Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > And I Saw God Cry In The Reflection Of My Enemies...

The Best Part Of Believe Is The Lie

by FallOutGrl 1 review

:D My turn

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-06-20 - Updated: 2007-06-20 - 812 words


The door opened and I could hear Pete laughing. I really wished I could walk down there and see what was making him happy. Then I heard it.

"Guys! Come here! JOE FRO GOT ME A PREZZIE!!!" He squealed in excitement. Then I heard it bark. He got a dog.

Everyone came running past my room and downstairs. I stood outside my door and tripped Andy on the way by. He stood up and looked at me in pain.

"Sorry, just tell me what it is that has him all happy. Kay?" I asked quietly. He nodded and ran downstairs as fast as possible.

I followed only to stand at the top of the stairs and out of sight. The damn thing looked 2 months old. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my life. But I would not let Pete know that.

I listened to the most adorable giggle as he explained the dogs name used to be Peanut and was now Hemmingway. Our favorite author. I walked back to my room and something followed me.

The dog booked it up the stairs and into my room. It started tearing through different papers and I could do nothing. It was so sweet. All I could do was laugh. Pete then came running up the stairs.

"Hemm!!!" He yelled and tried to pull it off the papers. That was my chance.

"GET THAT UGLY THING OUT OF HERE!!!!" I yelled but I didn't mean it. "IT'S TEARING UP MY LYRICS!"

Pete looked hurt as he pulled Hemmingway off the paper and held him in his arms.

"I'm sorry." He apologized in a whisper.

"It's going to piss and poo all over my room. Get it out of here. NOW!" I yelled and pointed out of my room. Pete skulked off and took the puppy with him. I slammed the door and started crying.

One thing was for sure. I needed a drink.


Hemmingway didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. But somehow we both ended up sitting at the kitchen table depressed. I had my elbows on the table and my head in my hands. Hemmy was lying down with his head between his paws. I looked down at him and he raised an eyebrow. I sighed and went back to looking at the table.

I heard footsteps behind me and saw Chelsea come into view. She was reaching for the alcohol cabinet. I jumped up at this and ran over to her, blocking the way.

"Oh no you don't." I shook my head.

"Shut up, I'll do what I want." She replied and pushed me aside. I once again blocked her way.
"No! You won't have anything to do with that stuff!" I said starting to get defensive.

"I CAN CONTROL MYSELF! STOP TRYING TO BE MY FATHER!" She yelled trying to slap me. I grabbed her wrist.

"YOU'RE A GODDAMNED ALCHOLHOLIC CHELSEA I WILL NOT LET YOU HAVE A DRINK!" I yelled back. Hemmingway started barking as loud as possible.

Erin stepped in the middle of us. "SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU!!!"

I stopped. Chelsea stopped. Hemmingway lied down and covered his eyes with his paws.

"I AM SO SICK OF YOU TWO FIGHTING! CHELSEA," She screamed turning to her. "YOU WILL NOT HAVE A DRINK! AND PETE," She tunred to me. I looked at the ground in guilt. "Just...stop pissing people off, kay?" I nodded.

"Oh sure. SIDE WITH HIM!" Chelsea yelled and stormed off the her room. Andy stopped her before she reached the stairs.

"You won't talk to my fiancé that way." He said through gritted teeth.

"GOD IS IT LIKE JERK DAY OR SOMETHING!!!!" She screamed and wriggled out of Andy's grip. She then stormed up the stairs.

Erin looked hurt and ran up to her room. We heard a click and knew the door was locked. Andy and I looked at each other before he ran up to get her.

I tunred back to look at Hemmingway who was content.

"Woah dude."

I looked to the living room to see Patrick and Joe sitting on the couch. They were both looking at me with wide eyes and open mouths.

I couldn't help myself. I started laughing. With Hemmingway looking content and Patrick and Joe looking stoned it was just too funny. Either that or I was experiencing post-fight humor.

I continued lauhging while walking up to my room. Hemmingway followed me. I sat down on my bed and got out a pen and paper. Words were easily coming to mind so I scribbled them down.

hum hallelujah
Just off the key of reason
I thought I loved you
It was just how you looked in the light
A teenage vow in a parking lot
Til tonight do us part
I sing the blues
And swallow them too
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