Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > The Mountain


by Sticky 1 review

The Panic! boys begin their hik

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2007-06-27 - Updated: 2007-06-28 - 564 words

It was the fall and the band and I were in a quiet little town to play a music festival.
"Guess what I heard!" Announced Spencer with a slight grin across his chapped lips.
"I dunno, what?" Asked Jon
"Brent and his new band are playing at this festival! The same day as we are!" He squealed.
The car fell silent, and then Ryan and I began to giggle. "I'd actually like to watch them." Said Ryan
We all agreed. As we were looking over the schedule for the festival we caught sight of something outside the window. "Whoa, the Mountain looks even cooler at nighttime you guys!" Said Spencer in his "excited voice". We all oohed and awed, amongst the clamoring someone managed to say, "We should climb it". We didn't actually play until Friday. It was only Tuesday. We could climb it tomorrow and still have time to watch Brent's new band perform! It was the prefect plan. Spencer and Jon wondered back to our mediocre hotel to get a good night's rest before our climb. While Ryan and I went to the Park Ranger's building and got a map of the trails that went around the mountain. Being arrogant young men we chose the most dangerous and hardest hike of the four. This trail went directly up the western face of the mountain, the windiest side. The map said it would take about six hours to complete.
"I'm excited" Whispered Ryan as he fell asleep in my bed. Ryan and I weren't gay; he just didn't like to sleep alone. And frankly, I didn't mind his company.

"Brendon! Ryan! Stop touching each other and get dressed!" Laughed Jon as he pried us out of our warm bed. The four of us got dressed and rushed out the door. The adrenaline pumped through our cold bodies as we made our way to the mountain. Spencer took a deep breath and then exhaled. "I like the smell of the woods" he explained as we began are trek up the mountain. The first few hours were magnificent. We all laughed and frolicked through the dense forest which grew at the base of the mountain. After stopping for a quick picnic we stared up the intimidating mountainside. The rest of the trail was considerable steeper and with each step the trail went closer and closer to the mountain peak. We were all a little nervous, but no one mentioned it. Jon was in the lead as the four of us marched down the trail. After about another thirty minutes we were completely out of the woods and on the barren rocky mountainside. The wind ripped across the unfertile land. We each put on our hideous wool scarves; gifts fans had hand knitted us. Ryan's scarf was the only decent one; his was a manly shade of blue, while mine was bubble gum pink with a deformed dog sewn on the end of it. Oh well, it's the thought that counts right? And it's not like anyone is going to see me wearing it up here. It was then that I noticed that the mountainside was completely vacant of other people. "Why aren't there any other hikers" I asked. "Maybe, they are all at the music festival." Laughed Jon as he shielded his face from the intensifying winds. "Maybe." I said under my cool breath. "Maybe.."
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