Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mad By Association

Chapter 5

by poser 1 review

Bob has no friends

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-07-12 - Updated: 2007-07-12 - 745 words

Number 5 : Fucking Plague

Stares, glares, anything involving the human eyes. That's what I got when I walked down the hallway when bell rang. Was it because I stood up for Frank or the so called 'Geek Squad' ; referring to his friends? Or is it simply the fact that they fear me. Why fear me? They don't even know me. I'm as normal as they are, but they build me up to be this incriminating creature. I'm so not that way.

Yeah I may act like a jackass, but there are things you've got to do to entertain yourself in high school. Just like how jocks give wedgies, I give mean stares. "Don't look at him too hard, he might knock you out," was one of the remarks I heard. Excuse me for being considerate and helpful to those who can't help themselves. It's not my fault everyone else are make belief assholes.

Even the people you figure are genuine turn out to be plain idiots. Like Gerard Way for example, I always admired him and respected how he always handled situations, like the everyday heckling from the abnormal kids at our school. But when I saved his friend's ass from further thrashing, he questioned my motives. Stuff like that just puts me down. Little do they know, I too have feelings.

I may look tough, I may be larger than life, but that doesn't mean I should be treated like shit. Now I've been downgraded to a lower piece of scum for sticking fist in other people's business. Not as if it would bother me, I don't even have one friend in this school. For some strange reason, everyone knows my name and everyone stays away from me. I must be toxic. I walked down to the lunch area, where I usually sit at a table alone.

And I feel as if I made some more enemies, for all the tables that surround me are empty. As if I care, like I said before I have no friends and I have no intention of making any. "What's up today? Everything feels so backward," I overheard someone talking behind me. "Yeah, I know what you mean," the other person agreed. I turned around and saw two familiar faces, I turn back to my lunch when they looked at me.

Suddenly I heard a loud thump, someone dropped their lunch on the other side of the table facing me. "Hey Bob," I raised my head to see a tall fro, under all that was Ray Toro's face, before I could shoo him away, another one of them sat beside me. "Hey," what is this a joke? "Move," was all I said. I went back to my eating my lunch, but they didn't budge. "Why are you still here?" I asked getting annoyed.

Arrogance is mainly an act I put on, I don't know what to do in situations where others are nice to me. "I don't know, eating I guess," Ray replied a bit scared I must add. "Maybe we should leave," I turn my head to the kid next to me, don't know his name. He's in a lower grade he just hangs around with them. "Nah, I think we should stay," Ray says soon after he sees through my death glare.

I mean no harm, as cool as these guys seem to be, I just like to eat my lunch alone. So I packed up my stuff and move to a vacant table. Alas, peace and quiet on my own, like it should be. "My hero," they're like a fucking plague, I tell you ! Frank sat infront me. "Thanks for yesterday man, it's cool to know that..." Frank was going on and on and I was growing impatient. The blah blah blah was getting to me, seems they didn't hit him hard enough.

Yeah I did help you out, but I never asked to be your friend. Leave me alone ! It was as if my tough demeanor was disappearing before their eyes. The eyes of the kids I witness getting picked on and abused day by day. Am I really a hero in their eyes? To me I just feel like the same old Bob who shouldn't give a damn, but I do. I get fed up of hearing Frank speak so I get up and leave.

Name : Bob the Builder

Age : Obviously old enough to shave

Goal : What kind of stupid question is that?
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