Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mad By Association

Chapter 3

by poser 3 reviews

Bob the problem solver

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-10 - 1045 words

Number 3 : Mr. Grieves

The crowd disappeared. Everyone ran off like nothing happened. Or should say, everyone left so their names wouldn't be called when asked about this stupid incident. I stood looking down at two lifeless bodies on the floor. One belonging to Frank and one belonging to Jervay Drako a.k.a the asshole who hit my friend with a helmet to the head. "You should take him to the nurse," I looked to my right and there was Bob Bryar, talking.

Let alone, giving me advice. Even though Bob gave us advice we were still too shocked to carry it out. I can't believe Bob defended Frank, one cough to Jervay's face knocked him out. I feel very intimidated by him, I'm taller than he is but I fear his face the most. He's got one of those faces that screams 'murderer'."This is too much to deal with," Gerard said nervously sratching his head, as if the world was on his shoulders.

Something tells me, that it probably is. I just ignored him and tried to figure out if Frank was okay. "Should we move him or what?" Mikey was the only brave one to kneel by Frank's side. "You should take him to the nurse," Bob said again like a stuck record. "Why?" I looked at Gerard, why would he say that? Did the blow to Frank's head transfer to his? "Because he's fucking unconcious," Bob snapped, pretty much self explanatory Gerard.

I once again ignored Gerard, for he has been acting all meladramatic all day. I kneeled down on the other side of Mikey and it appeared to me that Frank was waking up. "I meant, why are you helping us?" Gerard spilled and Bob looked a bit hurt but he didn't let it show for he walked off soon after. "Nice going Gee," I said as I occupied my self. Poking Frank on his side, making him twitch and moan.

"Well I was curious, people like that aren't very helpful on occasions like these," Gee explained his behaviour. "What does it matter you're probably already on his bad side," Mikey cleverly stated. "I am on his bad side," Gee sighed and joined us on the lawn, helping with our 'lets poke Frank to conciousness' game. "Well now you must be on his worse side," I said. "Stop poking me already," Frank opened his eyes and sat up, after our shadows backed away from his body.

"You okay man? You went down rather hard," I recalled. "Yeah, the earth shook. Minor earthquake," Mikey added, with a slight grin. "I'm seeing two of each of you guys, that's not normal, right?" Frank squinted his eyes, guess we really should get him to the nurse. I stood up, pulling Frankie up soon after. "To the nurse?" Mikey questioned. "To the nurse," I nodded putting Frank's arm around my shoulder for support.

"What about him?" Mikey said pointing to the idiot on the floor. "Let the ants eat him," Gerard implied, somehow I feel that wasn't a joke. "You and Gee can lift him up," I said, Mikey looked at me like I was insane and Gee as usual had something wise to say. "He's heavier than a cow," well he's not that wise today. "Stop complaining guys, and help," I stated making my way off the lawn towards the building with Frank.

"Why should we care? His friends left him here, dead or alive they didn't care to find out. Why should we?" oh the wise ass it back. "Because we're not like that," ah couldn't have said it better myself, Mikey. "I still think we should leave him in the sun to fry, the ants would love cooked meat," Gerard figured but he helped Mikey lift the heavy idiot off the grass. "Do you smell piss?" Frank questioned, beats me.

After school I convinced Gerard to come over to my house to borrow some c.d's but I decided to confront him about his foul attitude instead. Sitting on the steps outside of my house I looked down at his sad deamenour. "What's bugging you Gee?" I asked. He got out of his trance and spoke, "have you ever woken up in the morning and wondered why did I have to get up?" I studied his question for a while.

"Yeah I guess," was my reply, still wondering what was going through the head of Gerard Way. "Well that's how I feel everyday," he continued, "useless and unwanted." "I think we all feel like that, I know I do," I assured, trying to make him feel better in a way. "Yeah but it's okay to feel like that for a second in life but, when it's haunting me every millisecond," he stressed. Oh boy how can I patch up this mess?

Before I could say anything he spoke again. "Plus school's been dragging me down, it's quickly turning into a nightmare," he explained, now I'm kind of wishing I could turn back time, just to not ask Gerard what was wrong. "It's not that bad," I stated, well not for me. "Since when do people fuck with Frank?" Gerard said and I was getting his point. Frank was one of them. Well not completely.

He's just one of those guys, who can be friends with everyone. Which he was until he met us. Then things went all, well you know. Ant under a magnifying glass explains it all. "See it's all our fault," he stated. "Hey, it's not our fault that Frank has good taste in friends," I defended myself, plus if Frank cared to not befriend us he wouldn't be hanging with us. "I just wish this were different," Gerard said.

"What do you want? Do you want to be one of them? You listen to Iron Maiden for chrissake, you play crochet, you can't fucking swim !" I made clear. "I don't want to be like them," he stated annoyed at my remarks. "Then what do you want Gerard?" I wondered, what the fuck can make him feel useful and wanted? "I just want," he paused and I waited, "nevermind." Sometimes I wonder, why I even bother.

Name: Ray

Age: Too wise for the friends I've got

Goal: To 'be'
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