Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Star Cross'd Lovers

Chapter 13-One or the Other

by shedrinksacid 3 reviews

Synester has Gerard choose between the love of his life or his own flesh and blood.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Horror, Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2007-07-07 - Updated: 2007-07-07 - 841 words

It couldn't be 9 o'clock. Her mom would've woke her up. Vetter noticed Gerard's arm still around her waist, hopefully her mom didn't come down here, see Gerard, and then run upstairs all angry and ready to explode. Vetter walked up the stairs, the TV wasn't on but all the bedroom doors were open. She turned around to go back downstairs, "Who the hell are you?" She said clutching her chest. "Did I scare you?" He said with a laugh. "Who are you?" Vetter asked again. "Oh my dear after all these years you don't remember me? I thought you loved me." "In your fucking dreams dude." She said.

He began to circle her, "You're still beautiful after all these years." He said. Vetter could feel his icy breath on her neck. "Don't even think about calling Gerard." He said tapping into her thoughts. "How do you know Gerard?" "You could say...I'm like the father figure of his life as a dead man." "Then why won't you let me get him if you're his father?" "Well I'd like you all to myself." He kissed her cheek. Vetter closed her eyes and moved away from his touch. "Aw Isabelle you don't want me now that I'm a mean old vampire." "Isabelle? Listen buddy you got the wrong girl." "No, I have the right girl. She's just buried 6 feet under this house and you're gonna pay, along with Gerard." He licked along Vetter's neck, it burned.

"Vetter." Gerard said finding her sitting at the end of the bed just staring at the wall with a mark on her neck. "What's on your neck?" He asked moving towards her. She didn't answer she just continued staring. "Honey...are you ok?" "I hate vampires." She said. "You hate me?" "No, I hate vampires. I hate those seducing, cruel, bloodthirsty, evil creatures." Gerard was confused, "Vet I'm lost." "Upstairs, I went to find my mom because you know, it's 9 o'clock and she didn't come wake me up, and there's this man up there. He was calling me Isabelle and he said he knew you and that we were gonna pay and then he showed me my mother and my sisters and they were..." Tears began to fall again. Gerard knew exactly who she was talking about.

"What sweetie?" He said wrapping his arms around her. "They were dead Gee." She said bursting and throwing herself towards him. Anger filled his insides, how dare he do this to the woman he loves. Just because he killed the woman he loved he was not taking Vetter away from Gerard as his revenge. He could hurt Gerard all he wanted to but taking Vetter away, and killing her family..."He's gonna pay. That fucking bastard is going to pay."

Gerard left Vetter, unwillingly, and headed to the cemetery. "Synester you fucking asshole!" He shouted. Synester came out from behind the mausoleum, "Gee, so nice to see you." "You son-of-a-bitch!" Gerard shouted throwing himself towards the other vampire. Gerard hit the stone wall. "Gerard I'm afraid you brought this on yourself." "How did I do that?" "You broke the rules by leaving the house, you didn't do what you vowed to do, and you fell for a mortal." "You killed the only family she has." Gerard said sternly. "No I didn't kill them, they're inside. So is your dear brother." Mikey, oh God Gerard hadn't seen his brother in forever and now that he was going to he was-"What did you do to Mikey?" "Not just Michael, his son, and his wife. His wife is quite beautiful even though she's aged." Synester smirked. "I swear to God I'll fucking kill-"

"Kill me?" He laughed. Gerard heard a loud scream and pushed past Synester.
"Gerard?" Mikey asked. "I-" he looked over and saw Vetter's sisters giving in to the lack nutrition and care. "Gerard." Mikey said. "Where's Vetter?" Jim snapped. Gerard looked up as Vetter's mother did. "How do you know my daughter?" Vetter's mother asked Gerard. "I love her." He said. Everyone's eyes bugged except for Synester's. "Gerard your dead." Mikey said in a matter-of-fact tone. "You have to choose now Gerard. It goes like this, you choose between these people or Vetter. Your brother, nephew, sister-in-law, and Vetter's family or her." "Just because you killed the woman you love-." Synester slapped Gerard across the face. "Love hurts Gerard. If I have to be a lonely vampire, so do you. Now you have until sunrise tomorrow, I suggest you go and think hard about this decision." "Where's Vetter!?" Jim asked again. "Well she's not where Gerard thinks she is." Gerard glared over at his enemy, "What did you do with her?" Gerard asked, he sounded cold. "If you choose her, I'll tell you. I'd be amazed if you found her and then came back for these people before sunrise tomorrow." "I can do it, I'll show you. And if I do...just wait to see what I'll do to you. I'm sure Isabelle would love to see you tortured."
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