Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Seconds Counting Down Until I See You Again

Chapter 22- Bus Driver Blues- Aug. 2

by rejected_smurf_god 5 reviews

The drama ensues...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-12-29 - Updated: 2007-12-30 - 941 words - Complete

The minute I got out of bed I was bombarded with new bulletins but everyone was the same:


It had to come out some time, but it was dissappointing. Nothing about who he was marrying. Nothing about why now. Nothing at all. Just that he's shown off that ring to one person to many.

How ironic is it that a story about Ashlee Simpson's ne nose job is right below it?

Of course the fan mail that the girls and I got turned nastier. They usually are pretty cat-fightish but these got to the point where they were going to track me down and claw my eyes out with their razor-sharp claws.

They all thought I was getting married to Pete. Awww, how sweet.

Pete was everwhere in the magizines but nowhere in the tourbus. And this time it was true. The night after our conversation about a cool story he had packed his bags an dmoved to Panic!'s tour bus. He took that infamous hoodie of mine too. But I wasn't angry at him. He would find a much better use for it.

They didn't have anymore room for Pete unless someone went to live in FOB's bus. Rebekka, as much as she loved Ryan, vollunteered before the words had left Brendan's mouth. So most nights I didn't get to sleep until about four in the moring because of all the giggling and whispered conversation. Of course I miss my bunk buddy so I did more listening than talking and I NEVER giggled. Why would I? Rebekka doesn't care, most of the stuff she says at two in the morning about monkey poo isn't all that funny, and I can't seem to feel happy without my Peter Panda with me.

I didn't get much sleep anyways so I drove the bus at the middle of the night. Usually Dirty is up so he and I talk a lot as the sun comes up. He tells me about all the times Pete told stories about me. About how he loved me, missed me, wished I wasn't angry at him. Dirty told me he expected me to be some kind of fake, blonde-bimbo, whore who moved on after a one night stand. No offence though.

But then he met me and Dirty said that he found out why Pete loved me so much. I was smart, beautiful, and very loving.

What drug was he taking? Can I have some so I can see what Dirty was seeing?

Some times, when Dirty was actually asleep I wonder if Pete's sleeping, or thinking of me, or he doesn't want to do either so he drives Panic's bus. Every now and then their bus passes us and I'll see him, gripping the wheel like a life float, looking straight ahead.

I miss him and seeing him makes me miss him more.

Sometimes, when I'm not feeling so emo I'll turn on the radio for a little bit. Usually within the first 10 minutes, Fall Out Boy comes on and the radio goes off. When Panic comes on, the radio goes off. Same with My Chemical Romance.

I still got calls from Gerard, but never once did I call him, except for one day where it was only me and Dirty still awake and Dirty wasn't very talkitive that day so I felt very lonely so I called Gerard and whined to him over the phone.

"Kid, you gotta be more happy." Gerard soothed.

I sighed "I can't. I finally admit I love him again and he goes and buys a ring for someone else."

Gerard paused.

"Dra, did you ever think maybe that ring wasn't for someone else?" He asked.

"Well, then, Gee, who would it be for?" I replied.


"Me? He doesn't love me. Because-"

"He has a ring. Yes, Kendra, he has a ring yet you haven't found any kind of proof of a girlfriend. No pictures, phone calls. Kendra, I'm a guy. Guys can't help but brag a little to their friends about the girls they're with. It's like a gene that we all have. Trust me when I say, it's probably you."

I didn't answer right away. I was thinking of something to show Gerard he was wrong. It was hopeless though, I couldn't. He was totally and completely right. Guys can't help but show us off. Ryan did that when he got Rebekka, Patrick made sure everyone saw him and Amy get together, Joe made a big scene, even Pete showed me off four years ago. When I thought I had found sometihng I realized all signs pointed to the sign I wanted but knew I would never get.

That ring was for me.

For me to get married to Pete.


"You finally got it, then?" He asked happily.

"I think so. I think so. Gerard, OH. MY. GOD!" I gave a loud squeal an dRebekka, sleeping next to me snorted and then fell back to sleep.

"Thank you for making me deaf in one ear." Gerard said sarcastically.

"Sorry." I whispered. "Listen I'm gonna go now-"

"Go ahead, kid, you got him hooked. Just go get 'em." Gerard stated.

"Thanks Gee. I love you."

"Love you too, kid. Stay frosty."

I laughed "Cool as ice."

And then I hung up the phone and fell asleep for the first time since Pete left the bus.



I'm working on your guys's stories but I've got a lot on my hands. Don't worry though it'll work out at some point in my young life I'll write you guys stories.

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