Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > You're appealing to emotions that I simply do not have, right?

Secrets Secrets Secrets

by patdfan27 3 reviews

Vicki reveals a major secret to Pete. How will he react? But what else is she keeping from him? Read Rate and Review to find out!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2007-08-21 - Updated: 2007-08-21 - 1057 words

Pete’s POV

The next morning I woke up to find Vicki not laying next to me. I threw on a shirt and went downstairs to go look for Vicki. I went into the kitchen where I found Vicki with her head hung low gripping on to her coffee mug almost as if she was going to break it.

“Vicki are you ok?” She jumped when she heard my voice when I noticed her eyes were red with tears rolling down her cheek. She shook her head no and I knelt down in front of her. She looked away but I made her look at me. “Vicki tell me what’s the matter.”

“I’ve been up all night wondering if I should tell you everything about my past, but I kept running through two different scenarios. One you would brush it off and not care or you would leave me.”

“I would never leave you for something that has happened in the past. Was it before we officially started dating?” She nodded and cried.

“Before I met you I was in a relationship with a guy who I thought I was going to marry. He was my first almost everything and I loved him. He broke my heart and all I wanted to do was get revenge on him. So I slept with three of his friends.”

“Ok, why do I have a feeling you are holding something back.”

“Because it was Michael Guy and the guys I slept with are his band mates except Will until recently.” I was left speechless but I could tell she still had more to tell. “And one drunken night at a party I slept with Gabe and I slept with Brendon several times.”

“Anyone else on my label you have fucked?” Yelling at her causing her to cry even more. She shook her head and I got up. I walked around the kitchen pacing back and forth. I stopped and look at Vicki. “I need to clear my head. I don’t know when I will be back but I can not talk to right now without wanting to yell and saying something that I may later regret.” I walked upstairs to put on clothes before I left Vicki. I drove to my old house and went in. I sat on the couch waiting for any of the guys to wake up. I must have fallen asleep when I felt a hand being smacked on my forehead.

“Pete wake the fuck up! What the fuck are you doing here when you should be at home with your fiancée?”

“Well Joe, Vicki and I had a fight and I left before things got out of hand.”

“What was the fight about?”

“The past.”

“The past is the past, so leave it there.”

“Is Patrick around?”

“Yea I heard him pacing in his bedroom, why do you always talk to Patrick?”

“Because Patrick listens and gives me advice.” I got up and headed for Patrick’s room. I knocked until I heard go away. I opened the door and he was going to yell until he realized it was me.

“What’s the matter?”

“I need you advice.”

“Are you ok? It looks like you are on the verge of tears.” I told him about Vicki and broke down. Patrick sat in his chair and nodded. “You know things could have been much worse like you finding out when you two were married or finding out from one or all of them. She loves you way too much for her to even say anything unless of course someone gave her an ultimatum.”


“Yea what if someone told her she had to tell you or they would tell you, like a bargain. Ever thought about that?”

“No, but 7 guys on my label she slept with and not to mention Michael Guy she once loved.”

“Yea but she loves you and she probably has been faithful to you and your relationship. So go home to your wife to be.” I nodded and headed back home. I noticed Vicki’s car wasn’t in the driveway which means she resorted to her parent’s house more than like. I drove to Butch’s place and saw her car parked. I got out and knocked on the door. Butch opened the door and stepped outside.

“She doesn’t want to talk you right now.”

“Too bad, because I want to talk to her and she can just listen if she wants too.”

“She is in her room, but if I hear any yelling at her I will throw you out. Understand?” I nodded and headed up to Vicki’s room. I didn’t even knock and walked into her room and sat on her bed. She turned around and took something out from under her pillow.

“I guess you want this back.” She gave me her engagement ring and turned back around.

“Vicki, I am not here to break off our engagement. I am here to talk to you.”

“About what? How you left this morning without wanting to talk about what I told you? I didn’t care if you yelled at me I needed you to talk to me and tell me how you felt.”

“You want to know how I feel then? I felt disgusted that my fiancée slept with all those guys on my label. But I realized that it took a lot of courage to tell me about your past. When I asked you to marry me, that included everything from both our past and our baggage. I have demons too and we will face them together. Together every single day. But I can not do it by myself, I need you by my side.” She turned to face me and nodded. I grabbed her hand and slipped her ring back on her finger. I bent down to kiss her and she sat up.

“So is there anyone else you slept with from my label or any other major secret I should know?” She smiled and covered her mouth and ran off to her bathroom. I heard her throw up and flush the toilet. She comes out of the bathroom with her hand covering her mouth.

“Yea about that major secret I think I might be pregnant.”
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