Categories > Cartoons > Xiaolin Showdown > Daughter of Dragons

Chapter Two - Torn

by Broadside 0 reviews

Category: Xiaolin Showdown - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Clay,Kimiko,Master Fung,Omi,Raimundo - Published: 2008-01-25 - Updated: 2008-01-26 - 1066 words

Author's Note - Yes, this is part two! Enjoy everyone. ;-)

**None of the characters are mine, except for the OC's: Jacklynne Spicer, Reece Pedrosa, Summer Pedrosa and Myla Gray.


Chapter Two - Torn

Kimiko yawned and sat up, blinking in the dim sunlight. Myla was over in the other corner of the room putting her hair in a bun with a blue ribbon. “Good morning, Kim,” Myla said, turning around on the stool.

“So, this isn’t a dream,” Kimiko clarified.

“Look, I know you’re having trouble accepting this. Believe me, I am too.”

Just then, a loud knock came at the door and Raimundo’s angry voice. “Kimiko! Myla!”

Myla opened the door and looked at him. “What is it, Rai?”

“Where are Omi and Clay?” Raimundo questioned, infuriated. He held a small furry object in his hand. “They put this in my bed!” He lifted up the object and showed it to the girls. Both Kimiko and Myla’s faces brightened.

“A puppy!” They exclaimed simultaneously. Myla grabbed it out of his hands to get a better look. The fuzzy puppy was black with a little white mark on its tail. It smelled just like a little puppy should. The girls smiled as the little fur ball yawned and closed her eyes, resting her little head against Myla.

“What’s this?” Myla questioned, noticing the dog’s collar. It had a yellow tag with a red swirl on it.

“Hmm…where have we seen that mark before?” Kimiko asked. Both recognized it, but couldn’t remember.

“Who cares? That mutt had an accident on my bed,” Raimundo retorted.

“Aww, Rai, don’t be mad at the little girl,” Myla replied.

“We should give her a name!” Kimiko said.

“How about Retard?” Raimundo mocked.

“That wasn’t nice,” Myla frowned. “And besides, we should probably run this by Master Fung first, before we go on naming it.”

“What’s the point of keeping the thing anyway? All it does is eat, sleep, and leave nasty surprises.”

Myla leaned down and let the puppy lick Raimundo’s nose. “How can you resist that?”

For a second, Raimundo smiled. “Alright. Let’s go ask Master Fung.”


“You can only keep her if you all promise to take care of her and clean up her messes,” Master Fung stated.

“Deal!” Clay, Raimundo, Omi, Kimiko, and Myla chimed in.

“Alright, my Xiaolin Apprentices. We should name her.”

“Chi!” Omi shouted.

“Belle!” Clay bellowed.

“Moonfire!” Raimundo exclaimed.

“Kye!” Kimiko chimed.

“Shadow!” Myla cried.

“Calm down, everyone,” Master Fung commanded. They were quiet. “Why don’t we blend those five names? Moonshadow Belle Kyechi?”

“Or, what if we just call her Moonshadow Kyechi?” Myla suggested.

“Ooh, I like that!” Omi replied. “It is so, off and over the brick wall!”

“ ‘Off the wall’,” Raimundo corrected.

“Yes, that too,” Omi smiled.


The Xiaolin Apprentices and Master Fung sat down around the table to eat their supper that night. Next to the table was Moonshadow Kyechi. She had two bowls filled with dog food and water, and whenever she would eat, she would nearly fall in. Everyone was in good spirits as Clay and Omi explained how they had found Moonshadow Kyechi and laughed about how they put her in Raimundo’s bed and scared the living daylights out of him.

Between the laughter, Myla would turn away and think about how she was going to be leaving the Xiaolin Temple and all of her friends. So far, Kimiko and Master Fung were the only ones who knew about her graduation. She hadn’t told the boys.

Kimiko saw Myla’s expression and remembered that this would be one of the last evening meals they would have together before Myla was leaving. The graduation was in three weeks. There wasn’t much time.

“Myla, isn’t there something you would like to share with us all this evening?” Master Fung inquired.

Myla sighed and placed her fork on her plate before speaking. “There is, Master Fung.” Everyone looked up waiting for her to continue. “In three weeks, I am going to be graduating from the Xiaolin Temple to become a Dragon Warrior.”

“Wow! That’s amazing!” Raimundo exclaimed.

“Great job, Myla!”

“Then you can teach us all of your new warrior moves!” Omi smiled.

“Well... not exactly... ” They grew quiet until Raimundo broke the silence.

“Well, why not?” he asked.

Myla heaved a heavy sigh. “I’m going to be leaving the Xiaolin Temple - forever... ”

“What?” The boys said in unison.

“I’m going to be traveling far away to protect the rest of the world from Wuya’s evil,” Myla explained. “And I’m not coming back.”

“But - ” Omi was hardly ever sad, but this dismayed him.

“Look, I’m not really hungry,” Myla softly replied, pushing her bowl away. She then stood up from the table and left the room. Master Fung followed her.


Myla stopped in front of one of the temple windows and looked outside. The rain continued to fall. Just like the tears on her face. She really didn’t want to leave, but there was a whole world of opportunities for her... so many things she could do.

But then there were her friends; Omi, Clay, Raimundo, Kimiko, and Dojo.

Myla heard footsteps behind her and tried desperately to wipe away her tears. Master Fung placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Do not cry, my Xiaolin Dragon. You have lifted the heaviest of burdens from your heart,” he said, trying to comfort her.

Myla looked away, her eyes filling with fresh tears. “I don’t want to leave,” she explained with tears flooding down her face. “But I can’t stay. I am going to miss my friends if I leave, but I’m going to miss so many new opportunities, too... Master Fung, what should I do?”

“Do what you feel is right,” Master Fung sighed. “No one is going to make the choice for you.”

Myla sniffed and wiped her tears on the sleeve of her shirt. “Yes, you’re right. I’m going to go think this over in the meditation temple. Please, do not let anyone bother me.”

“Go sort out your problems,” he said. “I will go talk to the others.”

“Thanks Master Fung,” Myla replied. She left the hallway and went out to the Meditation Temple.
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