Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cry All You Want

Covered in cake

by 713CemeteryDrive 3 reviews

Cake is good

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-07-14 - Updated: 2007-07-15 - 841 words

Another for the day

The movie was hilarious. We both laughed out Asses off. Except Gerard. Who snorted.
After we stayed for the credits we walked to the car discussing the movie.
"So I know this great pastry restaurant at the edge of town" He frowned "unless your boy friend has something else planned"
I grinned up at him. Hopefully thinking he didn't know that my best friend worked at that restaurant. Free food.
"Sure I'm sure he wont mind" LIER!!! My mind screamed at me to stop and go home. I of course ignored it.

Not even ten minuets later I found myself in the back talking to Katy while Gerard thought I was in the bathroom.
"He's kind of cute" Katy leaned out the door to stare at him.
"Break up with Adam?" she asked earnestly.
"Uh..." I struggled to find a way to explain this
"Not really"
She giggled.
"Drama" I laughed at turned to go back to him.
"Wait a minuet Taylor" She pulled my hair a bit to get me to stop.
"There's a bit of blood in your hair"
I turned slowly. "I had a huge tangle in my hair so I ripped my hair out brushing it."
I grinned in my mind
That's a quite brilliant lie.
She looked at me disbelieving.
She gasped and gave me a hug without talking.
"Break up with him babe, its not worth it" she stared at my face. I loved her so much right now.
"It's not that easy" I grinned.
"Hand over the cake" I reached out for it and gave her a weak smile.

When I sat down he grinned at me. Well not really more. The cake.
"It looks great" He said smiling. He scooped icing of the cake with his finger and flicked it off of me."
I grinned and flicked him some.
Soon we were totally covered in cake.
Fortunately I tasted some when it landed on my stuck out tongue. Sometimes I saw Katy wink at me when he gave me a smile that warmed me heart. Inside I was screaming at his adorableness. It was dark when we left. Still covered in cake. Stared at by wondering teens. We laughed and I clung onto his arm. In my mind I felt horrible. I knew I had a boy friend. But was I cheating if I just liked a boy but was still his friend?
Yes...totally yes. He beated me and made me feel like a I deserved it and yet felt guilty when I was out with a guy friend. Who just happened to be hot and adorable.

I stared at Taylor. She was beautiful. I fell myself falling in love her. I knew it was wrong. She has a boyfriend and I felt so guilty. I wondered deep inside if she liked me at all. Maybe she acted like this with all her guy friends. She seemed so much better then me. She lived in a great house. And me? An Art school drops out with four friends. On who was my brother. So lame. I had even told them about Taylor. They helped me pick out an outfit for god sakes. For the past too weeks I had shared a relationship with two men at the same time. Ben and jerry. I felt like a girl. Taylor was clinging to my arm and her head was rested on my shoulder. I felt safe with her. My heart welled when I looked into her black eyes. I closed my eyes and walked in the direction of the car. She was leading me really. I grinned inside myself.
"I had fun" She said suddenly.
"Me too" I said. Today I wasn't going to get drunk or high with the boys. I was already high.

"He's perfect" I thought. He wasn't like Adam at all. It took an hour to get to his house. He lived in a crappy neighborhood. But I didn't care. When I got to his apartment I stepped out too. Four guys were waiting for him.
"Guys" Gerard took me to them "This is Taylor" He grinned at me.
"Taylor" He said "This is Ray" He gestured towards a guy with a frizzy Afro for hair.
"Mikey, my brother" He pointed to a kid. He had glasses and hardly looks like Gerard at all. Instead of jet-black hair he had dirty brown.
By the end of ten minuets I got to know bob and frank.
Bob was the only one with blonde hair. He liked cats a lot.
Frank hat tattoos on his arms and he even showed me on he had on the inside of his lip. NJ. He was vegetation and liked Dinosaurs. They all were funny and soon became my friends. I said goodbye and drove home. When I got their Adam was standing in the doorway. His face was red. He did not look happy. I stepped out of the car and awaited my punishment.

Sorry it's short. Review
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