Categories > TV > Doctor Who > Tig


by SagaBoy 0 reviews

Its still goin!

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Sci-fi - Published: 2008-01-10 - Updated: 2008-01-10 - 364 words


Rose crawled into the middle of her exit, just as the door opened wide.
"K-9!!" he exclaimed. He ran up to the dog and rose took this moment to get out.
"Rose is behind you!" K-9 said, almost yelled.
"Snitch!" is all the doctor heard before the door slammed shut and he heard the lock slide. He went to pull his sonic screwdriver out before remembering that he had left it on the Console.
"Shi..." he swore before a loud, high pitch beep came from K-9.
"Language Censor Enitiated!"

Martha ran up the stairs even further. Jack was still on her tail but the Doctor had left them on the ground floor. She was now on the 6th level and she was frightened it would never end. The Doctor told her that the TARDIS was alive and new levels grew just as humans grew new hairs!
"Martha!" Jack yelled and he was suddenly behind her. Martha was so surprised, she stumbled, her foot slid from the metal grille and she fell, getting battered as she went, under the railing and down, past the ground floor and plummeted down the next 3 floors down.

Rose ran through the TARDIS and found her way into the wardrobe. Martha flew past her quickly and she couldnt hold her laughter in.
"Thats one way to get down quickly!" she yelled.
"Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..." there was a swoosh noise as Martha grabbed the railing again.
"itch!" she finished eventually.
There was several clunks as Martha headed towards Rose. She stopped in front of Rose, slapped her once and then headed up the stairs again to find Jack, he would obviously be worried about her. Rose stared at space for a second before screaming in rage and following her.

Jack her the scream and winced.
"Ooh! Someone's got on the wrong side of Ms Tyler," he grinned. He ran back down the stairs and heard Martha scream in delight as she saw him. Then rose screamed.
"We're it!" the Doctor and K-9 yelled together.
"Me too!" jack laughed.
"So we're stuck!" Rose sighed to Martha and as the men ran towards them, they grabbed onto the rail, swung over and let go.
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