one sitting back and watching her.

That night Sesshomaru found he had a rival for her attentions and he was surprised it bothered him more than he cared to admit. He had arrived late again and he was irritated to find Takahara had called Tsukikage over to him. As he headed towards his seat, Sesshomaru saw his father's friend pull the startled girl onto his lap. He sat there, half a table's length away, watching them as he pretended not to. Sesshomaru appeared to be sitting calmly although inside he was seething with rage asTakahara got a bit rough with her. It was all he could do to sit there as if nothing was wrong as he hoped his father would notice. Inutaisho did notice and Sesshomaru found much to his chagrin, that he was annoyed by his father's mild rebuking of Takahara. Chichi-ue...why can't you see that Takahara is such a bastard? Besides, I thought you didn't tolerate this stuff at dinner. /Sesshomaru frowned/. I bet if he paid that much attention to your precious little Pet, you'd be a lot angrier than you are...Does Tsuki-chan mean that little to you?

Takahara may have been one of Inutaisho's closest friends as well as his best general, but he had strange reputation among the ladies of the court. They were divided into two camps concerning him. Those that loved him for his good looks and clever tongue and those who believed the rumors about him especially since Naoko-hime refused to explain why she was covered in bruises after spending the night with him. Despite his reputation Toukasa-chan adored him and she readily forgave his infidelities.
As he sat there watching, Sesshomaru was puzzled to find that he wanted to rip the hands off Takahara, powerful youkai or not. He sat there trying to cover up his annoyance as he watched Takahara pull her onto his lap. Sesshomaru brooded impotently as Takahara tried to push Tsuki's kimono off her shoulder while he nuzzled her neck.

"You have such a beautiful neck, Pretty One, and you should learn to show more of it, ne?" he murmured in her ear before looking to his lord for permission.

"Take it easy Taka-san. She's not been schooled in those ways yet... Besides, it looks like you're scaring her half to death..." Inutaisho quietly warned his friend.

"Relax, Tsuki-chan... I assure you Takahara-san's bark is worse than his bite!" Toukasa-chan said from where she sat watching the goings on. "He's just had too much sake, ne?" She smiled at her lord and his friend.

"Hai! Dear Lady, you know me too well." He laughed.

"Please stop..." Tsukikage whispered as Takahara nuzzled her neck again.

"Oi, Takahara... I believe that's enough. Let the girl get up and sing for us." Inutaisho frowned. "Go on, Tsukikage-hime, why don't you sing that pretty song my darling wife likes so much..."

Tsukikage gratefully got up and fixed her kimono before she sat apart from the others and sang a sweet love song for Inukouhi. She was somewhat troubled about having sung the same song the night before for a private dinner for Inutaisho and Ningen-hime but she sang it anyway as if nothing was bothering her. She looked around the room as she sang and she did her best to ignore the hungry looks Takahara sent her way. She had closed her eyes as she came to a particularly romantic part and much to her surprise when she opened them; she noticed Sesshomaru was smiling at her. She was happy to see the anger fading from his face although she wondered why he was so angry in the first place. Smiling inwardly, she sang part of it to him before turning her attention elsewhere. Unfortunately, Takahara noticed and while he was not very pleased about it, he kept his observations to himself.


A few weeks later, Takahara finally got a chance to see just how much they cared for one another. He sat across the table from Sesshomaru and although he flirted with Toukasa-chan on his right, all his attention was focused on the youkai prince. So you've finally become a man, Whelp? I wonder just when you've had the time to do so seeing how busy the girl's been these past few weeks... He glared at his lord's son as it galled him to think the suckling whelp may have gotten to her first. Then again maybe you'd just want me to think you've been there first, ne? /Okay...if you want to play games, Whelp, then we'll play games.../ Takahara thought nastily. Now that Toukasa-chan had declared Tsukikage their go between, Takahara figured he could still have a bit of fun at Sesshomaru's expense by tormenting him about the girl, especially if his suspicions about her and the Waka-sama were true. Besides, he figured if things were not as he feared, then his Toukasa-chan had given him the rare gift of the girl's company. /Plenty of time then to coax her into my bed.../he thought as he eyed Tsuki as she danced alone for their pleasure.

Sesshomaru spent the time before dinner watching Takahara trying his best to get Tsukikage to come and sit again in his lap. Sesshomaru had the feeling his father's friend was trying to get Tsukikage to agree to come to his bed later that night and he found the thought highly annoying. Thankfully Chichi-ue has made it clear she's to be left alone or poor Tsukikage would be in for a terrible night. Sesshomaru thought as he watched his father come over and speak to his friend. Why can't that idiot see she doesn't want him to behave like that in public? /he thought as he remembered the uproar that happened when Tomoe-hime was found hanging by her obi after a night spent with Takahara. It bothered him that there was nothing he could do to help her and the more Takahara persisted in bothering her, the angrier and more helpless about the situation Sesshomaru felt. It's not as though she's my woman, but why does she make me feel this way, whenever I see anyone with her? He stole a quick look at her as she tried to politely excuse herself from Takahara's advances. Why doesn't Chichi-ue stop that oaf?! Why because he is too busy eying his Pet to realize what is going on... Shit! /Before he realized what he was doing, Sesshomaru found himself standing which had the desired effect of making Takahara stop his pawing at Tsukikage. Then he found his cheeks burning as all eyes fastened on him when Takahara innocently asked him what was wrong. Licking his lips, Sesshomaru made some excuse about needing to go outside for a minute. That's when Takahara eyed him narrowly, but nonetheless kept his mouth shut as he was certain that there was something going on between his lord's son and the girl, although he was not sure what it was. Upon his return, Sesshomaru was unprepared for what Takahara had in store for him.

Takahara had managed to see what everyone including the boy's parent's overlooked: Sesshomaru had feelings for the girl. He was sure she returned them too, as he was positive there where times that her songs were just for the young Waka-sama. It was if the two had their own private language, where they could speak of things better left unsaid, right under everyone's noses and no one would be the wiser. If you truly have had her first, then I sure as hell don't want your leftovers! No grown male in his right mind would take a mere suckling's leavings.../Takahara fumed to himself. You fucking little shit! Just what do you think you're playing at, Waka-sama?/ Denying me what is mine, just because you're Inutaisho's son? /Well that's not going to help you this time, Whelp! /So when Sesshomaru sat down again, Takahara shoved the girl at him. This caused a bit of laughter around the room, with most of coming from Sesshomaru's own father.

"Go ahead! Kiss her, Waka-sama! She seems to want a younger man, does she not, Yamamoto-san?" Takahara said as he nudged the man next to him.

"Hai! That she does!!! Why don't you give her to him, my lord? It's about time the Whelp becomes a man!!" Everyone laughed at this except Sesshomaru, who paled at the insult. He found it all the more insulting that his father and his pet human joined in the laughter.

"Come on, Sessho-kun, she won't bite you... and if she does, then bite her back!" Inutaisho laughed before whispering something to Ningen-hime who nodded as she smiled back at him.

So with everyone cheering him on, he roughly grabbed Tsuki's face. He gave her an awkward but forceful kiss, before he quickly released her. He looked away from her in embarrassment and he felt his cheeks heat up as he sat there cursing himself for doing what they wanted and kissing her. She in turn, turned a matching shade of red while everyone laughed even louder.

No wonder he hates being laughed at! she thought. Poor thing...I bet Takahara does that to him all the time! I wonder why Inutaisho-dono-sama allows it as well. She frowned./ If they are so concerned about him becoming a man, then why have they not found him a woman sooner? Could this be the reason for all my training? Am I to be given to him? Please gods, Tsuki shyly looked over at Sesshomaru and blushed even harder before she looked away. I hope so, as that certainly would be preferable to lying with that Takahara! Then she gave him a look of pity that only made him feel worse. You have no idea how badly I feel about all of this.../ Sesshomaru hated it when she pitied him more than anything else, so he snarled at her and shoved her away. Luckily, before things got out of hand, the serving women arrived with the food and Tsuki was allowed to leave.


They avoided each other for days after the incident. Sesshomaru once again happened to be absent from their studies, so Tsukikage decided to see if he was busy with his lessons in swordsmanship, even though she was warned not to go down by the barracks where the younger men lived. Tsukikage had wanted to see him practicing it anyway and she was pleased with the opportunity presented to her. Instead of going to Takahara and asking him for permission like she should have done, she made up her mind to just go without asking before her courage failed her. She figured she could diffuse Takahara's anger by making up a story about wanting to visit him.

Tsuki made her way carefully across the courtyard to the area where most of the men hung about. She was pleased to note that most of them ignored her presence although a few of the younger ones made rude comments as she passed. Clutching the scrolls she carried tightly to herself, she quickly found him hard at work, sparring with another man before her presence was discovered. While Tsuki was pleased she had found him, Sesshomaru on the other hand was not pleased to see her there at all. He still found himself uneasy in her presence as every time he saw her it reminded him all too well of "the incident".

"Waka-sama, I have brought you the scrolls you'll need from today's lessons," she said as she handed the scrolls to him while Sesshomaru handed his wooden sword to his sparring partner and glared at her. Tsukikage smiled weakly at the other young men who had gathered around them.

"What lesson scrolls? Hey, Waka-sama, let me guess; they 'pillow' scrolls, ne?" They all laughed as they crowded around. "Getting lessons in the pillow world, ne?" one of the other young men asked as he grabbed the scrolls before Sesshomaru could. "Shit! She's one of your father's women, ne?" Several more of the older boys came over and crowded around; eager for a look at the scrolls.

"Don't be such a dumb ass! My father wants her trained as a geisha, so he's having her tutored the same time..."

"OOOO!! A geisha, ne?"

"Just what are you learning again?!"

"I bet she's the Waka-sama's homework! Shit, I wouldn't mind studying that!"

"Waka-sama... do you think we can study her when you're finished with her?"

Cries of "Hai, hai!" were heard as she tried to leave peacefully.

Laughing they called out to her, "Oi, Geisha-san! Where're you going? Don't leave us!"

Just then Tsukikage found herself spun around as one of the young men grabbed her and started touching her in places she did not want to be touched. Sesshomaru then tried to help her, but he was torn between rescuing her and finally fitting in with the others as he was not only younger than they were, but Inutaisho-dono's son as well. He found himself at first standing there helplessly before being pushed out of the way as Tsukikage struggled to get free of them.

"Waka-sama! Please make them stop!" Tsukikage called out. "Let me go!" She blushed as one of the older men whispered an indecent proposal in her ear. She managed to pull away from him and she called out again to Sesshomaru for help. "Waka-sama! Help me!" Through a haze of tears she watched as the youkai prince stood there hesitating before he finally came to her rescue.

"That's enough! Leave her be!" Sesshomaru said as he pushed himself through the others to rescue her. He took hold of her arm he and roughly pushed her on her way. He hissed at her, "Go, wench, and next time don't be so stupid as to come here by yourself! Fool! If I wasn't here Kami alone knows what could have happened to you! Shit, you were warned not to come here; don't you listen?" They glared at each other as the others went back to what they were doing before. "Only the low women who follow the camp as it travels come here, have you no sense?"

Tsukikage opened her mouth to say something, but changed her mind, looking at him in disgust. He frowned at her, as he also wanted to ask her if she was all right, but somehow he could not bring himself to do it, so she bowed and turned to leave. He watched her go for a few minutes before he decided to go after her. As he hurried to catch up to her, he called out to her and he had to repeat himself several times before she stopped. She stood there crying softly while she waited for him. She had been frightened by what had happened and she was torn between having him comfort her and yelling at him for not helping her sooner.

He was soon at her side and before he could say anything she shouted at him, "Waka-sama, you are just as bad as they are for doing nothing! I was frightened and my honor was threatened and you failed in your duty as my lord! I thought you were my friend, Waka-sama, and friends would never do that to one another! I hate you! You are lower than that pile of smelly steaming maggot infested horse shit!" He flinched at the force of her anger. "You hear me, Waka-sama?! You are the biggest pile of horse shit I have ever had the misfortune to meet!" They stood there for a few minutes glaring at each other, before what she called him sunk in.

"What did you say to me, Bitch?" he said so quietly she was not sure he spoke as she studied the ground at her feet.

Looking up at him with tears in her eyes, she repeated it although this time when she said it there was much less venom in her tone.

"That's what I thought you said. You are an even bigger idiot for speaking to me that way than you were for coming here on your own! You know I could have you punished or worse for that? And I don't give a rat's ass that you belong to my father, so don't think he's going to protect you from your stupidity!" he said, his voice soft and deadly with his anger, as he glared at her.

"Gomen...Waka-sama...Please forgive me... I was frightened... I didn't mean it... Please..." she said as she started to bow to him.

"Stand up, Bitch..." he said softly as he tried to get a grip on his anger.

Swallowing hard, Tsukikage replied softly, "Hai, Waka-sama... arigatou ... and I'm sorry..."

"Hai. Now go!" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Waka-sama... Takahara-sama is headed ov-...." she started to say before he interrupted her.

"I thought I told you to go!"

"Hai... but maybe I should stay so I can tell him it was all my fault..."

"Iie! Just go," he said as he dismissed her.

"But Takahara-sama is talking to the others... what if they tell him what happened? What if he decides to punish me?"

"Baka! He won't punish you now that you're one of his women." Sesshomaru found his anger rising again over what he perceived as her stupidity.

"Nani?" She looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face. "He's not...never mind." She sighed and looked away from him at the approaching figure.

"Now go!" he hissed.

"Hai... but Takahara is..."

"Bitch!" he swore; his jealousy of the older man got the better of him. Losing control, he slapped her hard across her face. Tsuki reeled from the blow and stumbled to the ground. Getting up, she touched her cheek that stung from the pain, and holding her hand up, she noticed it was covered with blood. Tsukikage looked at him, and as the tears started flowing, she knew he was just as sorry as she was. She sat there on the ground crying softly as she held her bloody cheek and gathered the scrolls she dropped with her other hand. She had not realized she had not given them all to him, until just now when she noticed them lying on the ground in front of her.

"Waka-sama... please just take the scrolls and let me go... now," she said softly as she got to her feet and handed him the scrolls.

"Hai..." he said softly as he took them and watched her go. He stood there for several minutes as he went over what had happened in his head. Sesshomaru looked down at the scrolls and as he noticed her blood on them he felt a moment of fear for mingled with the scent of her blood was the scent of poison. "Oi, Tsukikage! Tsukikage-hime! Wait!" he called out as he started to follow her, but stopped when he saw she was talking to Takahara. He felt another wave of jealousy wash over him as he watched the elder youkai put his arms around Tsukikage and comfort her as they walked away. Sesshomaru stood there feeling sick to his stomach with dismay as watched them leave. Then he turned to go back as guilt started gnawing at him. He knew his father would now find out about this and he wondered just how long it would take him before he was summoned to explain himself. Disheartened by the incident and its outcome, Sesshomaru wished to all the gods she had not come looking him.

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