Categories > Original > Horror > Horror Hospital

I'm Afraid of Needles

by SWS020 0 reviews

Brooke and Malcum find themselves in a wee bit of trouble and death...

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-10-16 - Updated: 2007-10-19 - 413 words - Complete

When they hit floor 4, Brooke and Malcum warily started down the hallway. "Malcum can I tell you something?" Brooke asked as she laced her fingers with his. "Course" He smiled. "Well back in the...hallway before we found out about..." Brooke watched as Malcum's face fell at the refrence of Clark. "I mean right after the crash, I noticed a...a black shadow. It seemed unnatural, it seemed unhuman." Brooke shuddered. Malcum smiled and gave her hand a light squeeze. They continued up the hallway until Malcum came to quick hault. "What?" Brooke asked. "Do you smell that?" Malcum said letting go of her hand and headed for a door.

The room they had entered was filled with needles. Shots were hung up on the walls with brownish blood stained on the needles. "Oh" Brooke said and back out. "What's wrong?" He asked turning towards her. "I'm afraid of needles, Malcum" Brooke said and backed into the door, slamming it shut. "No!" She screamed and tryed the to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. "How ironic!" Brooke said throwing her hands into the air. "Brookie calm down." Malcum said coming towards her, but she wasn't paying attention to her worried boyfriend. Standing behind him in the corner stood a black figure like the one she had seen in the hallway. "Malcum" She started and slid away from the door and towards the wall further beside her. "Brooke what is it" He asked not turning around. The figure began to imerge and come closer. "Malcum....move" She said silently. A loud crash came from above them and a large piece of plaster fell.

It was like everything began in slow motion. The plaster slowly hit a metal plate, shutting it up. Malcum shouted as the 13 needles shot towards Brooke's back. "Brooke" He yelled as he reached out for her. All Brooke felt was Malcums arms wrapping them selves around her and him spinning her around. The needles shot hard into his back and as if a invisble force pushed all of the morphine into his back. "Mal..." Brooke said as the air in Malcum's lungs stopped coming. Stumbling back from the weight of her boyfriend, Brooke felt a sharp pain shot through her. Her breath caught and the blood rushed up to her throat. Looking down she could see the metal chair leg stick between Malcum and her. The leg was wedged staight through her and stuck in between Malcum's ribs and abdomen.
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