Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walk Amongst the Stars Because You Shine Like One

Chapter 2-The voices tell me to love you but I don't want to.-June 5

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

Pete's birthday and everything goes totally wrong...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-08-20 - Updated: 2007-09-21 - 740 words - Complete

Today was Pete's birthday. Birthday. Should I get him a gift?

And forget how angry you are with him? Uh-huh.

Ignore him?

And break his heart into little pieces and stomp on them? Naw.

As you can see me and my "other half" can't make up our minds.

Make-out with Brendan?

Hmm...that should be a given

True. True.

God damn! Why can't I make up my mind?! Get him a gift certificate or something. Get a beer or two and hang with Brendan. Maybe it will be completely normal tonight. No excitement. None at all.

Ok, is it bad if even I don't believe that?


The party had beer. That's good. There were a lot of people. I could stay here all night and not be able to see Pete once. There was smoke hanging in the air.

If I get arrested I'm sueing Joe and for all his money and all his crack.

I set my present on Pete's dresser drawer upstairs in his bedroom. I turned to go but I stopped. A picture of me stood on his bedside table. My hair whisped around me and I wasn't smiling but I wasn't mad. Life back when Pete and I didn't avoid each other.

"The party's downstairs." someone called. I swung around gasping for air.

"Jesus Pete! You scared me!" I exlaimed.

He pointed downstairs. "The party is downstairs."

Cold shoulder. Very painful.

"What the hell is your problem?" I snapped. "I didn't do anything to you."

He narrowed his eyes.

"Go downstairs." he hissed.

I stomped past him and down the stairs. The party was still going on but the FOB or P!ATD boys were no where to be found.

I grabbed a beer and chugged it. I suddenly felt very thirsty and grabbed another one. That one turned into another one. By the fifth one I really don't know what I was doing. I vaugely remember dancing with some random dude from my algebra class, and I also remember basically slobbering over Joe, who was equally, if not more, drunk than I was, and then I was rudely pulled away.

"Hey I was with Joey! Let me go back to Joey! You can have him next!" I was slurring. I could hear it. God, I must look horrible.

"No. You need to stop." the person said.

He swung me up and carried me bridal style to his room. After that I seemed to have lost conciousness.

At least I think I did. Then I wouldn't have done what it looks like I did.

Shit. Pete isn't wearing pants. Ooh, this isn't good...

No, no, no, no. Why now? Why when I'm still with Brendan? Why, why, WHY?! What kind of stupid whore am I*?

Pete groaned in his sleep and stiffly turned over to his side. God, we really had done it hadn't we? No, not like this. It can't have happened.

Suddenly Pete's eyes snapped open and he sat up. He stared at me and I stared at him. We both didn't say a word for a few minutes.

"Shit." Pete muttered. "Shit, shit, shit."

I picked at the sheets bunched around my chest and refused to look towards Pete. He got up and threw my clothes at me. I pulled them on silently and then I walked out of Pete Wentz's house tears streaming down my face.

Brendan wasn't at my house, thank God and I made sure no one else was before I crawled into my bathroom and washed myself. I felt as if I was clensing myself of a layer of skin. Like a snake shedding it's skin. That was my pre-famous Pete skin. Now it was just me. Kendra Moore. Living without a true love. Not even Brendan could pull me out of my sadness.

It took only 10 minutes after my shower for my heart to burst into dust and sink to the floor.

Great. I'm heart-broken and Pete-less.

And in only 11 days. That's got to be a record for me.

Ok, I am REEEEEEALLLLY sorry for the long wait. My computer is a piece of crap and wont let me on so right now I'm on my dad's account. So I hope none of ya'll decided to abandon poor Kendra's quest for true love because her broken heart would break even more if you gave up on her...

*=Sorry Kendra for calling you a whore... I love you!
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