Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What I seem


by sum1skid 0 reviews

your the mommy, your the daddy, and i'm the poor helpless child

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-24 - Updated: 2007-07-25 - 1358 words

I woke up the next morning and felt horrible. I think i was out to long yesterday because I felt like I was gonna puke any second. I just layed there and didn't open my mouth for fear of actually throwing up. I guees I had been laying there a while because Gerard came in to wake me up.
"Good morning Mikey. You awake?" I looked at Gerard but didn't make a noise. "What's wrong Mike? No smile this morning?" I looked back up a the ceiling and when Gerard went to pick me up I lost all control I had and threw up all over him. I started to tear up but refused to cry. It just kept comming and comming and I was pretty sure that I was throwing up stuff from last week at this point. Gerard had run from the room to get himself cleaned up and to start a bath for me. I had finally finished throwing up when he got back. "OK Mikey, it's ok. We're gonna get you all cleaned up and then you can lie in mine and Franks bed ok? You poor thing you look miserable. Alright, come on." He lifted me off the bed and put me in th tub to wash me.After he was done he put more clothes on and laid me in his bed next to Frank.
"Good morning Mikey. I hear your not feeling so good. Come here and let me get your temperature." He stuck the thermometer in my ear and waited until it beeped. "Awe Mikey, you poor thing. It's 102.3 Gee!" I guessed that he was in my room cleaning up. He came back into the room moments later with the cold medicine.
"Thanks Frankie." "He sat me up and poured the medicine into the little cup. I struggled away from Gerard when he tried to give it to me. "Come on Mikey. Just take it, I promise you'll feel better afterwards." I didn't care if I would feel better, that stuff was like taking turpentine. I struggled as much as I could and then Frank helped Gerard out. He Held my head still and opened my mouth. After Gerard had poured it my mouth and I swallowed, I simple slumped away from them on the bed. "We're sorry Mikey, but we needed to give it to you. It's gonna make you better." Gerard was rubbing circles on my shoulders, and it had lulled me back to sleep. When I woke up later that day I felt better, but still not good enough to want to do anything other than stay in bed. Gerard came in when he heard that I had woken up, they have a baby monitor in the room and they could hear me making sounds when i stretched.
"Hey Mikey. You feeling any better?" I looked over at Gerard and I held my arms out for him. "You want me to lay down with you? What staying in my bed and getting your germs all over the place isn't good enough? You want direct contact? Haha." I smiled and he layed down next to me.I had snuggled up to him and then I heard Frank come in.
"Mind if i join you 2?" I felt him sink down on the other side of me and he wrapped his arms around me.I just snuggled into the both of them and felt better then I had moments before. I thought we looked like a big family, Gerard was the dad, Frank was the mom, and I was their kid. I laughed a little at the thought. Gerard looked at me and smiled.
"What are you laughing about?" I looked at him and just put my head on his shoulder and tried to pull Frank closer. Frank and Gerard are more like parents to me than my own parents. Frank has been around for about 3 or 4 years now. He is just as much apart of my family as Gerard is. I don't really know what life would be like without him and I certainly don't want to find out. When I thought about it, I kinda wished they were my parents. My parents couldn't handle me after puberty and made Gerard do all the work and when he was finally stable enough they kicked me out leaving Gerard no choice but to take me in. I'm so happy that he's my brother, I don't think I could have asked for a better one.I started to drift off to sleep again when I heard Gerard ask something. I looked at him through half lided eyes and he asked again.
"You want something to eat?" I turned over and pushed my face into Frank as much as I could.
"I'm pretty sure thats a no Gee haha."
"Well geez Mikey, I don't think you made it clear enough." I simply snuggled into Frank more and went to sleep to the sound of Franks breathing. I woke up again and felt much better. I looked out the window and realized that it was dark outside.When i looked the right side of me, i saw one of my favorite toys sitting on the side table. Yes, I know. I really shouldn't be playing into this whole retarted thing when I'm actually smart, but have you heard the sound this thing makes? Even Gerard like it. I couldn't reach it and I was starting to get frustrated. finally I gave up trying to get it myself and resorted to whining. Gerard came in and looked at what i was trying to get and he gave it to me.
"Your feel like comming out with me and Frank tonight? We're just gonna grab some pizza with some friends." I held my arms out for Gerard to pick me up by. He brought me into my room and got me out of my pajamas. Withing 5 minutes we were out the door and on our way to the pizza parlor. Normally i would have stayed, but I didn't like the new sitter that they got. She was mean and made me wet myself and then called me a useless piece of shit. She was always nice to me in front of Gerard and Frank though. Maybe next time I'll have to pull out all of the stops and just throw a tantrum when they leave. We got to the parlor and I saw that there was a huge group of people that Gerard and Frank were gonna get together with. I didn't have a problem with most of them, there was just one I wasn't to fond of. Lickily Gerard already knew that made sure to stay away from him.I think his name was Brian, or Bret, or Bert or sumthing with a b. I saw we were heading towards Bob and got excited. I loved seeing Bob. He was like my own personal body guard and even somethimes my own horse if I got lucky. Bob used to come over almost everyday and play with me, but then he got a job as a touring sound tech and I don't ever really see him anymore.
"Ehh Mikey!" I started to get even more excited when i knew that he noticed me. One of my arms left me side and I accidently hit a waitress, luckily she wasn't carrying anything, but I was to happy to really notice. "Whoah careful there buddy. Watch where those weapons are goin. Come here I missed ya man." He got up and gave me a hug and then sat down again. He made me sit right next to him, not that i had a real problem with that. When it came time to order, Gerard ordered me a slice of plain pizza. When everyhting came out he cut mine up and handed it to Bob to set in fron of me. We were in the resturant I'd say a total of about 2 hours. I was exhausted by the time we got home and when Gerard laid me in bed I was asleep before he evn left the room.
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