Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What I seem


by sum1skid 0 reviews

who's up for a stroll?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-22 - Updated: 2007-07-22 - 1263 words

The next day Gerard decided that it was time for me to get out of the apartment, considering it's been about a week.He decided that we were gonna go to the park for one reason or another. I personally don't like the park because it seems as if everyone is taunting me with the way they can move about freely and I'm stuck in a stupid wheelchair completly strapped in because of my sudden movements that can make me go flying from it. So off we went, we didn't even drive there this time, we walked. Let me tell you how long of a walk that is. Oh, I don't know maybe about 1 1/2 hours?!?!?! It's not like i was walking but I get bored easily especialy when the only things to look at are trees, the sidewalk, and the people who are trying not to be rude but can't help but stare at the poor retarted guy in a wheelchair. I sighed heavily and looked up at Gerard who was on the fone with someone and then I looked at Frank who seemed to be having as much fun as me. I tried to get his attention but ended up hitting some poor lady instead. I saw frank help her up and apologize for me and then we went on our way, so I tried once again to get his attention, this time being successful.
"Well, arent we just all arms today Mikey, what's up?" He saw the bored expression on my face and started laughing. "Don't worry we should be there in a couple of minutes. Don't tell Gerard, but I'm bored too." I smiled, which ws my way of laughing, and turned back around. After about another long and tedious 5 more minutes we were there. We walked up the side of a hill and started to set some stuff up. Gerard laid a blanket and my favorite pill down and got me out of the chair. Then he started to get some food out.I was to busy watching Gerard when his good friend Ray came up from behind me and touched my shoulder. I jumped so violently that I accidently knocked him over. Gerard and Frank started laughing at him and then helped him up.
"That's what you get for scaring Mikey haha. He's got his own defense tactics these days."
"Haha yea I gues you's right. Sorry bout that Mikes. I didn't mean to scare you that badly." He sat down next to me and i got my breathing back to normal.Gerard had set out some cut up fruit in front of me and some other stuff for everyone else. I loved it when Ray came around because I loved to play with his hair. It was so long and curly and poofy and even if I wasn't 'retarted' I would still play with it at any chance I got. So there, I was petting Rays head when he got a fone call and looked down sending his obnoxiuosly big hair into my face knocking me over. I started to laugh when Gerard realized what had happened.
"Mikey are you ok? Well, you seem to be ok. Here let's sit you up again." I was still laughing when he got off the fone not even realizing what happened.
"What's so funny?"
"You knocked him down with you hair Ray. That seems to be the big joke today."
"You are just absolutley obsessed with my hair. You know if it weren't for you I'd cut it but I know how much you love it so I won't." I was still laughing a bit, but I felt honoured that Ray would keep his hair for me. When he turned to start talking to Frank and Gerard I decded I could leave him alone for a bit and eat something. I was getting bored again when I saw a couple of ducks only a couple of feet away and decided that I was gonna go and try to watch them over at the fountain. so I rolled over and started to kinda like army crawl my way over when Frank noticed me going.
"Whoah, trying to escape are we Mikey? He picked me up and brought me back over to the blanket. I was putting up a fight though, I wanted to see the ducks. "Mikey, come on. Stop making this so difficult. I'm gonna drop you if you don't stop wiggling." And he almost did. Luckily for me though he caught me right before he did. Being as how I was almost hurt I got scared and started to cry. Gerard came over and took me from Frank's hands was trying to soothe me when I saw the ducks again.
"Uck! Uck!" He looked over to where I was looking and saw the ducks.
"You wanna go see the ducks? is that were you were trying to go?"
"Uck!" So off we went to see the ducks. I sat and watched the mommy ducks take care of the baby ducks and I just loved how they all got in a completly straight line when they went swimming. We were over there for probably 1/2 and hour and I guess Gerard, unlike me, got bored of just watching the ducks.
"You ready to go Mikes?" I really didnt feel like going but i knew i had to be fair to him and let him socialize with Ray so i let him bring me back to the blanket.
"You have fun watching the ducks Mikey?" I looked over at ray and smiled. "Thats good. Hey how would you like to go for a ride in my new car? It's pretty sweet, I can even put the top down for you." My eyes got big and I looked at Gerard.
"Go ahead but you guys need to be back by 2 so we can get Mikey home."
"Sure thing Gee. Do you guys want a ride back to your house afterwards? If I know Gee than he made you guys walk."
"We would love a ride back." Frank said before Gerard could protest.
"Alright Mikes lets go for a spin around the block." And we did with the top down. I loved it. Who wouldn't though? Your hair blowing in the wind, the air hitting your face, it was just so relaxing and fun. I didn't want it to end but I knew if we kept going we wouldnt be back in time and Gerard would have a fit. "Alright here we are. I'm gonna put the top back up for when we go home, sorry Mikes, but it freaks Frank out for some reason." I laughed and knew exactly what he was talking about. Frank had all these wierd quirks about him. So we went back over to Frank and Gerard and noticed that they had everything packed up already so we just went back to the car.I felt my eyelids start to get heavy and tried to fight it off. We pulled up to the apartment complex just in time otherwise I would have fallen asleep in the car.
"You wanna chill here with us or do you have other plans?"
"I can chill If you want."
"Sure good. I just gotta put Mikey down for a nap and I'll be back out."
"Ok, sounds good." Gerard brought me inside the apartment and laid me in my bed.
"I'm just gonna be right outside. You get some sleep it's been a long day." I watched Gerard leave and quickly feel asleep.
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