Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > The Mountain


by Sticky 1 review

Brendon runs all the way down the mountain and meets someone from his past.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Published: 2007-07-02 - Updated: 2007-07-03 - 835 words

I gasped silently. The cold mountain air filled my lungs. My heart pounded. My footsteps crunched loudly on the frozen earth. I looked up at the sky as I ran. It was getting dark and I was becoming afraid. I was afraid for myself but I was even more afraid for Ryan. I pictured his frail body packed tightly in a tiny ball on the floor of the cave. "It's okay Ryan." I said aloud knowing full well know one could hear me. It got darker and darker. I ran slower and slower, but not once did I or the darkening stop. It was almost pitch black when the park ranger station came into view. It was a tiny light up at the end of the trail. I ran to the light ignoring all pain in my body. I pushed open the door and dashed inside the woman at the front desk gave me a disapproving look.

"Can I help you?" she said nasally

"Yes! My friend and I were climbing the mountain and we went into this cave and my friend fell into this hole and then a bunch of rocks fell on top of him so pulled him but he's really hurt so I left him in the cave and ran all the way back here to get help so could you like call the paramedics or something?" I said fast yet rhymically as if I were singing a rap song.

The lady at the desk blinked twice then said in a rather snobby tone
"I'll see what I can do"

"Oh. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I exclaimed as I sat down on a chair across the room. I watched her pick up the phone and dial a number. That's when I heard someone else enter the room from the door behind me. I didn't bother to look until I heard their familiar voice.

"Well. Well. Well. Look who it is." He said with his deep voice. I didn't even have to turn around and look him in his black eyes to know that the man standing behind me was Brent Wilson. My body went numb at the sound of those simple words. I chose to pretend like I hadn't heard him and focus on the woman behind the desk who was now talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah. Wind. Nope. No. Rocks. He said it was rocks. Nothing about spinal cords. Nothing about intense bleeding. It's not freezing. Tomorrow morning the wind will have died down. Sounds good. Thanks." The woman hung up the phone and looked at Brent and then at me.
"The wind is too strong for the rescue helicopter to fly. So your friend is going to have to wait till morning. He doesn't sound too serious, and its not very cold, it shouldn't be a problem." Said the lady almost triumphantly

A part of me died. "Shouldn't be a problem?" I repeated over and over in my head before standing up and shouting with rage "Shouldn't be a problem? My friend is in a fucking cave right now with a broken arm! That's a fucking problem!"

The woman stared at me with huge fearful eyes. She picked up the phone again. I thought she was going to call the paramedics and tell them to find a way to rescue Ryan, but I was wrong. She hit a red button on the phone then said the word "Security" into the receiver.

"Did you just call the security guards on me? You bitch! I can't fucking believe you! I'm trying to save my friend's life and you're sitting here on your bitchy ass doing everything in your power to stop me!" I shouted my voice echoing in every room of the small building.

Brent had kept quiet this entire time. I had forgotten he was even there until he spoke. "Brendon, don't even waste your time with her. Go back up on that mountain and wait till morning with your friend or better yet save him yourself!"

My hands went numb my voice box ceased to work. I felt dizzy and in a blink of an eye I feel into Brent's arms. He caught me and carefully placed me on the chair. I woke up seconds later to the sound of his bellowing voice and the feeling of cool air as he fanned me. "Are you okay?" he asked bewildered.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I don't know what happened. I was thinking about saving Ryan and I forgot how tired I was and I just kind of blacked out." I wheezed.

"Wait. Ryan is the person trapped on the mountain?"

"uhhh...wheeze uhhh... YEAH!"

"What are we doing down here? Lets get up there!" Shouted Brent as he pulled me up and led me out the door. We started running back up the mountain. Somewhere in the distance we heard the security guard yell "Stop!" but we didn't even look back. We had to get back to Ryan.
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