Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A New Start, and A Change of Heart

Here We Come

by PatrickStumpLover 2 reviews

What will happen........

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-01-05 - Updated: 2008-01-05 - 1003 words

This chapter is dedicated to redballoon. Thank you for all your reviews and support!!! :)

Everything felt as though it would be alright because of Patrick. I know it sounds silly, but it's just something that I can't explain. After holding hands for even just that minute or two, it's something hard to describe. He definitely made everything worth while. And even though we've only known each other for only about an hour or so by now, it just seems like I've known him forever. Yes I know that sounds very cliché, but it's just something that I know is right.

But the waiting was still killing all of us. And when I mean all of us, I mean all of us, including Joe, Andy and Patrick. Couldn't Pete just make up his mind? But then again, this is the Pete Wentz, and he had to make sure this was right, for us, for him and for Decaydance.

I looked at this at a two step process. First came the waiting, while we waited for Pete, then came the nervousness. The nervousness was worst of all.

Again, I started to pace.

"Do you think he's done /yet/?" I ask impatiently as I paced the floor again.

"I don't know, this could take a look time." Andy answered me while twirling a drum stick in his hand. (My drummer, again, not be confused with the other).

Wow, he seemed calm. Everyone seemed calm except for me. Everyone was just hanging out, talking to each other quietly while I paced.

"Annie it's going to be okay," Andy reassured me. "He'll sign us."

"I don't know Andy, I don't know."

I make my way over to our mini-fridge, to get myself some water. Maybe it will help calm me down.

"Do you guys want anything?" I ask Patrick, Joe and Andy.

They all nod.

"I hope it's okay, we only have water."

"It's fine." Andy quietly says.

Andy is so nice, so polite. I could already tell that we will get along nicely, that's if Pete signs us.

I hand all of them their water, and take one for myself. I try to open the cap, but my nerves are getting the best of me. I start to shake again. My hand it off, the bottle drops to the floor and the water spills all over the floor and all over my shirt. Which is of course freaking fantastic because I have a white T-shirt on. It figures. Only me, something like this will only happen to me, I'm an accident prone.

"Oh shit!" I exclaim quickly trying to pick up the bottle abd trying to cover up my shirt.

"Oh let me help you." Patrick says as he quickly lowers himself to my level.

"No no it's okay, I got it." I say as quickly as possible, hoping that he'll change his mind, and so that he doesn't see my shirt. But of course it is too late, he sees it.

All he does is turn bright red.

"Oh I'm sorry." he mutters, as he helps me up, hitting both our heads in the process.

"It's ok."

I get and walk away to throw the bottle in the trash, and walk over to my bass to put away. After a couple of seconds I realize that everyone in the room is staring at me.

"Why me?" I curse under my breath as I finish putting all my bass equipment away.

Again, I start turning bright red. And then they finally catch on that they are all staring at me, and quickly focus their attention on something else. Everyone except for Joe. He just keeps on staring. Finally Andy (Not mine), jabs him in the arm, making him wince in pain.

Finally Pete walks back in the room but he stops dead in his tracks.

"Whoa, did I miss a wet T-shirt contest? He asks.

I quickly turn bright red again. And I start to mumble incoherent things, as if trying to make an excuse for my shirt. Andy is the one that speaks up.

"No, Annie just accidentally spilled water all over herself."

"Thanks Andy, it's not like I couldn't explain that myself." I say to him.

"Well anyways, I finished making my decision." Pete finally says.

At that moment I can tell you everyone was the most alert that they had been /all day/. All eyes stared at Pete.

"I decided that-" He looked down at the floor.

This can't be good.

"I decided that- I'm so sorry you guys but I decided that-"

Shit. We just lost it everything we had hoped for. All our hard work down the drain.

"I decided that, I'm totally gonna sign you guys."

Wait! What? Did he just say that he was going to sign us?? Oh. My. God.

"You guys totally deserve it!" Pete said beaming.

I can tell you right there after that he told us that he was going to sign us, time stood still. I don't even think anybody breathed. Maybe even not Pete. I just couldn't believe it! We had did it! We had made our dreams come true!

We were all jumping up and down, hugging each other. Fall Out Boy was just smiling.

I hugged Pete, as well as the rest of Fall Out Boy. Then I hugged Patrick.

"Congratulations Andrea!" Patrick whispered in my ear. "You did it, I'm so proud of you."

His hot breath made my neck tingle.

"Thank you Patrick." I whispered back holding onto the back of his neck. I could feel the tiny hairs on the back of his neck stand up when I spoke.

Reluctantly, he let me go.

I looked back at him, smiling.

Just as that moment when I looked back at him I knew that this was meant to be. Just by the way he looked at me.

Finally I stumbled onto something good.

And this something good was Decaydace/ Fueled By Ramen records, and a man named Patrick Stump.
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