Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walk Amongst the Stars Because You Shine Like One

Chapter 19-Romeo and Juliet-Aug. 3

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

Is Patrick alive? Pssht. Of course it's his leg that got shot.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-10-15 - Updated: 2007-10-15 - 873 words - Complete

Patrick was stable but unconcious. The doctors weren't letting us into the ER and Mr. and Mrs. Stumph wouldn't stop sobbing with Amy.

Pete was sitting frozen in a hospital chair staring at a tile on the floor. Joe and Andy were on either side of him. Brendan was sitting next to me rubbing my back quietly and for some reason I found myself thinking, "Here we are again."

I felt bad for thinking it but I couldn't help it.

Mrs. Stumph let out a loud sob and Pete flinched. I ran a hand through my messy hair. When would we be able to see Patrick? Does he need us? Does he need Amy? Is he scared? Why am I asking so many questions? I looked over at Pete who was still staring sullenly at the floor.

Did I think about him like that when he was in the hospital?

He must have felt me staring because he suddenly looked over at me and held my gaze. We stared at each other until a silver-headed doctor walked in through the door and announced that Patrick would be ok and was requestion he see his friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Stumph looked at each other and got up to see their son. Amy trailed in after them.

Brendan sighted sadly and leaned in and kissed my shoulder. I was waiting for him to ask if I was still going to Jersey but he didn't. he was too much of a gentleman to do that.

Was I still going to Jersey? I looked over at Pete again. He was alone, loveless, and almost lifeless and yet I still felt my life being pulled away from little old Williamette.

I still was going to Jersey.

I'm pretty sure Brendan felt that vibe as he sighed agin and rested his chin on my shoulder.

Mr. and Mrs. Stumph arrived back a few minutes later. Amy hadn't come back yet she was still talking to Patrick. Joe and Andy attacked the Stumphs with questions.

"Was he ok?"

"Is he in pain?"

"Oh God, he'll never sing again."

"Did he say anything?"

I got up and ooked into the window where Patrick's room was. Amy had her back to me but Patrick was overlooking the window. He gave a weak smile in my direction and it completely broke my heart. I opened the door and slunk into the room.

"Hey Dra." Patrick whispered.

"Hey Patty-Bear." I murmured "How ya feeling?"

He shrugged but I saw the movement hurt him. "I've been beter." He said, then he cracked a small smile "Well, atleast now I can say I've been shot."

I smiled at his heartbreaking joke. "Yeah, youre tough now." I whispered.

"Dra, dn't cry. I'll be alright. I'm alive aren't I?" Patrick said. "I could be dead."

Amy let out a squeak. "Please don't say that Patrick, I couldn't live without you."

He smiled at Amy and reached over and brushed a hand across her cheek. "I love you Amiez." He whispered.

She kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Patty." She replied.

Patrick smiled at her and then looked over at me. "I feel fine, Dra. I'm not in too much pain."

I nodded and patted his shoulder "Alright. If you say so." I placed a friendly kiss on his cheek and just as I was about to leave, Amy walked out. I told her to wait up for me outside and I walked back up to Patrick.

"Hey Patrick, did you know the gunman?" I asked.

"Was he caught?" Patrick asked suddenly.

I nodded. Patrick let out a sigh of relief.

"He's Amy's ex-boyfriend." He replied. "Not Chris, this guy was worse. She and I went out on a date and we hung out at a bar. He walked in and started hitting on Amy. When Amy told him she was taken he asked who and I spoke up. He was drunk and started pushing me around. When I didn't fight back he grabbed Amy's arm and started pulling her away."

I looked back out of the window where Amy was sitting, her head bent to the floor. "Poor girl." I murmured.

"I snapped and nailed him in the jaw. I grabbed Amy and walked out. He swore revenge and he got it." Patrick whispered.

I lightly pushed his shoulder.

"Hey, you beat him up and you survived a bullet." I said. "amy probably thinks of you like her hero."

He smiled at me.

"You think?" He asked.

I looked over at Amy again as she swept her blonde hair into a ponytail and smiled at the floor as she thought of only she knows.

I nodded slowly as tears pricked my eyes and smiled at the thought of how if it could be I'd be Amy and Pete would be my Patrick.

Like the Romeo and Juliet of our time.

"Yeah, she does..."I whispered as one tear rolled down my cheek slowly.


I'm listening to Copper Sun on cd. It's kinda funny...The woman who's reading is giving all the character's a voice. It's about black slaves and so she's giving them voices.

God, it's so annoying now, Justin Timberlake is in the background.
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