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#6 The first demon to ever posses a Shikkuunn Jewel Shard!

by inuyasha67 0 reviews

Inuyasha and the gang were walking when the came up to one of Narakus reincarnations who possessed one of the fragments of the new jewel. inuyasha was suspisiouse...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Inuyasha - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-01-11 - Updated: 2008-01-11 - 693 words

Chrystal’s Prologue

So yeah, we were walking up a rocky road. I’m not quite used to this place… I’m used to cars and traffic and almost getting run over and robberies. Not here they don’t! You just got to watch out for crazy people and demons. Pretty random I know. OH YA! And one more thing… you got to worry about Inuyasha freaking out on you! That is one of the most annoying immature one yet!

“So where are we going?” asked Kagome. “Where ever gets us to the jewel faster!” Inuyasha said with a rude look on his face. “Inuyasha want to race?” I asked. We raced before, I didn’t think he’d say no, but he did. “No not now.” “Huh?” I was shocked. I really was in the mood to get my legs moving and trying to beet the half breed known as the fastest yet! I hear he is pretty quick and he’s already bet me once. I want to give it a go on more time. “Are you sure cuz…?” I said. “No.” He said. The strange thing was that he was a complete jerk with Kagome but with me he was so… I blushed. “Now now Chrystal you fall for guys TOO easily. Didn’t you like that young boy in your history class?” Kitty looked at me like she thought I had a crush on Inuyasha. I DO NOT like him! Plus, the boy kitty mentioned was far cuter…well sort of. “Nock it off!” Kitty yelled at me. “Shut it will you?” I yelled back as I covered her face with my palm. “Is there a problem?” Miroku asked. “Nope hehe” I looked at him with a guilty smile. I knew he didn’t fall for it but he was quiet any way. Thank god!

CRASSHHH “What was that?” Sango asked. There was a huge bang coming from a few feet in front of us. We all ran toward it. There he was. Wait he? I mean some guy that kept looking at Inuyasha. “Oh Inuyasha I should have known. You interfere with our plans every time! You should have left that half breed girl to me! I always knew you were soft!” The man was dressed in black. Looked like a human but I was wrong. “Shut up!” Inuyasha wielded his tetseiga. “Hey you, the one with the tail!” He looked right at me. Well at least I thought he did. “Who me?” I asked. “Yes. I believe you have a shard of the Shikuunn Jewel for me?” He asked. NO WAY! He didn’t just say what I thought he said. No demons know about that jewel! It’s practically new! WOW word goes around fast! But I only told Inuyasha and the gang! Weird! I tried playing it cool. But unfortunately demons don’t play that way. “Um what are you talking about?” “Don’t play dumb! Hand it over!” I smiled. Enough nice girl talk. Time to act it up and be tough! “Alright but don’t think you’re getting it that easily!” I smiled at him holding on to my pendent necklace. He smiled. What the? “You are pretty clever, but do you really think you can beat me?” He asked. I have to act tough. “It’ll take me 2 minutes to wipe you out!” Inuyasha didn’t think I noticed but he smiled at my toughness! It takes a whole chefs cake to make him happy! “Well if you think you’re that tough bring it on!” I was about to transform but I noticed Sango and the others getting prepared. I stopped them. “Hey leave this battle to me and Inuyasha. I want to see how it’s like fighting an e-mortal. And I want to see Inuyasha fight.” They nodded and went for cover. “Alright Inuyasha now’s you chance to show me your power!” I said. “Same for you Chrystal!” He answered with an exiting smile.”
That’s when I grabbed onto my necklace and kissed it. I transformed like always with the sparkles yaddy yadda!

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