Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Starting a new life and lie

Unexpected surprises...

by patdfan27 2 reviews

No summary, just read.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Horror, Romance - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-09 - 1165 words

The following morning I took my test and passed it with flying colors due to I pulled an all-nighter. I went to Starbuck to get me a coffee when I realized I need to call Special Agent Cook for my monthly check in. I rang twice then he answered.

"Hello Uncle Mike."

"Hi Samantha, how are things?"

"Good, school sucks as usual."

"I know, how are your roommates?"

"Annoying but they are growing on me."

"Make any friends?"

"Yea, especially a guy."

"Be careful around him Samantha and don't mention anything from your past."

"What like I was raped or I use to play music or the fact that my life is a lie?"

"Don't reveal too much about your past and especially that you're your real name isn't Samantha."

"I know."

"Good, are you getting low on money?"

"I have spent about $7,000 this month and I would like to have a car as well."

"I will transfer $15,000 in your account today and that should last you for another 2 months and as for a car I will work on it."

"Thanks Uncle Mike."

"No problem. Now take care of yourself and don't get into any trouble."

"I won't and where am I suppose to go for my hair touch up?"

"I'll look for a specialist out there in Chicago and send you the information."

"I hate being blonde I hope you know that. I miss my dark brown hair."

"Samantha, get over it! You only hate it because of the bleach."

"It lowers my IQ every time."

"Bye Samantha."

"Bye Uncle Mike." I hung up the phone and headed back to my dorm. Once I got inside I saw a huge bouquet of flowers in the kitchen with a box next to it. I saw that the card was read and I read it myself.

"Sam, thanks for a great day yesterday. I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked or if you even liked flowers so I played it safe and got you roses and another gift I know you will like. Sorry for the ramble but you make me forget very easily what I am trying to say. So enjoy the flowers and the gift. Pete."

I finished reading the card and the girls came in to the dorm after their tan session.

"Who's Pete?"

"A guy who is very sweet."

"Yea the flowers are gorgeous but what is in the box?"

"I don't know but I want to find out." I placed the box on the counter and undid the bow. I lifted up the lid to reveal a new Fender pink guitar. I picked it up out of the box and turned it over to see an inscription. "Don't let the music stop. Pete."

"A guitar? Do you even play?"

"Yea, way back in the day. If you girls will excuse me I need to make a phone call." I went into my room and called Pete. It rang a couple of times until I heard him laughing on the other end.

"I wondered how long it was going to be until you called."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you."

"I take it you liked your gifts."

"No, I loved them. A pink Fender guitar are you crazy?"

"No it was between a guitar, a bass, or drums. Now I don't think drums are allowed in dorms and I don't want you to outshine me in bass, so a guitar seemed fit."

"It is great. Thank you."

"And did you like the flowers?"

"Yes and for future reference I like white and burgundy calla lilies."

"I will keep that in mind. So do you have plans for tonight?"

"Yes, with you I do."

"Great, I will pick you up at 7 then?"

"Fine, see you then." I hung up the phone and got ready. He called me to let me know that he was there and I snuck out. He was already out of his car by the passenger's side. "Why hello."

"Hello to you too." He kissed me on my cheek and opened up the door. Once he started driving I asked him where we were going.

"Well I wanted to make you a home cook meal but that might be pushing some boundaries."

"I actually think that is a great idea."

"Really? I was hoping you would say that because I have been cooking all day." I laughed and he drove to his house. Once there he helped me out of his car and led me inside. "So this is my house, sorry for the mess or lack there of." His dog runs up to me and starts jumping up and down. "And that's Hemmingway or Hemmy for short." I bent down and began to pet Hemmy.

"Aren't you just a cute little puppy? Yes you are. So where's this food you made for me?"

"In the kitchen, come on." He extended his hand to help me up and led me to the kitchen. He served our dinner and we ate. I complemented his cooking skills and he suggested we could watch a movie before he took me home. I agreed and waited for him in his living room while he cleaned up. He popped in 'A Nightmare Before Christmas.' I snuggled up next to him and placed my head on his shoulder. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remembered I was back in my old house watching movies with my family and Derek.

"So when are the two of you going to settle down?"

"Mom we have been dating for less than a year and we are not ready to settle down."

"Well don't wait around too long before you clock runs out. Derek are you ok?" I turned to Derek and saw him bleeding everywhere.

"No, no!" I screamed. I turned around to see the guy with the gun pointing it at my mom and shooting her. I called out for my dad and brother but they were not coming. Then he raised the gun toward me but I woke up in a sweat.

"Sam you ok? Sounded like you were having a nightmare."

"Sounded like?"

"Yea you kept saying no and not again."

"Yea it was a nightmare."

"Was it about that night you told me about?"


"Well you are safe now."

"I know, thank you." I gave him a gentle kiss on the lips and pulled away and leaned my head back on his shoulders. "Do you mind if I spend the night?"

"No you can sleep in the guest bedroom if you want."

"I can I sleep with you, I will feel more comfortable if you are sleeping next to me."

"No problem. Come on I will give you some clothes to sleep in." I nodded and he led me to his bedroom and gave me some clothes to change into. I crawled under his covers and fell fast asleep. Maybe I am safe now, thought.
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