Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Knowing

Muggle Clothes and Mortals

by Kailos 0 reviews

Some swearing i think in this one, plus 3rd chappie!!! ha ha LOL! Just a note, when it says By Zorath Black, that's my author name on another site, kk?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-09-02 - Updated: 2007-09-02 - 797 words

Chapter 3


Muggle Clothes and Mortals

By Zorath Black

Disclamer: o.k people as u know Harry and his world are not mine that is all the Goddesess (J.K Rowling, I would bow at ur feet if I could). So know u all know that. But u should have all known that already and if u didn’t I would call u a simpleton.( heh…heh…Been watching a lot of Pride and Prejudice =D zorath)

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Zora laughed nervously, “Heh, heh. What do you mean muggle clothes?”

Onyx started mumbling to herself. “Humph who uses the word muggle! You only use that word if you’re talking about Harry Potter!” Onyx still mumbling to herself said even more, “Huh, muggle! No this is what we call MORTAL clothing-“ She was cut of by Zora elbowing her in the ribs.

Zora smiled nervously “Heh, heh… Don’t mind her! She probably just banged her head TOO HARD” Zora said the last bit forcefully directing it at Onyx with a glare.

Onyx smiled nervously and said “What?”

Zora shook her head and they both turned to Harry, Only to see him pointing his wand at them and saying a spell. He stopped quickly as he realised they were staring at him and he smiled and laughed nervously, “Heh, heh… Errr…Just checking you weren’t an illusion.”

They both stared at him like he was crazy. “Oh never mind!” He exclaimed, “I’ll explain it to you later. Here take a seat”, he said gesturing to at the plush armchairs near the fire.

Zora couldn’t resist. She ran back as far as she could get and ran forward towards the armchair and jumped into the air, did a graceful twist, and landed onto it shouting ;


As she lazed on the chair, Legs over one arm rest, hand on the back of the chair, and her back leaning on the other armrest. That was when she noticed that Harry had been stunned by her little stunt and Onyx was berating her while trying to wake him up.
“Thanks IDIOT! He’s a mortal! You NEVER EVER, do that in front of MORTALS!”

“Oh, so now I’m the one who wasn’t wise you where the one who said Mortal in front of him in the first place! Oh and I forgot to tell you since we are in a Parallel world, things might be a bit different considering that-“Onyx stopped her in mid sentence.

“Wait what did you JUST say! Parallel WORLD! You mean there are more than 3!”

“ Of course there are bloody well more than 3!!! Why- oh shit! ” Zora cursed. She got up out of the chair with a catlike grace that could only be acheived by hard practice, and knelt at Harry’s body.

“ Onyx, you and I have to shut up! Even if he is paralysed by shock, that doesn’t mean he can’t hear! ” Zora whispered frantically in Onyx’s ear.

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These people are weird, Harry thought, they keep talking about more than 3 worlds, when there’s only the one! And boy was that jump weird! It’s done a Perfectus Totalus(sp) to me! Whoah! The pretty one with black hair and silver-grey eyes has come over…whispered something in the girl black hair with blue eyes ear…now black hair with grey eyes is putting her hand over my face! OH NO! What’s she gonna do!?!?!?! Harry was now just more than a little frightened.

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Zora leaned away from Onyx and put her hand over Harry’s face. His green eyes signalled that he did not want Zora’s hand over him, in case anything else bad happened.

Zora chuckled, “ Don’t worry whoever you are ,( Zora’s thoughts: but might I say you look alarmingly like Daniel Radcliffe), I’m not gonna hurt you! I’m just gonna make you able to move” She smiled gently.

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Uh huh … sure your not........Harry then felt a magical feeling, surge through him, from where this girl touched him with her hand on his forehead, to the veery tips of his toes.

But how could that be she didn’t even have a wand, she didn’t even say a WORD!!!

This is crazy, why are they even here!?! How are they even connected to the spell in his transfiguration book, or that globe that he saw them in!!!

Oooooooh! I can move!!!

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A/N: Like i will always say now. Please make me happy and take some time to write a review.

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Like I said


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