Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sign on the Dotted Line

Chapter 3

by hips-n-hearts86 3 reviews

Airport Catastrophe.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-06-26 - Updated: 2007-06-27 - 1422 words

"So remind me friend, did you meet Patrick the next day at the airport or at the bar? I know you had an exciting encounter with him at the bar." PJ interrupted me for the umpteenth time today.

He's as good as dead when I'm done with this.

"Can I please just tell the story PJ?" I pleaded with him. He was stressing me out, and giving me a very terrible headache.

Strike that.



PJ threw his hands up in defense. It had better be defense because he's going to be needing it here in a few seconds if he doesn't shut his freakin' mouth. "I'm just trying to help you narrate my sweet."

I rolled my eyes and gently tucked my hair behind my ear. Habit, I hate it. It makes my hair crimply and wavy. "I don't need your help." And it tends to stay like that.

I hate my hair.

I hate PJ.

I hate what I'm doing.


And is crimply even a word.


Miranda fumbled out the door with her two suitcases, today was the day she was heading to the airport to depart on her new job. "PJ! Do I have everything?" She called to her best friend.

PJ emerged from their tiny bathroom in their already small apartment. He gave her a once over and winked. "I think you've got everything your going to need for this trip honey. How long is it anyways?"

Miranda shrugged and glanced at her luggage. "I don't know, thats why I'm asking if you think I have enough. I'm hoping its no more than a couple days."

"What are you going to be doing up there anyways?" PJ asked, stepping back into the bathroom to retrieve his toothbrush. He came back into the living room brushing his teeth and looking at Miranda's over packed luggage. "I whope dey let you on da pane wit all dat shiz in der." He mumbled as he cleaned his teeth..

"Me too PJ." Miranda lifted up the handle on her luggage and hugged PJ quickly. "I'm only going to be there to help promote the club and make sure Pete and the guys stay out of trouble, so I won't be able to say hi to Terry while I'm in New York. Just call him already and get it over with ok, I love ya PJ but I got to run."

"Love ya to babe! And maybe I will call Terry.." PJ called after her as the door slammed behind him.

Miranda drug her two suitcases down five flights of stairs before hailing a taxi to the nearest airport. She had spoke to Pete on the phone last night. He had called giving her all the information that she would possibly need to win Patrick over, and keep her job as well. She thought she had it. She hoped she had it.

She gazed out the window at the tall buildings that passed her by, is this what she really wanted? Was it really worth the money to mess with someone's emotions? Especially someone she didn't even know?

But there was school. She needed the cash for years now to go to school for her degree in Management. She couldn't afford it when she was working as a cocktail waitress in New York and she didn't seem to be starting off to well here in Chicago, but this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

She did have atleast some experience with bands though. When she lived with her parents back in Ohio, she would always play merch girl and promotion manager for a local band. They loved her, true it never really got her far, but it got her here didn't it. 'Let's hope so..' she thought as she pressed her forehead against the cool glass of the window. Only a few more hours and she would be back in the city that had sucked her in years before. The city that betrayed her and introduced her to her best friend.

She could handle it.

"That will be twenty five sixty miss." The cab driver said flatly interrupting Miranda from her thoughts.

"Oh, right yes." She dug in her purse and pulled out thirty dollars and told him to keep the change.

Glancing down at her wrist watch she realized she would now have to make a run for it. She was already supposed to meet the band at the airport at noon for their flight departure at one thirty and it was already twelve thirty. 'Great way to make a first impression Wells. Your good for that.' Grabbing her two cases, Miranda made a beeline for the check in and the security gates.

Twenty minutes later she was running down hallway B. Atleast thats what she hoped it was. "Good afterrnoon ladies and gentlemen. We are now currently boarding for flight 1408 departing for New York at one thirty at gate B10. Thank you." Miranda busted out in a quick run as she by passed many people, and apologized as she hit random ones with her luggage or her arms.

"Sorry. Oh my God. Sorry. Excuse me. Move it asshole." She muttered as she made her way to the gate.

Upon reaching the said gate, she collapsed into a pile of suitcases layed lazily about the floor. "Ugh, what the hell?" She glanced up to see a young man, not much older than she was, head phones glued to his ears and his hat covered eyes completely fixated on the screen of his lap top. "Excuse me, can you move your shit?" She tried to be polite.

He wouldn't even acknowledge her.

"Wells! Over here!" Pete shouted two rows away from her. Miranda huffed at the man that was before her, but he still remained glued to his computer screen.

"Whatever jerk off." She mumbled as she picked up her luggage and made her way over to Pete. "Hi Mr. Wentz. Sorry I'm a little late. The traffic is horrendous out here." Lie.

Pete waved her off with nod and threw his arm over her shoulder warmly. "No worries. Please, call me Pete. Didn't we have this discussion yesterday?" He looked down at her and she smiled. "See, we did. So I prefer Pete, Mr. Wentz is my father." He lowered his voice only for her to hear this time. "I see you met Patrick."

Miranda's confused eyes lingered on Pete's before shifting to the man with the computer. His back was towards her now. He had yet to notice the fact that his luggage was laying haphazardly on the ground from when Miranda fell into it. "Thats him? The jerk off with the luggage?"

Pete smiled. "The one and only. Do you see what I mean now?"

"I get the jist." She sighed.

This was going to be harder than she thought.


PJ pulled his eye's away long enough to stare me down. He looked almost straight in this light. Hmm. "You tripped over Patrick's luggage. That was your big scene in the airport?"

I pulled my eyes away from PJ to look at the camera. "Yes, I did, and for the record. It fucking hurt like hell. I had a bruise Patrick. A FUCKING BRUISE. RIGHT HERE!" I stood up and pointed to a spot just below my knee. "Ya see that! Right there. It hurt like hell."

PJ smirked at me and then went back to the camera. "Anything interesting on the flight I should know about. Did you two sneak off into the bathroom?"

What a pervert.

"No," I began, searching for the right words. "The bathroom was a little to small anyways." Its true. Their very small. How are you supposed to be comfortable enough to piss in the bathroom on the plane let alone have sex. I just don't get it. Not saying I didn't try.

Or I should say we.

Haha. If only PJ knew about that one.

I will keep that one for myself though.

And Patrick.

It was definetly an interesting postion, but that hadn't happened until later on. WAY later on. "And, I think I took to much xanax on the plane to remember much anways. You know how planes make me feel."



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~ a little shorter..but I figured I want to have like little moments...not give it all away in one chapter. I hope you like would be nice so I know LOL..I will bribe you if I have too haha
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