Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Seconds Counting Down Until I See You Again

Chapter 21- The Writing Process-July 30

by rejected_smurf_god 4 reviews

Writing a story with a broken heart is surprisingly easy.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-12-20 - Updated: 2007-12-20 - 859 words - Complete

"Harry Potter is over-rated." Amy whispered as we watched Harry Potter battle Moldy-shorts, er, I mean, Voldemort in the graveyard.

"Who gives a flying fuck about Harry?! I wanna see the twins!" Rebekka cried. She threw a pillow at the screen.

"Ron is so much cuter than the twins." Leslie stated.

"Are not!" Rebekka exclaimed. "Take it back."




"SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" Spencer screamed "Poor Harry. No one loves you do they?"

"Spence," Brendan begain "did you just speak to the TV?"

"No. I talked to Harry. It's different."

"Whatever Spence, it's still weird." Jon muttered.

Spencer stuck out his tounge and threw popcorn at Jon.

We had gone on a move rampage, buying movies that looked reletivly good and then, on our tour bus with Panic!, we'd watch them, all screaming at the wrong times and laughing when someone dies just because we're like that. Spencer chose all the Harry Potter movies this week. Last week I had chosen the movies and I picked all of the Tim Burton movies.

Pete showed up long enough to see those and then disappeared when 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' was done.

I haven't seen him since.

Well, that's a lie. I've kept an eye on him but all he does is sigh, write, sleep, drink coffee, eat ramen, sigh some more, and write some more. No more pills.

When Harry Potter got to be a little much ("Oh Fred! I love you! You're such a SEXY BEAST!" Rebekka screamed) I went back to my bunk and stared at the ceiling/bottom of the bunk above me, not really thinking of anything.

"What, you don't like Harry Potter?" I heard Pete ask.

I looked over at him. His black hair fell in front of his eyes and his eyeliner. All in all, he looked fairly sexy.

"He's too heroic for me. I like my men making mistakes." Whoa. I didn't mean to make that sound hintish.

Pete smiled and continued on. "The heroes make you fell like you should live up to something, right?"

I nodded "Damn straight."

Rebekka gave another love screech and Pete gave a little laugh. "She alright?"

I smiled "Just in love with a fictional character."

He gave me a huge smile. "What about you? You love fictional characters?"

"I don't thinkso." I replied. "A fictional character that screws p all the time and never gets the girl he wanted but the girl he needed isn't out there as of yet. It doesn't sound convincing."

Yes it does.

At least that doesn't sound like me and Pete.

"What if the girl he wanted and the girl he needed were the same person?" He asked quietly, every part on his face stoney and serios.

Damnit he brought it back to us.

"Well, it would be a very touching and deep story." I whispered.

He nodded.

"Yeah, it would be."

"He could love the girl for something she's pretending to be-" I started.

"But not until she starts being herself does he notice that he loves her for her."

Finally, this didn't sound like us.

"Throw in a couple of twists like a boyfriend-" I said.

"A one night stand-" Pete added.

"A pet-"

"A loving and saying you don't-"

Pete trailed off. We were back to our story. Our screwed up love life.

"He could have an obsession to be with her." Pet whispered. "And dodge every bullet to be with her."

I was speechless. My mouth opened and closed but my brain seemed to have been turned off and disconnected from my mouth.

"But it's just an idea." Pete stated shrugging and he went down to writing in his notebook. He scribbled things out a lot. I tried not to become curious but when he finally ripped out a piece, crumbled it up, and thew it out the tour bus's window I couldn't help but wonder what he was writing that needed a notebook of rough drafts.

"What are you writing?" I asked.

He looked up from his notebook at me and the back down at his notebook.

"A-" He paused trying to find the words. "A speech, I guess. It's to someone I feel I've hurt."

We both tried to avoid each other's eyes. I wished I wasn't such a wuss. But then again I wished a lot of things.

Including that Pete still loved me.

While Rebekka released another happy squeal (but this time it was accompanied by Ryan's evil laugh) me and Pete shared a very awkward silence full of things we wished we could say.

Maybe Harry Potter was over-rated but at least he makes someone happy.


My number 1 favorite thing to do in stories? Well, I have two number 1 favorite things,

1. Causing drama
2. Making my characters think the exact oppisite of me.

It's so fun!

Well, Christmas break has officially started. I've been doing practically nothing today. I was at school, yes, but in History today we watched National Treasure. And in Algebra, we played Bingo, and in Photo I ate so many cookies I'm sure I'm going to get sooo sick tonight.

Merry Christmas you guys!

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