Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Jay Gets His Groove On!

"Let's Do the Time Warp Again!"

by I_am_Me 2 reviews

Another crazy dancing Julius story, this time with "The Time Warp."

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-12-14 - Updated: 2007-12-15 - 720 words - Complete

“Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!”

Delilah and Nosey were walking down the hall discussing how Nosey could possibly have such bad luck for falling into smelly locations. They had decided that Fate was against Nosey and was determined for him not to have a date for the rest of his spy career. They were passing Julius’ room and heard the happy, bouncy, beat of “Dammit Janet” from The Rocky Horror Picture Show blasting through the door. Delilah and Nosey thought nothing of it and walked past. A few minutes later, they walked past Julius’ room again. This time, “The Time Warp’s” beat was starting up. Curious to see if Julius knew the Time Warp, Nosey and Delilah poked their heads in.
“Magenta: You’re lucky, he’s lucky, I’m lucky, we’re all lucky! Ha ha ha ha!
Riff Raff: It’s astounding. Time is fleeting. Madness takes its toll. But listen closely,
Magenta: Not for very much longer,
Riff Raff: I’ve got to keep control. I remember doing the time warp, drinking those moments when the blackness would hit me.
Together: And the void would be calling.
Transylvanians: Let’s do the time warp again! Let’s do the time warp again.
Criminologist: It’s just a jump to the left,
Transylvanians: And then a step to the right,
Criminologist: Put your hands on your hips,
Transylvanians: Then pull your knees in tight, but it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane. Let’s do the time warp again! Let’s do the time warp again!
Magenta: It’s so dreamy, oh, fantasy free me, so you can’t see me, no not at all. In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention, well secluded, I see all.
Riff Raff: With a bit of a mind flip,
Magenta: You’re into the time slip,
Riff Raff: And nothing can ever be the same,
Magenta: You’re spaced out on sensation
Riff Raff: Like you’re under sedation.
Transylvanians: Let’s do the time warp again! Let’s do the time warp again!
Colombia: Well, I was walking down the street just a-havin’ a think. When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink. He shook-a me up, took me by surprise. He had a pickup truck and the devil’s eyes. He stared at me and I felt a change. Time meant nothin’, never would again
Transylvanians: Let’s do the time warp again! Let’s do the time warp again!
Criminologist: It’s just a jump to the left,
Transylvanians: And then a step to the right,
Criminologist: Put your hands on your hips,
Transylvanians: And bring your knees in tight, but it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane. Let’s do the time warp again! Let’s do the time warp again!
Colombia’s tap dance solo
Transylvanians: Let’s do the time warp again! Let’s do the time warp again!
Criminologist: It’s just a jump to the left,
Transylvanians: And then a step to the right,
Criminologist: Put your hands on your hips,
Transylvanians: You bring your knees in tight, but it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane. Let’s do the time warp again! Let’s do the time warp again!”

Yep, he knew it all right. Julius knew all the steps perfectly, right down to the pelvic thrusts. Nosey and Delilah removed their heads from inside the room, quietly shut the door, and backed away, slowly, from the door.

They stood there for several minutes in shock, then continued down the hallway, silently agreeing to never speak about what they had just seen, ever.

(A/N: Heeey, everybody. So here’s another crazy Julius dancing one-shot. This one came into my head shortly after I did the moo shoo fanfic, but I never got around to writing it. This may possibly be handed in for English. I’m now thinking that I may do a series of one-shots like this. Any feed back and/or song requests would be greatly appreciated! But be fore-warned, it may be a while between updates. Thank you! I don’t own D&J or “The Time Warp,” much to my annoyance. If I DID own D&J, I’d totally put out DVDs.)
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